第 103 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9321
  seized the garrison that lay in the tower Antonia。 But though they had these engines in their possession; they had so little skill in using them; that they were in great measure useless to them; but a few   there were who had been taught by deserters how to use   them; which they did use; though after an awkward manner。 So they cast stones and arrows at those that were making the banks; they also ran out upon them by companies; and fought with them。 Now those that were at work covered   themselves with hurdles spread over their banks; and their engines were opposed to them when they made their   excursions。 The engines; that all the legions had ready   prepared for them; were admirably contrived; but still more extraordinary ones belonged to the tenth legion: those that threw darts and those that threw stones were more forcible and larger than the rest; by which they not only repelled the excursions of the Jews; but drove those away that were   upon the walls also。 Now the stones that were cast were of the weight of a talent; and were carried two furlongs and further。 The blow they gave was no way to be sustained;   not only by those that stood first in the way; but by those that were beyond them for a great space。 As for the Jews; they at first watched the coming of the stone; for it was of a white color; and could therefore not only be perceived by the great noise it made; but could be seen also before it came by its brightness; accordingly the watchmen that sat upon the towers gave them notice when the engine was let go; and the stone came from it; and cried out aloud; in their own country language; The Stone Cometh (15) so those   that were in its way stood off; and threw themselves down upon the ground; by which means; and by their thus   guarding themselves; the stone fell down and did them no harm。 But the Romans contrived how to prevent that by   blacking the stone; who then could aim at them with   success; when the stone was not discerned beforehand; as it had been till then; and so they destroyed many of them at one blow。 Yet did not the Jews; under all this distress; permit the Romans to raise their banks in quiet; but they shrewdly and boldly exerted themselves; and repelled them both by night and by day。      4。 And now; upon the finishing the Roman works; the   workmen measured the distance there was from the wall;   and this by lead and a line; which they threw to it from their banks; for they could not measure it any otherwise;   because the Jews would shoot at them; if they came to   measure it themselves; and when they found that the   engines could reach the wall; they brought them thither。 Then did Titus set his engines at proper distances; so much nearer to the wall; that the Jews might not be able to repel them; and gave orders they should go to work; and when   thereupon a prodigious noise echoed round about from   three places; and that on the sudden there was a great   noise made by the citizens that were within the city; and no less a terror fell upon the seditious themselves; whereupon both sorts; seeing the common danger they were in;   contrived to make a like defense。 So those of different   factions cried out one to another; that they acted entirely as in concert with their enemies; whereas they ought however; notwithstanding God did not grant them a lasting concord; in their present circumstances; to lay aside their enmities one against another; and to unite together against the   Romans。 Accordingly; Simon gave those that came from   the temple leave; by proclamation; to go upon the wall;   John also himself; though he could not believe Simon was in earnest; gave them the same leave。 So on both sides   they laid aside their hatred and their peculiar quarrels; and formed themselves into one body; they then ran round the walls; and having a vast number of torches with them; they threw them at the machines; and shot darts perpetually   upon those that impelled those engines which battered the wall; nay; the bolder sort leaped out by troops upon the hurdles that covered the machines; and pulled them to   pieces; and fell upon those that belonged to them; and beat them; not so much by any skill they had; as principally by the boldness of their attacks。 However; Titus himself still sent assistance to those that were the hardest set; and   placed both horsemen and archers on the several sides of the engines; and thereby beat off those that brought the fire to them; he also thereby repelled those that shot stones or darts from the towers; and then set the engines to work in good earnest; yet did not the wall yield to these blows; excepting where the battering ram of the fifteenth legion moved the corner of a tower; while the wall itself continued unhurt; for the wall was not presently in the same danger with the tower; which was extant far above it; nor could the fall of that part of the tower easily break down any part of the wall itself together with it。      5。 And now the Jews intermitted their sallies for a while; but when they observed the Romans dispersed all abroad at   their works; and in their several camps; (for they thought the Jews had retired out of weariness and fear;) they all at once made a sally at the tower Hippicus; through an   obscure gate; and at the same time brought fire to burn the works; and went boldly up to the Romans; and to their very fortifications themselves; where; at the cry they made;   those that were near them came presently to their   assistance; and those farther off came running after them; and here the boldness of the Jews was too hard for the   good order of the Romans; and as they beat those whom   they first fell upon; so they pressed upon those that were now gotten together。 So this fight about the machines was very hot; while the one side tried hard to set them on fire; and the other side to prevent it; on both sides there was a confused cry made; and many of those in the forefront of the battle were slain。 However; the Jews were now too hard for the Romans; by the furious assaults they made like   madmen; and the fire caught hold of the works; and both all those works; and the engines themselves; had been in   danger of being burnt; had not many of these select   soldiers that came from Alexandria opposed themselves to prevent it; and had they not behaved themselves with   greater courage than they themselves supposed they could have done; for they outdid those in this fight that had   greater reputation than themselves before。 This was the   state of things till Caesar took the stoutest of his horsemen; and attacked the enemy; while he himself slew twelve of   those that were in the forefront of the Jews; which death of these men; when the rest of the multitude saw; they gave way; and he pursued them; and drove them all into the city; and saved the works from the fire。 Now it happened at this fight that a certain Jew was taken alive; who; by Titus's order; was crucified before the wall; to see whether the rest of them would be aftrighted; and abate of their obstinacy。 But after the Jews were retired; John; who was commander of the Idumeans; and was talking to a certain soldier of his acquaintance before the wall; was wounded by a dart shot at him by an Arabian; and died immediately; leaving the   greatest lamentation to the Jews; and sorrow to the   seditious。 For he was a man of great eminence; both for his actions and his conduct also。      CHAPTER 7。            How One Of The Towers Erected By The Romans Fell   Down Of Its Own Accord; And How The Romans After   Great Slaughter Had Been Made Got Possession Of The   First Wall。 How Also Titus Made His Assaults Upon The   Second Wall; As Also Concerning Longinus The Roman;   And Castor The Jew。      1。 Now; on the next night; a surprising disturbance fell upon the Romans; for whereas Titus had given orders for the   erection of three towers of fifty cubits high; that by setting men upon them at every bank; he might from thence drive   those away who were upon the wall; it so happened that   one of these towers fell down about midnight; and as its fall made a very great noise; fear fell upon the army; and they; supposing that the enemy was coming to attack them; ran   all to their arms。 Whereupon a disturbance and a tumult   arose among the legions; and as nobody could tell what   had happened; they went on after a disconsolate manner;   and seeing no enemy appear; they were afraid one of   another; and every one demanded of his neighbor the   watchword with great earnestness; as though the Jews had invaded their camp。 And now were they like people under a panic fear; till Titus was informed of what had happened; and gave orders that all should be acquainted with it; and then; though with some difficulty; they got clear of the disturbance they had been under。      2。 Now these towers were very troublesome to the Jews;   who otherwise opposed the Romans very courageously; for   they shot at them out of their lighter engines from those towers; as they did also by those that threw darts; and the archers; and those that flung stones。 For neither could the Jews reach those that were over them; by reason of their height; and it was not practicable to take them; nor to   overturn them; they were so heavy; nor to set them