第 139 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  e that revolves these things in his mind; and yet is able to bear the sight of the sun; though he might live out of danger? Who is there so much his country's enemy; or so unmanly; and so desirous of living; as not to repent that he is still alive? And I cannot but wish that we had all died before we had seen that holy city demolished by the hands of our enemies; or the foundations of our holy temple dug up after so profane a manner。 But since we had a generous hope that deluded us; as if we might perhaps have been able to avenge ourselves on our enemies on that account; though it be now become vanity; and hath left us alone in this distress; let us make haste to die bravely。 Let us pity ourselves; our children; and our wives while it is in our own power to show pity to them; for we were born to die; (17) as well as those were whom we have begotten; nor is it in the power of the most happy of our race to avoid it。 But for abuses; and slavery; and the sight of our wives led away after an ignominious manner; with their children; these are not such evils as are natural and necessary among men; although such as do not prefer death before those miseries; when it is in their power so to do; must undergo even them; on account of their own cowardice。 We revolted from the Romans with great pretensions to courage; and when; at the very last; they invited us to preserve ourselves; we would not comply with them。 Who will not; therefore; believe that they will certainly be in a rage at us; in case they can take us alive? Miserable will then be the young men who will be strong enough in their bodies to sustain many torments! miserable also will be those of elder years; who will not be able to bear those calamities which young men might sustain! One man will be obliged to hear the voice of his son implore help of his father; when his hands are bound。 But certainly our hands are still at liberty; and have a sword in them; let them then be subservient to us in our glorious design; let us die before we become slaves under our eneimies; and let us go out of the world; together with our children and our wives; in a state of freedom。 This it is that our laws command us to do this it is that our wives and children crave at our hands; nay; God himself hath brought this necessity upon us; while the Romans desire the contrary; and are afraid lest any of us should die before we are taken。 Let us therefore make haste; and instead of affording them so much pleasure; as they hope for in getting us under their power; let us leave them an example which shall at once cause their astonishment at our death; and their admiration of our hardiness therein。〃    CHAPTER 9。          How The People That Were In The Fortress Were Prevailed On By The Words Of Eleazar; Two Women And Five Children Only Excepted And All Submitted To Be Killed By One Another。    1。 Now as Eleazar was proceeding on in this exhortation; they all cut him off short; and made haste to do the work; as full of an unconquerable ardor of mind; and moved with a demoniacal fury。 So they went their ways; as one still endeavoring to be before another; and as thinking that this eagerness would be a  demonstration of their courage and good conduct; if they could avoid appearing in the last class; so great was the zeal they were in to slay their wives and children; and themselves also! Nor indeed; when they came to the work itself; did their courage fail them; as one might imagine it would have done; but they then held fast the same resolution; without wavering; which they had upon the hearing of Eleazar's speech; while yet every one of them still retained the natural passion of love to themselves and their families; because the reasoning they went upon appeared to them to be very just; even with regard to those that were dearest to them; for the husbands tenderly embraced their wives; and took their children into their arms; and gave the longest parting kisses to them; with tears in their eyes。 Yet at the same time did they complete what they had resolved on; as if they had been executed by the hands of strangers; and they had nothing else for their comfort but the necessity they were in of doing this  execution; to avoid that prospect they had of the miseries they were to suffer from their enemies。 Nor was there at length any one of these men found that scrupled to act their part in this terrible execution; but every one of them despatched his dearest relations。 Miserable men indeed were they! whose distress forced them to slay their own wives and children with their own hands; as the lightest of those evils that were before them。 So they being not able to bear the grief they were under for what they had done any longer; and esteeming it an injury to those they had slain; to live even the shortest space of time after them; they presently laid all they had upon a heap; and set fire to it。 They then chose ten men by lot out of them to slay all the rest; every one of whom laid himself down by his wife and children on the ground; and threw his arms about them; and they offered their necks to the stroke of those who by lot executed that melancholy office; and when these ten had; without fear; slain them all; they made the same rule for casting lots for themselves; that he whose lot it was should first kill the other nine; and after all should kill himself。 Accordingly; all these had courage sufficient to be no way behind one another in doing or suffering; so; for a conclusion; the nine offered their necks to the executioner; and he who was the last of all took a view of all the other bodies; lest perchance some or other among so many that were slain should want his assistance to be quite despatched; and when he perceived that they were all slain; he set fire to the palace; and with the great force of his hand ran his sword entirely through himself; and fell down dead near to his own relations。 So these people died with this intention; that they would not leave so much as one soul among them all alive to be subject to the Romans。 Yet was there an ancient woman; and another who was of kin to Eleazar; and superior to most women in prudence and learning; with five children; who had concealed themselves in caverns under ground; and had carried water thither for their drink; and were hidden there when the rest were intent upon the slaughter of one another。 Those others were nine hundred and sixty in number; the women and children being withal included in that computation。 This calamitous slaughter was made on the fifteenth day of the month Xanthicus 'Nisan'。    2。 Now for the Romans; they expected that they should be fought in the morning; when; accordingly; they put on their armor; and laid bridges of planks upon their ladders from their banks; to make an assault upon the fortress; which they did; but saw nobody as an enemy; but a terrible solitude on every side; with a fire within the place; as well as a perfect silence。 So they were at a loss to guess at what had happened。 At length they made a shout; as if it had been at a blow given by the battering ram; to try whether they could bring any one out that was within; the women heard this noise; and came out of their under…ground cavern; and informed the Romans what had been done; as it was done; and the second of them clearly described all both what was said and what was done; and this manner of it; yet did they not easily give their attention to such a desperate undertaking; and did not believe it could be as they said; they also attempted to put the fire out; and quickly cutting themselves a way through it; they came within the palace; and so met with the multitude of the slain; but could take no pleasure in the fact; though it were done to their enemies。 Nor could they do other than wonder at the courage of their resolution; and the immovable contempt of death which so great a number of them had shown; when they went through with such an action as that was。    CHAPTER 10。          That Many Of The Sicarii Fled To Alexandria Also And What Dangers They Were In There; On Which Account That Temple Which Had Formerly Been Built By Onias The High Priest Was Destroyed。    1。 When Masada was thus taken; the general left a garrison in the fortress to keep it; and he himself went away to Cesarea; for there were now no enemies left in the country; but it was all overthrown by so long a war。 Yet did this war afford disturbances and dangerous disorders even in places very far remote from Judea; for still it came to pass that many Jews were slain at Alexandria in Egypt; for as many of the Sicarii as were able to fly thither; out of the seditious wars in Judea; were not content to have saved themselves; but must needs be undertaking to make new disturbances; and persuaded many of those that entertained them to assert their liberty; to esteem the Romans to be no better than themselves; and to look upon God as their only Lord and Master。 But when part of the Jews of reputation opposed them; they slew some of them; and with the others they were very  pressing in their exhortations to revolt from the Romans; but when the principal men of the senate saw what madness they were come to; they thought it no longer safe for themselves to overlook them。 So they got all the Jews together to an ass