第 105 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  this was a   delusion; he perceived that mercy in war is a pernicious thing; because such cunning tricks have less place under the exercise of greater severity。 So he caused the engine to work more strongly than before; on account of his anger at the deceit put upon him。 But Castor and his companions   set the tower on fire when it began to give way; and leaped through the flame into a hidden vault that was under it; which made the Romans further suppose that they were   men of great courage; as having cast themselves into the fire。      CHAPTER 8。            How The Romans Took The Second Wall Twice;   And Got All Ready For Taking The Third Wall。      1。 Now Caesar took this wall there on the fifth day after he had taken the first; and when the Jews had fled from him; he entered into it with a thousand armed men; and those of his choice troops; and this at a place where were the   merchants of wool; the braziers; and the market for cloth; and where the narrow streets led obliquely to the wall。   Wherefore; if Titus had either demolished a larger part of the wall immediately; or had come in; and; according to the law of war; had laid waste what was left; his victory would not; I suppose; have been mixed with any loss to himself。 But now; out of the hope he had that he should make the   Jews ashamed of their obstinacy; by not being willing; when he was able; to afflict them more than he needed to do; he did not widen the breach of the wall; in order to make a safer retreat upon occasion; for he did not think they would lay snares for him that did them such a kindness。 When   therefore he came in; he did not permit his soldiers to kill any of those they caught; nor to set fire to their houses neither; nay; he gave leave to the seditious; if they had a mind; to fight without any harm to the people; and promised to restore the people's effects to them; for he was very desirous to preserve the city for his own sake; and the   temple for the sake of the city。 As to the people; he had them of a long time ready to comply with his proposals; but as to the fighting men; this humanity of his seemed a mark of his weakness; and they imagined that he made these   proposals because he was not able to take the rest of the city。 They also threatened death to the people; if they   should any one of them say a word about a surrender。   They moreover cut the throats of such as talked of a peace; and then attacked those Romans that were come within the wall。 Some of them they met in the narrow streets; and   some they fought against from their houses; while they   made a sudden sally out at the upper gates; and assaulted such Romans as were beyond the wall; till those that   guarded the wall were so aftrighted; that they leaped down from their towers; and retired to their several camps: upon which a great noise was made by the Romans that were   within; because they were encompassed round on every   side by their enemies; as also by them that were without; because they were in fear for those that were left in the city。 Thus did the Jews grow more numerous perpetually;   and had great advantages over the Romans; by their full   knowledge of those narrow lanes; and they wounded a   great many of them; and fell upon them; and drove them   out of the city。 Now these Romans were at present forced to make the best resistance they could; for they were not able; in great numbers; to get out at the breach in the wall; it was so narrow。 It is also probable that all those that were gotten within had been cut to pieces; if Titus had not sent them succors; for he ordered the archers to stand at the upper ends of these narrow lakes; and he stood himself   where was the greatest multitude of his enemies; and with his darts he put a stop to them; as with him did Domitius Sabinus also; a valiant man; and one that in this battle appeared so to be。 Thus did Caesar continue to shoot darts at the Jews continually; and to hinder them from coming   upon his men; and this until all his soldiers had retreated out of the city。      2。 And thus were the Romans driven out; after they had   possessed themselves of the second wall。 Whereupon the   fighting men that were in the city were lifted up in their minds; and were elevated upon this their good success;   and began to think that the Romans would never venture to come into the city any more; and that if they kept within it themselves; they should not be any more conquered。 For   God had blinded their minds for the transgressions they   had been guilty of; nor could they see how much greater   forces the Romans had than those that were now expelled; no more than they could discern how a famine was   creeping upon them; for hitherto they had fed themselves out of the public miseries; and drank the blood of the city。 But now poverty had for a long time seized upon the better part; and a great many had died already for want of   necessaries; although the seditious indeed supposed the   destruction of the people to be an easement to themselves; for they desired that none others might be preserved but such as were against a peace with the Romans; and were   resolved to live in opposition to them; and they were   pleased when the multitude of those of a contrary opinion were consumed; as being then freed from a heavy burden。   And this was their disposition of mind with regard to those that were within the city; while they covered themselves with their armor; and prevented the Romans; when they   were trying to get into the city again; and made a wall of their own bodies over against that part of the wall that was cast down。 Thus did they valiantly defend themselves for three days; but on the fourth day they could not support themselves against the vehement assaults of Titus but were compelled by force to fly whither they had fled before; so he quietly possessed himself again of that wall; and   demolished it entirely。 And when he had put a garrison into the towers that were on the south parts of the city; he   contrived how he might assault the third wall。      CHAPTER 9。            Titus When The Jews Were Not At All Mollified By His   Leaving Off The Siege For A While; Set Himself Again To   Prosecute The Same; But Soon Sent Josephus To   Discourse With His Own Countrymen About Peace。      1。 A Resolution was now taken by Titus to relax the siege for a little while; and to afford the seditious an interval for consideration; and to see whether the demolishing of their second wall would not make them a little more compliant; or whether they were not somewhat afraid of a famine;   because the spoils they had gotten by rapine would not be sufficient for them long; so he made use of this relaxation in order to compass his own designs。 Accordingly; as the   usual appointed time when he must distribute subsistence money to the soldiers was now come; he gave orders that   the commanders should put the army into battle…array; in the face of the enemy; and then give every one of the   soldiers their pay。 So the soldiers; according to custom; opened the cases wherein their arms before lay covered;   and marched with their breastplates on; as did the   horsemen lead their horses in their fine trappings。 Then did the places that were before the city shine very splendidly for a great way; nor was there any thing so grateful to   Titus's own men; or so terrible to the enemy; as that sight。 For the whole old wall; and the north side of the temple; were full of spectators; and one might see the houses full of such as looked at them; nor was there any part of the city which was not covered over with their multitudes; nay; a very great consternation seized upon the hardiest of the Jews themselves; when they saw all the army in the same   place; together with the fineness of their arms; and the good order of their men。 And I cannot but think that the seditious would have changed their minds at that sight;   unless the crimes they had committed against the people   had been so horrid; that they despaired of forgiveness from the Romans; but as they believed death with torments must be their punishment; if they did not go on in the defense of the city; they thought it much better to die in war。 Fate also prevailed so far over them; that the innocent were to perish with the guilty; and the city was to be destroyed with the seditious that were in it。      2。 Thus did the Romans spend four days in bringing this   subsistence…money to the several legions。 But on the fifth day; when no signs of peace appeared to come from the   Jews; Titus divided his legions; and began to raise banks; both at the tower of Antonia and at John's monument。 Now his designs were to take the upper city at that monument; and the temple at the tower of Antonia; for if the temple were not taken; it would be dangerous to keep the city   itself; so at each of these parts he raised him banks; each legion raising one。 As for those that wrought at John's   monument; the Idumeans; and those that were in arms with Simon; made sallies upon them; and put some stop to   them; while John's party; and the multitude of zealots with them; did the like to those that were before the tower of Antonia。 These Jews were now too hard for the Romans;   not only in direct fighting; because they stood upon the hi