第 6 节
作者:僻处自说      更新:2024-05-31 15:57      字数:9320
  The first was to obey the laws and customs of my country; adhering
  firmly to the faith in which; by the grace of God; I had been educated from
  my childhood and regulating my conduct in every other matter according
  to the most moderate opinions; and the farthest removed from extremes;
  which should happen to be adopted in practice with general consent of the
  most   judicious   of   those   among   whom   I   might   be   living。     For   as   I   had
  from   that   time   begun   to   hold   my   own   opinions   for   nought   because   I
  wished to subject them all to examination; I was convinced that I could not
  do better than follow in the meantime the opinions of the most judicious;
  and although there are some perhaps among the Persians and Chinese as
  judicious as among ourselves; expediency seemed to dictate that I should
  regulate   my  practice   conformably  to   the  opinions   of   those   with   whom  I
  should have to live; and it appeared to me that; in order to ascertain the
  real   opinions   of   such;   I   ought   rather   to   take   cognizance   of   what   they
  practised than of what they said; not only because; in the corruption of our
  manners; there are few disposed to speak exactly as they believe; but also
  because very many are not aware of what it is that they really believe; for;
  as the act of mind by which a thing is believed is different from that by
  which we know that we believe it; the one act is often found without the
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  other。 Also; amid many opinions held in equal repute; I chose always the
  most   moderate;   as   much   for   the   reason   that   these   are   always   the   most
  convenient for practice; and probably the best (for all excess is generally
  vicious); as that; in the event of my falling into error; I   might be at less
  distance   from   the   truth   than   if;   having   chosen   one   of   the   extremes;   it
  should   turn   out   to   be   the   other   which   I   ought   to   have   adopted。  And   I
  placed in the class of extremes especially all promises by which somewhat
  of our freedom is abridged; not that I disapproved of the laws which; to
  provide against the instability of men of feeble resolution; when what is
  sought   to   be   acplished   is   some   good;   permit   engagements   by   vows
  and contracts binding the parties to persevere in it; or even; for the security
  of merce; sanction similar engagements where the purpose sought to
  be   realized   is   indifferent:   but   because   I   did   not   find   anything   on   earth
  which      was    wholly     superior    to   change;     and    because;     for   myself    in
  particular;   I   hoped   gradually  to   perfect   my   judgments;   and   not   to   suffer
  them to deteriorate; I would have deemed it a grave sin against good sense;
  if;   for   the   reason   that   I   approved   of   something   at   a   particular   time;   I
  therefore   bound   myself   to   hold   it   for   good   at   a   subsequent   time;   when
  perhaps it had ceased to be so; or I had ceased to esteem it such。
  My second maxim was to be as firm and resolute in my actions as I
  was able; and not to adhere less steadfastly to the most doubtful opinions;
  when once adopted; than if they had been highly certain; imitating in this
  the example of travelers who; when they have lost their way in a forest;
  ought not   to   wander   from side to side;   far less remain   in one place;   but
  proceed constantly towards the same side in as straight a line as possible;
  without   changing   their   direction   for   slight   reasons;   although   perhaps   it
  might be chance alone which at first determined the selection; for in this
  way; if they do not exactly reach the point they desire; they will e at
  least   in   the   end   to   some   place   that   will   probably   be   preferable   to   the
  middle of a forest。        In the same way; since in action it frequently happens
  that no delay is permissible; it is very certain that; when it is not in our
  power to determine what is true; we ought to act according to what is most
  probable; and even although we should not remark a greater probability in
  one opinion than in another; we ought notwithstanding to choose one or
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  the other; and afterwards consider it; in so far as it relates to practice; as no
  longer     dubious;    but   manifestly     true   and   certain;    since    the   reason    by
  which      our   choice    has   been    determined       is   itself  possessed      of  these
  qualities。     This   principle   was   sufficient   thenceforward   to   rid   me   of   all
  those repentings and pangs of remorse that usually disturb the consciences
  of    such    feeble    and   uncertain     minds     as;   destitute    of  any    clear   and
  determinate   principle   of   choice;   allow        themselves   one   day   to   adopt      a
  course of action as the best; which they abandon the next; as the opposite。
  My third maxim was to endeavor always to conquer myself rather than
  fortune; and change my desires rather than the order of the world; and in
  general;     accustom        myself     to   the   persuasion      that;   except    our   own
  thoughts; there is nothing absolutely in our power; so that when we have
  done our best in things external to us; all wherein we fail of success is to
  be   held;   as   regards   us;   absolutely   impossible:      and   this   single   principle
  seemed       to  me    sufficient   to   prevent    me    from    desiring    for   the  future
  anything which I could not obtain; and thus render me contented; for since
  our    will   naturally    seeks    those   objects    alone   which     the   understanding
  represents   as   in   some   way   possible   of   attainment;   it   is   plain;   that   if   we
  consider all external goods as equally beyond our power; we shall no more
  regret the absence of such goods as seem due to our birth; when deprived
  of them without any fault of ours;             than our not possessing the kingdoms
  of China or Mexico; and thus making; so to speak; a virtue of necessity;
  we   shall   no   more   desire   health   in   disease;   or   freedom   in   imprisonment;
  than we now do bodies incorruptible as diamonds; or the wings of birds to
  fly    with。    But     I  confess    there   is  need    of   prolonged      discipline    and
  frequently repeated meditation to accustom the mind to view all objects in
  this   light;   and   I   believe   that   in   this   chiefly   consisted   the   secret   of   the
  power      of  such    philosophers      as  in  former     times   were    enabled     to  rise
  superior to the influence of fortune; and; amid suffering and poverty; enjoy
  a    happiness      which     their   gods    might     have    envied。      For;    occupied
  incessantly with the consideration of the limits prescribed to their power
  by   nature;   they   became   so   entirely   convinced   that   nothing   was   at   their
  disposal     except    their   own    thoughts;    that   this  conviction     was    of  itself
  sufficient to prevent their entertaining any desire of other objects; and over
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  their    thoughts     they   acquired     a  sway    so   absolute;    that  they    had   some
  ground   on   this   account   for   esteeming   themselves   more   rich   and   more
  powerful; more free and more happy; than other men who; whatever be the
  favors     heaped      on   them     by   nature    and    fortune;    if  destitute    of   this
  philosophy; can never mand the realization of all their desires。
  In   fine;   to   conclude   this   code   of   morals;   I   thought   of   reviewing   the
  different occupations of men in this life; with the view of making choice
  of    the   best。     And;     without     wishing      to   offer   any    remarks     on    the
  employments of others; I may state that it was my conviction that I could
  not    do   better   than   continue     in  that   in  which    I  was    engaged;     viz。;  in
  devoting   my   whole   life   to   the   culture   of   my   reason;   and   in   making   the
  greatest progress I was able in the knowledge of truth; on the principles of
  the   method   which   I   had   prescribed   to   myself。