第 7 节
作者:僻处自说      更新:2024-05-31 15:57      字数:9322
  the   method   which   I   had   prescribed   to   myself。        This   method;   from   the
  time I had begun to apply it; had been to me the source of satisfaction so
  intense as to lead me to; believe that more perfect or more innocent could
  not be enjoyed in this life; and as by its means I daily discovered truths
  that   appeared   to   me   of   some   importance;   and   of   which   other   men   were
  generally  ignorant;  the   gratification thence   arising   so occupied   my   mind
  that   I   was   wholly   indifferent   to   every   other   object。     Besides;   the   three
  preceding   maxims   were   founded   singly   on   the   design   of   continuing   the
  work   of   self…   instruction。     For   since   God   has   endowed   each   of   us   with
  some light of reason by which to distinguish truth from error; I could not
  have believed that I ought for a single moment to rest satisfied with the
  opinions of another; unless I had resolved to exercise my own judgment in
  examining these   whenever I   should be duly qualified   for the   task。                   Nor
  could I have proceeded on such opinions without scruple; had I supposed
  that I should thereby forfeit any advantage for attaining still more accurate;
  should such exist。         And; in fine; I could not have restrained my desires;
  nor remained satisfied had I not followed a path in which I thought myself
  certain   of   attaining   all   the   knowledge   to   the   acquisition   of   which   I   was
  petent;   as   well   as   the   largest   amount   of   what   is   truly   good   which   I
  could   ever   hope   to   secure   Inasmuch   as   we   neither   seek   nor   shun   any
  object except in so far as our understanding represents it as good or bad;
  all that is necessary to right action is right judgment; and to the best action
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  the most correct judgment; that is; to the acquisition of all the virtues with
  all else that is truly valuable and   within our reach; and the assurance  of
  such an acquisition cannot fail to render us contented。
  Having   thus   provided   myself   with   these   maxims;   and   having   placed
  them in reserve along with the truths of            faith; which have ever occupied
  the first place in my        belief; I came to the conclusion that I might with
  freedom set about ridding myself of what remained of my opinions。                     And;
  inasmuch as I hoped to be better able successfully to acplish this work
  by holding intercourse with mankind; than by remaining longer shut up in
  the retirement where these thoughts had occurred to me; I betook me again
  to   traveling   before   the   winter   was   well   ended。     And;   during   the   nine
  subsequent      years;   I  did  nothing    but   roam   from   one    place   to  another;
  desirous of being a        spectator rather than an actor in the plays exhibited
  on the theater of the world; and; as I made it my business in each matter to
  reflect particularly upon what might fairly be doubted and prove a source
  of   error;   I   gradually   rooted   out   from   my   mind   all   the   errors   which   had
  hitherto crept into it。      Not that in this I imitated the sceptics who doubt
  only that they may doubt; and seek nothing beyond uncertainty itself; for;
  on the contrary; my design           was singly to find ground of assurance; and
  cast   aside   the  loose   earth   and   sand;   that   I   might   reach   the   rock   or   the
  clay。    In   this;   as   appears   to   me;   I   was   successful   enough;   for;   since   I
  endeavored to discover the falsehood or incertitude of the propositions I
  examined; not by feeble conjectures; but by clear and certain reasonings; I
  met with nothing so doubtful as not to yield some conclusion of adequate
  certainty;    although    this  were    merely    the   inference;   that   the  matter    in
  question contained nothing certain。            And; just as in pulling down an old
  house; we usually reserve the ruins to contribute towards the erection; so;
  in destroying such of my opinions as I judged to be Ill…founded; I made a
  variety of observations and acquired an amount of experience of which I
  availed     myself    in  the   establishment      of  more    certain。   And    further;   I
  continued to exercise myself in the method I had prescribed; for; besides
  taking care in general to conduct all my thoughts according to its rules; I
  reserved some hours from time to time which I expressly devoted to the
  employment of the method in the solution of mathematical difficulties; or
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  even     in  the   solution    likewise     of   some    questions     belonging      to  other
  sciences; but which; by my having detached them from such principles of
  these    sciences     as  were    of  inadequate      certainty;   were    rendered     almost
  mathematical:         the   truth   of  this   will  be   manifest     from    the  numerous
  examples   contained   in   this   volume。         And   thus;   without   in   appearance
  living   otherwise   than   those   who;   with   no   other   occupation   than   that   of
  spending their lives agreeably and innocently; study to sever pleasure from
  vice;   and    who;    that  they   may   enjoy   their     leisure   without    ennui;    have
  recourse to such pursuits as are honorable; I was nevertheless prosecuting
  my design; and making greater progress in the knowledge of truth; than I
  might;   perhaps;   have   made   had   I   been   engaged   in   the   perusal   of   books
  merely; or in holding converse with men of letters。
  These   nine   years   passed   away;   however;   before   I   had   e   to   any
  determinate       judgment     respecting     the   difficulties   which     form   matter    of
  dispute   among   the   learned;   or   had   menced   to   seek   the   principles   of
  any philosophy more certain than the vulgar。                 And the examples of many
  men   of   the   highest   genius;   who   had;   in   former   times;   engaged   in   this
  inquiry; but; as appeared to me; without success; led me to imagine it to be
  a work of so much difficulty; that I would not perhaps have ventured on it
  so soon had I not heard it currently            rumored that I had already pleted
  the inquiry。      I know not what were the grounds of this opinion; and; if my
  conversation       contributed      in  any    measure     to   its  rise;  this   must    have
  happened   rather   from   my   having   confessed   my   Ignorance   with   greater
  freedom  than   those   are   accustomed   to   do   who   have   studied   a   little;   and
  expounded   perhaps;   the   reasons   that   led   me   to   doubt   of   many   of   those
  things that by others are esteemed certain; than from my having boasted of
  any system of philosophy。             But; as I am of a disposition that makes me
  unwilling   to   be   esteemed   different   from   what   I   really   am;   I   thought   it
  necessary      to  endeavor      by   all  means     to  render    myself     worthy    of   the
  reputation   accorded   to   me;   and   it   is   now   exactly   eight   years   since   this
  desire constrained me to remove from all those places where interruption
  from   any   of   my   acquaintances   was   possible;   and   betake   myself   to   this
  country; in which the long duration of the war has led to the establishment
  of such discipline;  that the armies   maintained seem  to be of use only  in
  … Page 24…
  enabling the inhabitants to enjoy more securely the blessings of peace and
  where;   in   the   midst   of   a   great   crowd   actively   engaged   in   business;   and
  more careful of their own affairs than curious about those of others; I have
  been enabled to live without being deprived of any of the conveniences to
  be had in the most populous cities; and yet as solitary and as retired as in
  the midst of the most remote deserts。
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  I am in doubt as to the propriety of making my first meditations in the
  place above men