第 137 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  nk thought sufficiently high for the use of the engines that were to be set upon it; but still another elevated work of great stones compacted together was raised upon that bank; this was fifty cubits; both in breadth and height。 The other machines that were now got ready were like to those that had been first devised by Vespasian; and afterwards by Titus; for sieges。 There was also a tower made of the height of sixty cubits; and all over plated with iron; out of which the Romans threw darts and stones from the engines; and soon made those that fought from the walls of the place to retire; and would not let them lift up their heads above the works。 At the same time Silva ordered that great battering ram which he had made to be brought thither; and to be set against the wall; and to make frequent batteries against it; which with some difficulty broke down a part of the wall; and quite overthrew it。  However; the Sicarii made haste; and presently built another wall within that; which should not be liable to the same misfortune from the machines with the other; it was made soft and yielding; and so was capable of avoiding the terrible blows that affected the other。 It was framed after the following manner: They laid together great beams of wood lengthways; one close to the end of another; and the same way in which they were cut: there were two of these rows parallel to one another; and laid at such a distance from each other as the breadth of the wall required; and earth was put into the space between those rows。 Now; that the earth might not fall away upon the elevation of this bank to a greater height; they further laid other beams over cross them; and thereby bound those beams together that lay lengthways。 This work of theirs was like a real edifice; and when the machines were applied; the blows were weakened by its yielding; and as the materials by such concussion were shaken closer together; the pile by that means became firmer than before。 When Silva saw this; he thought it best to endeavor the taking of this wall by setting fire to it; so he gave order that the soldiers should throw a great number of burning torches upon it: accordingly; as it was chiefly made of wood; it soon took fire; and when it was once set on fire; its hollowness made that fire spread to a mighty flame。 Now; at the very beginning of this fire; a north wind that then blew proved terrible to the Romans; for by bringing the flame downward; it drove it upon them; and they were almost in despair of success; as fearing their machines would be burnt: but after this; on a sudden the wind changed into the south; as if it were done by Divine Providence; and blew strongly the contrary way; and carried the flame; and drove it against the wall; which was now on fire through its entire thickness。 So the Romans; having now assistance from God; returned to their camp with joy; and resolved to attack their enemies the very next day; on which occasion they set their watch more carefully that night; lest any of the Jews should run away from them without being discovered。    6。 However; neither did Eleazar once think of flying away; nor would he permit any one else to do so; but when he saw their wall burned down by the fire; and could devise no other way of escaping; or room for their further courage; and setting before their eyes what the Romans would do to them; their children; and their wives; if they got them into their power; he consulted about having them all slain。 Now as he judged this to be the best thing they could do in their present circumstances; he gathered the most courageous of his companions together; and encouraged them to take that course by a speech (15) which he made to them in the manner following: 〃Since we; long ago; my generous  friends; resolved never to be servants to the Romans; nor to any other than to God himself; who alone is the true and just Lord of mankind; the time is now come that obliges us to make that resolution true in practice。 And let us not at this time bring a reproach upon ourselves for self…contradiction; while we formerly would not undergo slavery; though it were then without danger; but must now; together with slavery; choose such punishments also as are intolerable; I mean this; upon the supposition that the Romans once reduce us under their power while we are alive。 We were the very first that revolted from them; and we are the last that fight against them; and I cannot but esteem it as a favor that God hath granted us; that it is still in our power to die bravely; and in a state of freedom; which hath not been the case of others; who were conquered unexpectedly。 It is very plain that we shall be taken within a day's time; but it is still an eligible thing to die after a glorious manner; together with our dearest friends。 This is what our enemies themselves cannot by any means hinder; although they be very desirous to take us alive。 Nor can we propose to ourselves any more to fight them; and beat them。 It had been proper indeed for us to have conjectured at the purpose of God much sooner; and at the very first; when we were so desirous of defending our liberty; and when we received such sore treatment from one another; and worse treatment from our enemies; and to have been sensible that the same God; who had of old taken the Jewish nation into his favor; had now condemned them to destruction; for had he either continued favorable; or been but in a lesser degree displeased with us; he had not overlooked the destruction of so many men; or delivered his most holy city to be burnt and demolished by our enemies。 To be sure we weakly hoped to have preserved ourselves; and ourselves alone; still in a state of freedom; as if we had been guilty of no sins ourselves against God; nor been partners with those of others; we also taught other men to preserve their liberty。 Wherefore; consider how God hath convinced us that our hopes were in vain; by bringing such distress upon us in the desperate state we are now in; and which is beyond all our expectations; for the nature of this fortress which was in itself unconquerable; hath not proved a means of our deliverance; and even while we have still great abundance of food; and a great quantity of arms; and other necessaries more than we want; we are openly deprived by God himself of all hope of deliverance; for that fire which was driven upon our enemies did not of its own accord turn back upon the wall which we had built; this was the effect of God's anger against us for our manifold sins; which we have been guilty of in a most insolent and extravagant manner with regard to our own countrymen; the punishments of which let us not receive from the Romans; but from God himself; as executed by our own hands; for these will be more moderate than the other。 Let our wives die before they are abused; and our children before they have tasted of slavery; and after we have slain them; let us bestow that glorious benefit upon one another mutually; and preserve ourselves in freedom; as an excellent funeral monument for us。 But first let us destroy our money and the fortress by fire; for I am well assured that this will be a great grief to the Romans; that they shall not be able to seize upon our bodies; and shall fall of our wealth also; and let us spare nothing but our provisions; for they will be a testimonial when we are dead that we were not subdued for want of necessaries; but that; according to our original resolution; we have preferred death before slavery。〃    7。 This was Eleazar's speech to them。 Yet did not the opinions of all the auditors acquiesce therein; but although some of them were very zealous to put his advice in practice; and were in a manner filled with pleasure at it; and thought death to be a good thing; yet had those that were most effeminate a commiseration for their wives and families; and when these men were especially moved by the prospect of their own certain death; they looked wistfully at one another; and by the tears that were in their eyes declared their dissent from his opinion。 When Eleazar saw these people in such fear; and that their souls were dejected at so prodigious a proposal; he was afraid lest perhaps these effeminate persons should; by their lamentations and tears; enfeeble those that heard what he had said courageously; so he did not leave off exhorting them; but stirred up himself; and recollecting proper arguments for raising their courage; he undertook to speak more briskly and fully to them; and that concerning the immortality of the soul。 So he made a lamentable groan; and fixing his eyes intently on those that wept; he spake thus: 〃Truly; I was greatly mistaken when I thought to be assisting to brave men who struggled hard for their liberty; and to such as were resolved either to live with honor; or else to die; but I find that you are such people as are no better than others; either in virtue or in courage; and are afraid of dying; though you be delivered thereby from the greatest miseries; while you ought to make no delay in this matter; nor to await any one to give you good advice; for the laws of our country; and of God himself; have from ancient times; and as soon as ever we could use our reason; continually taught us; and our forefathers have corroborat