第 136 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  which scene that sort of people that were called zealots grew up; and who indeed corresponded to the name; for they imitated every wicked work; nor; if their memory suggested any evil thing that had formerly been done; did they avoid zealously to pursue the same; and although they gave themselves that name from their zeal for what was good; yet did it agree to them only by way of irony; on account of those they had unjustly treated by their wild and brutish disposition; or as thinking the greatest mischiefs to be the greatest good。 Accordingly; they all met with such ends as God deservedly brought upon them in way of punishment; for all such miseries have been sent upon them as man's nature is capable of undergoing; till the utmost period of their lives; and till death came upon them in various ways of torment; yet might one say justly that they suffered less than they had done; because it was impossible they could be punished according to their deserving。 But to make a lamentation according to the deserts of those who fell under these men's barbarity; this is not a proper place for it; … I therefore now return again to the remaining part of the present narration。    2。 For now it was that the Roman general came; and led  his army against Eleazar and those Sicarii who held the fortress Masada together with him; and for the whole country adjoining; he presently gained it; and put garrisons into the most proper places of it; he also built a wall quite round the entire fortress; that none of the besieged might easily escape; he also set his men to guard the several parts of it; he also pitched his camp in such an agreeable place as he had chosen for the siege; and at which place the rock belonging to the fortress did make the nearest approach to the neighboring mountain; which yet was a place of difficulty for getting plenty of provisions; for it was not only food that was to be brought from a great distance 'to the army'; and this with a great deal of pain to those Jews who were appointed for that purpose; but water was also to be brought to the camp; because the place afforded no fountain that was near it。 When therefore Silva had ordered these affairs beforehand; he fell to besieging the place; which siege was likely to stand in need of a great deal of skill and pains; by reason of the strength of the fortress; the nature of which I will now describe。    3。 There was a rock; not small in circumference; and very high。 It was encompassed with valleys of such vast depth downward; that the eye could not reach their bottoms; they were abrupt; and such as no animal could walk upon; excepting at two places of the rock; where it subsides; in order to afford a passage for ascent; though not without difficulty。 Now; of the ways that lead to it; one is that from the lake Asphaltiris; towards the sun…rising; and another on the west; where the ascent is easier: the one of these ways is called the Serpent; as resembling that animal in its narrowness and its perpetual windings; for it is broken off at the prominent precipices of the rock; and returns frequently into itself; and lengthening again by little and little; hath much ado to proceed forward; and he that would walk along it must first go on one leg; and then on the other; there is also nothing but destruction; in case your feet slip; for on each side there is a vastly deep chasm and precipice; sufficient to quell the courage of every body by the terror it infuses into the mind。 When; therefore; a man hath gone along this way for thirty furlongs; the rest is the top of the hill … not ending at a small point; but is no other than a plain upon the highest part of the mountain。 Upon this top of the hill; Jonathan the high priest first of all built a fortress; and called it Masada: after which the rebuilding of this place employed the care of king Herod to a great degree; he also built a wall round about the entire top of the hill; seven furlongs long; it was composed of white stone; its height was twelve; and its breadth eight cubits; there were also erected upon that wall thirty…eight towers; each of them fifty cubits high; out of which you might pass into lesser edifices; which were built on the inside; round the entire wall; for the king reserved the top of the hill; which was of a fat soil; and better mould than any valley for agriculture; that such as committed themselves to this fortress for their preservation might not even there be quite destitute of food; in case they should ever be in want of it from abroad。 Moreover; he built a palace therein at the western ascent; it was within and beneath the walls of the citadel; but inclined to its north side。 Now the wall of this palace was very high and strong; and had at its four corners towers sixty cubits high。 The furniture also of the edifices; and of the cloisters; and of the baths; was of great variety; and very costly; and these buildings were supported by pillars of single stones on every side; the walls and also the floors of the edifices were paved with stones of several colors。 He also had cut many and great pits; as reservoirs for water; out of the rocks; at every one of the places that were inhabited; both above and round about the palace; and before the wall; and by this contrivance he endeavored to have water for several uses; as if there had been fountains there。 Here was also a road digged from the palace; and leading to the very top of the mountain; which yet could not be seen by such as were without 'the walls'; nor indeed could enemies easily make use of the plain roads; for the road on the east side; as we have already taken notice; could not be walked upon; by reason of its nature; and for the western road; he built a large tower at its narrowest place; at no less a distance from the top of the hill than a thousand cubits; which tower could not possibly be passed by; nor could it be easily taken; nor indeed could those that walked along it without any fear (such was its contrivance) easily get to the end of it; and after such a manner was this citadel fortified; both by nature and by the hands of men; in order to frustrate the attacks of enemies。    4。 As for the furniture that was within this fortress; it was still more wonderful on account of its splendor and long continuance; for here was laid up corn in large quantities; and such as would subsist men for a long time; here was also wine and oil in abundance; with all kinds of pulse and dates heaped up together; all which Eleazar found there; when he and his Sicarii got possession of the fortress by treachery。 These fruits were also fresh and full ripe; and no way inferior to such fruits newly laid in; although they were little short of a hundred years (14) from the laying in these provisions 'by Herod'; till the place was taken by the Romans; nay; indeed; when the Romans got possession ofthose fruits that were left; they found them not corrupted all that while; nor should we be mistaken; if we supposed that the air was here the cause of their enduring so long; this fortress being so high; and so free from the mixture of all terrain and muddy particles of matter。 There was also found here a large quantity of all sorts of weapons of war; which had been treasured up by that king; and were sufficient for ten thousand men; there was east iron; and brass; and tin; which show that he had taken much pains to have all things here ready for the greatest occasions; for the report goes how Herod thus prepared this fortress on his own account; as a refuge against two kinds of danger; the one for fear of the multitude of the Jews; lest they should depose him; and restore their former kings to the government; the other danger was greater and more terrible; which arose from Cleopatra queen of Egypt; who did not conceal her intentions; but spoke often to Antony; and desired him to cut off Herod; and entreated him to bestow the kingdom of Judea upon her。 And certainly it is a great wonder that Antony did never comply with her commands in this point; as he was so miserably enslaved to his passion for her; nor should any one have been surprised if she had been gratified in such her request。 So the fear of these dangers made Herod rebuild Masada; and thereby leave it for the finishing stroke of the Romans in this Jewish war。    5。 Since therefore the Roman commander Silva had now built a wall on the outside; round about this whole place; as we have said already; and had thereby made a most accurate provision to prevent any one of the besieged running away; he undertook the siege itself; though he found but one single place that would admit of the banks he was to raise; for behind that tower which secured the road that led to the palace; and to the top of the hill from the west; there was a certain eminency of the rock; very broad and very prominent; but three hundred cubits beneath the highest part of Masada; it was called the White Promontory。 Accordingly; he got upon that part of the rock; and ordered the army to bring earth; and when they fell to that work with alacrity; and abundance of them together; the bank was raised; and became solid for two hundred cubits in height。 Yet was not this bank thought sufficiently high for the use of the engines that were to be set upon it; 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