第 26 节
作者:负债赌博      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9278
  that fought so ardently that I went right up to them and caught them by
  their   necks。    Thus   did   the   Swift   One   and   I   get   our   wedding   breakfast。
  They were delicious。         It was easy to catch birds in the spring of the year。
  There was one night that year when two elk fought in the moonlight; while
  the Swift One and I watched from the trees; and we saw a lion and lioness
  crawl up to them unheeded; and kill them as they fought。
  … Page 90…
  Before Adam
  There is no telling how long we might have lived in the Swift One's
  tree…shelter。    But   one   day;   while   we   were   away;   the   tree   was   struck   by
  lightning。     Great     limbs   were    riven;  and   the   nest  was    demolished。      I
  started to rebuild; but the Swift One would have nothing to do with it。                 As
  I was to learn; she was greatly afraid of lightning; and I could not persuade
  her back into the tree。        So it came about; our honeymoon over; that we
  went   to   the   caves   to   live。 As   Lop…Ear   had   evicted   me   from   the   cave
  when he got married; I now evicted him; and the Swift One and I settled
  down in it; while he slept at night in the connecting passage of the double
  And with our coming to live with the horde came trouble。                    Red…Eye
  had had I don't know how many wives since the Singing One。                        She had
  gone the way of the rest。         At present he had a little; soft; spiritless thing
  that whimpered and wept all the time; whether he beat her or not; and her
  passing was a question of very little time。           Before she passed; even; Red…
  Eye set his eyes on the Swift One; and when she passed; the persecution of
  the Swift One began。
  Well   for   her   that   she   was   the   Swift   One;   that   she   had   that   amazing
  aptitude for swift flight through the trees。          She needed all her wisdom and
  daring in order to keep out of the clutches of Red…Eye。 I could not help her。
  He was so powerful a monster that he could have torn me limb from limb。
  As it was; to my death I carried an injured shoulder that ached and went
  lame in rainy weather and that was a mark of is handiwork。
  The   Swift   One   was   sick   at   the   time   I   received   this   injury。 It   must
  have been a touch of the malaria from which we sometimes suffered; but
  whatever      it  was;  it  made    her  dull  and   heavy。    She     did  not   have   the
  accustomed spring to her muscles; and was indeed in poor shape for flight
  when Red…Eye cornered her near the lair of the wild dogs; several miles
  south    from    the  caves。    Usually;     she  would     have   circled   around    him;
  beaten him  in   the straight…away;  and gained the  protection of our   small…
  mouthed cave。        But she could not circle him。         She was too dull and slow。
  Each time he headed her off; until she gave over the attempt and devoted
  her energies wholly to keeping out of his clutches。
  Had she not been sick it would have been child's play for her to elude
  … Page 91…
  Before Adam
  him; but as it was; it required all her caution and cunning。 It was to her
  advantage   that   she   could   travel   on   thinner   branches   than   he;   and   make
  wider leaps。      Also; she was an unerring judge of distance; and she had an
  instinct for knowing the strength of twigs; branches; and rotten limbs。
  It was an interminable chase。            Round and round and back and forth
  for    long   stretches   through     the   forest  they    dashed。     There     was   great
  excitement among the other Folk。             They set up a wild chattering; that was
  loudest when Red…Eye was at a distance; and that hushed when the chase
  led him near。       They were impotent onlookers。 The females screeched and
  gibbered; and the males beat their chests in helpless rage。                 Big Face was
  especially   angry;   and   though   he   hushed   his   racket   when   Red…Eye   drew
  near; he did not hush it to the extent the others did。
  As for me; I played no brave part。            I know I was anything but a hero。
  Besides; of what use would it have been for me to encounter Red…Eye? He
  was the mighty monster; the abysmal brute; and there was no hope for me
  in   a   conflict   of   strength。  He   would   have   killed   me;   and   the   situation
  would have remained unchanged。                He would have caught the Swift One
  before she could have gained the cave。             As it was; I could only look on in
  helpless   fury;   and   dodge   out   of   the   way   and   cease   my   raging   when   he
  came too near。
  The hours passed。        It was late afternoon。       And still the chase went on。
  Red…Eye   was   bent upon exhausting   the   Swift   One。            He   deliberately  ran
  her   down。     After     a   long  time   she  began   to   tire   and  could   no   longer
  maintain her headlong flight。          Then it was that she began going far out on
  the thinnest branches; where he could not follow。                  Thus she might have
  got a breathing spell; but Red…Eye was fiendish。               Unable to follow her; he
  dislodged her  by  shaking   her  off。         With   all   his strength   and   weight;   he
  would   shake   the   branch   back   and   forth   until   he   snapped   her   off   as   one
  would snap a fly from a whip…lash。              The first time; she saved herself by
  falling   into   branches   lower   down。       Another   time;   though   they   did   not
  save   her   from   the   ground;   they   broke   her   fall。   Still   another   time;   so
  fiercely did he snap her from the branch; she was flung clear across a gap
  into   another   tree。    It   was   remarkable;   the   way   she   gripped   and   saved
  herself。    Only when driven to it did she seek the temporary safety of the
  … Page 92…
  Before Adam
  thin branches。       But she was   so   tired that   she  could not otherwise  avoid
  him; and time after time she was compelled to take to the thin branches。
  Still the chase went on; and still the Folk screeched; beat their chests;
  and   gnashed   their   teeth。     Then   came   the   end。    It   was   almost   twilight。
  Trembling; panting; struggling for breath; the Swift One clung pitiably to a
  high thin branch。       It was thirty feet to the ground; and nothing intervened。
  Red…Eye swung back and forth on the branch farther down。                      It became a
  pendulum;   swinging   wider   and   wider   with   every   lunge   of   his   weight。
  Then      he   reversed    suddenly;     just   before    the   downward       swing     was
  completed。   Her   grips   were   torn   loose;   and;   screaming;   she   was   hurled
  toward the ground。
  But she righted herself in mid…air and descended feet first。 Ordinarily;
  from such a height; the spring in her legs would have eased the shock of
  impact with the ground。          But she was exhausted。 She could not exercise
  this spring。     Her legs gave under her; having only partly met the shock;
  and she crashed on over on her side。             This; as it turned out; did not injure
  her;   but   it   did   knock   the   breath   from   her   lungs。 She   lay   helpless   and
  struggling for air。
  Red…Eye   rushed   upon   her   and   seized   her。      With   his   gnarly   fingers
  twisted into the hair of her head; he stood up and roared in triumph and
  defiance at the awed Folk that watched from the trees。 Then it was that I
  went mad。       Caution was thrown to the winds; forgotten   was the will   to
  live   of   my  flesh。   Even   as   Red…Eye   roared;  from  behind   I   dashed   upon
  him。     So unexpected was my charge that I knocked him off his feet。                       I
  twined my arms and legs around him and strove to hold him down。                        This
  would   have   been   impossible   to   accomplish   had   he   not   held   tightly   with
  one hand to the Swift One's hair。
  Encouraged       by   my   conduct;    Big…Face     became     a  sudden     ally。  He
  charged in; sank his teeth in Red…Eye's arm; and ripped and tore at his face。
  This was the time for the rest of the Folk to have joined in。                   It was the
  chance to do for Red…Eye for all time。              But they remained afraid in the
  It was inevitable that Red…Eye should win in the struggle against the
  two of us。      The reason he did not finish us off immediately was that the