第 12 节
作者:僻处自说      更新:2024-05-31 15:57      字数:9322
  with   a   view   to   explain   the   motion    of   the   heart;   except   that   when  its
  cavities are not full of blood; into these the blood of necessity flows; … …
  from the hollow vein into the right; and from the venous artery into the left;
  because   these   two   vessels   are   always   full   of   blood;   and   their   orifices;
  which are turned towards the heart; cannot then be closed。                 But as soon as
  two drops of blood have thus passed; one into each of the cavities; these
  drops which cannot but be very large; because the orifices through which
  they pass are wide; and the vessels from which they e full of blood;
  are immediately rarefied; and dilated by the heat they meet with。                    In this
  way   they   cause   the   whole   heart   to   expand;   and   at   the   same   time   press
  home and shut the five small valves that are at the entrances of the two
  vessels   from   which   they   flow;   and   thus   prevent   any   more   blood   from
  ing down into the heart; and being more and more rarefied; they
  … Page 38…
  push   open   the   six   small   valves   that   are   in   the   orifices   of   the   other   two
  vessels; through which they pass out; causing in this way all the branches
  of    the    arterial   vein    and     of   the   grand     artery    to   expand      almost
  simultaneously        with   the   heart   which    immediately       thereafter    begins    to
  contract; as do also the arteries; because the blood that has entered them
  has cooled; and the six small valves close; and the five of the hollow vein
  and of the venous artery open anew and allow a passage to other two drops
  of blood; which cause the heart and the arteries again to expand as before。
  And;   because   the   blood   which   thus   enters   into   the   heart   passes   through
  these two pouches called   auricles; it   thence happens that their   motion   is
  the contrary of that of the heart; and that when it expands they contract。
  But     lest   those     who     are   ignorant      of   the    force    of   mathematical
  demonstrations   and   who   are   not   accustomed   to   distinguish   true   reasons
  from mere verisimilitudes; should venture。                without examination; to deny
  what has been said; I wish it to be considered that the motion which I have
  now   explained   follows   as   necessarily   from   the   very   arrangement   of   the
  parts; which may be observed in the heart by the eye alone; and from the
  heat which may be felt with the fingers; and from the nature of the blood
  as learned from experience; as does the motion of a clock from the power;
  the situation; and shape of its counterweights and wheels。
  But if it be asked how it happens that the blood in the veins; flowing in
  this way continually into the heart; is not exhausted; and why the arteries
  do not bee too full; since all the blood which passes through the heart
  flows into them; I need only mention in reply what has been written by a
  physician 1 of   England;  who   has   the honor   of having   broken   the   ice   on
  this subject; and of having been the first to teach that there are many small
  passages      at  the   extremities     of  the   arteries;   through     which    the   blood
  received   by   them   from   the   heart   passes   into   the   small   branches   of   the
  veins;   whence   it   again   returns   to   the   heart;   so   that   its   course   amounts
  precisely to   a perpetual   circulation。        Of this  we have   abundant proof in
  the ordinary experience of surgeons; who; by binding the arm with a tie of
  moderate   straitness   above   the   part   where   they   open   the   vein;   cause   the
  blood to flow more copiously than it would have done without any ligature;
  whereas quite the contrary would happen were they to bind it below; that
  … Page 39…
  is; between the hand and the opening; or were to make the ligature above
  the    opening     very    tight。    For    it  is  manifest     that   the  tie;  moderately
  straightened; while adequate to hinder the blood already in the arm from
  returning towards the heart by the veins; cannot on that account prevent
  new   blood   from   ing   forward   through   the   arteries;   because   these   are
  situated      below     the   veins;     and    their   coverings;      from     their   greater
  consistency; are more difficult to press; and also that the blood which
  es from the heart tends to pass through them to the hand with greater
  force than it does to return from the hand to the heart through the veins。
  And since the latter current escapes from the arm by the opening made in
  one   of   the   veins;   there   must   of   necessity   be   certain   passages   below   the
  ligature; that is; towards the extremities of the arm through which it can
  e      thither   from     the   arteries。    This     physician     likewise     abundantly
  establishes what he has advanced respecting the motion of the blood; from
  the existence of certain pellicles; so disposed in various places along the
  course   of   the   veins;   in   the   manner   of   small   valves;   as   not   to   permit   the
  blood   to   pass   from   the   middle   of   the   body   towards   the   extremities;   but
  only     to  return    from    the   extremities      to  the   heart;    and   farther;    from
  experience which shows that all the blood which is in the body may flow
  out of it in a very short time through a single artery that has been cut; even
  although this had been closely tied in the immediate neighborhood of the
  heart   and   cut   between   the   heart   and   the   ligature;   so   as   to   prevent   the
  supposition   that   the   blood   flowing   out   of   it   could   e   from   any   other
  quarter than the heart。
  But there are many other circumstances which evince that what I have
  alleged   is   the   true   cause   of   the   motion   of   the   blood:  thus;   in   the   first
  place;   the   difference   that     is   observed   between   the   blood   which   flows
  from  the   veins;   and that   from  the   arteries;   can only  arise   from  this;   that
  being rarefied; and; as it were; distilled by passing through the heart; it is
  thinner; and more vivid; and warmer immediately after leaving the heart;
  in other words; when in the arteries; than it was a short time before passing
  into either;  in other   words;  when it   was in the   veins;   and if   attention be
  given;   it   will   be   found   that   this   difference   is   very   marked   only   in   the
  neighborhood of the heart; and is not so evident in parts more remote from
  … Page 40…
  it。   In   the   next   place;   the   consistency   of   the   coats   of   which   the   arterial
  vein and the great artery are           posed; sufficiently shows that the blood
  is impelled       against them with more force than against the veins。                      And
  why should the left cavity of the heart and the                  great artery be wider and
  larger than the right cavity and the arterial vein; were it not that the blood
  of   the   venous   artery;   having   only  been   in   the   lungs   after   it   has   passed
  through   the   heart;   is   thinner;   and   rarefies   more   readily;   and   in   a   higher
  degree; than the blood which proceeds immediately from the hollow vein?
  And   what   can   physicians   conjecture   from   feeling   the   pulse   unless   they
  know that according as the blood changes its nature it can be rarefied by
  the   warmth   of   the   heart;   in   a   higher   or   lower   degree;   and   more   or   less
  quickly than before?          And if it be inquired how this heat is municated
  to   the   other   members;   must   it   not   be   admitted   that   this   is   effected   by
  means of the blood; which; passing through the heart; is there heated anew;
  and   thence   diffused   over   all   the   body?      Whence   it   happens;   that   if   the
  blood be withdrawn from any part; the heat is likewise withdrawn by the
  same means; and although the heart were as…hot as glowing iron; it would
  not   be   capable   of   warming   the   feet   and   hands   as   at   present;   unless   it
  continually sent thither new blood。               We likewise per