第 97 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  were   overthrown。 The enemy indeed made a shout at the   boldness of Caesar; and exhorted one another to rush upon him。 Yet did these against whom he marched fly away; and go off from him in great numbers; while those that were in the same danger with him kept up close to him; though   they were wounded both on their backs and on their sides; for they had each of them but this one hope of escaping; if they could assist Titus in opening himself a way; that he might not be encompassed round by his enemies before he   got away from them。 Now there were two of those that   were with him; but at some distance; the one of which the enemy compassed round; and slew him with their darts;   and his horse also; but the other they slew as he leaped down from his horse; and carried off his horse with them。 But Titus escaped with the rest; and came safe to the   camp。 So this success of the Jews' first attack raised their minds; and gave them an ill…grounded hope; and this short inclination of fortune; on their side; made them very   courageous for the future。      3。 But now; as soon as that legion that had been at   Emmaus was joined to Caesar at night; he removed   thence; when it was day; and came to a place called   Seopus; from whence the city began already to be seen;   and a plain view might be taken of the great temple。   Accordingly; this place; on the north quarter of the city; and joining thereto; was a plain; and very properly named   Scopus; 'the prospect;' and was no more than seven   furlongs distant from it。 And here it was that Titus ordered a camp to be fortified for two legions that were to be together; but ordered another camp to be fortified; at three furlongs farther distance behind them; for the fifth legion; for he thought that; by marching in the night; they might be tired; and might deserve to be covered from the enemy; and with less fear might fortify themselves; and as these were now beginning to build; the tenth legion; who came through   Jericho; was already come to the place; where a certain   party of armed men had formerly lain; to guard that pass into the city; and had been taken before by Vespasian。   These legions had orders to encamp at the distance of six furlongs from Jerusalem; at the mount called the Mount of Olives (8) which lies over against the city on the east side; and is parted from it by a deep valley; interposed between them; which is named Cedron。      4。 Now when hitherto the several parties in the city had been dashing one against another perpetually; this foreign war; now suddenly come upon them after a violent manner; put the first stop to their contentions one against another; and as the seditious now saw with astonishment the   Romans pitching three several camps; they began to think of an awkward sort of concord; and said one to another;   〃What do we here; and what do we mean; when we suffer   three fortified walls to be built to coop us in; that we shall not be able to breathe freely? while the enemy is securely building a kind of city in opposition to us; and while we sit still within our own walls; and become spectators only of what they are doing; with our hands idle; and our armor laid by; as if they were about somewhat that was for our good and advantage。 We are; it seems; (so did they cry out;)   only courageous against ourselves; while the Romans are   likely to gain the city without bloodshed by our sedition。〃 Thus did they encourage one another when they were   gotten together; and took their armor immediately; and ran out upon the tenth legion; and fell upon the Romans with great eagerness; and with a prodigious shout; as they were fortifying their camp。 These Romans were caught in   different parties; and this in order to perform their several works; and on that account had in great measure laid aside their arms; for they thought the Jews would not have   ventured to make a sally upon them; and had they been   disposed so to do; they supposed their sedition would have distracted them。 So they were put into disorder   unexpectedly; when some of hem left their works they were about; and immediately marched off; while many ran to   their arms; but were smitten and slain before they could turn back upon the enemy。 The Jews became still more   and more in number; as encouraged by the good success   of those that first made the attack; and while they had such good fortune; they seemed both to themselves and to the   enemy to be many more than they really were。 The   disorderly way of their fighting at first put the Romans also to a stand; who had been constantly used to fight skillfully in good order; and with keeping their ranks; and obeying the orders that were given them; for which reason the   Romans were caught unexpectedly; and were obliged to   give way to the assaults that were made upon them。 Now   when these Romans were overtaken; and turned back upon   the Jews; they put a stop to their career; yet when they did not take care enough of themselves through the   vehemency of their pursuit; they were wounded by them;   but as still more and more Jews sallied out of the city; the Romans were at length brought into confusion; and put to fight; and ran away from their camp。 Nay; things looked as though the entire legion would have been in danger; unless Titus had been informed of the case they were in; and had sent them succors immediately。 So he reproached them for their cowardice; and brought those back that were running away; and fell himself upon the Jews on their flank; with those select troops that were with him; and slew a   considerable number; and wounded more of them; and put   them all to flight; and made them run away hastily down the valley。 Now as these Jews suffered greatly in the declivity of the valley; so when they were gotten over it; they turned about; and stood over against the Romans; having the   valley between them; and there fought with them。 Thus did they continue the fight till noon; but when it was already a little after noon; Titus set those that came to the assistance of the Romans with him; and those that belonged to the   cohorts; to prevent the Jews from making any more sallies; and then sent the rest of the legion to the upper part of the mountain; to fortify their camp。      5。 This march of the Romans seemed to the Jews to be a   flight; and as the watchman who was placed upon the wall gave a signal by shaking his garment; there came out a   fresh multitude of Jews; and that with such mighty violence; that one might compare it to the running of the most terrible wild beasts。 To say the truth; none of those that opposed them could sustain the fury with which they made their   attacks; but; as if they had been cast out of an engine; they brake the enemies' ranks to pieces; who were put to flight; and ran away to the mountain; none but Titus himself; and a few others with him; being left in the midst of the acclivity。 Now these others; who were his friends; despised the   danger they were in; and were ashamed to leave their   general; earnestly exhorting him to give way to these Jews that are fond of dying; and not to run into such dangers before those that ought to stay before him; to consider what his fortune was; and not; by supplying the place of a   common soldier; to venture to turn back upon the enemy so suddenly; and this because he was general in the war; and lord of the habitable earth; on whose preservation the   public affairs do all depend。 These persuasions Titus   seemed not so much as to hear; but opposed those that   ran upon him; and smote them on the face; and when he   had forced them to go back; he slew them: he also fell   upon great numbers as they marched down the hill; and   thrust them forward; while those men were so amazed at   his courage and his strength; that they could not fly directly to the city; but declined from him on both sides; and   pressed after those that fled up the hill; yet did he still fall upon their flank; and put a stop to their fury。 In the mean time; a disorder and a terror fell again upon those that were fortifying their camp at the top of the hill; upon their seeing those beneath them running away; insomuch that the whole legion was dispersed; while they thought that the sallies of the Jews upon them were plainly insupportable; and that   Titus was himself put to flight; because they took it for granted; that; if he had staid; the rest would never have fled for it。 Thus were they encompassed on every side by a kind of panic fear; and some dispersed themselves one way;   and some another; till certain of them saw their general in the very midst of an action; and being under great concern for him; they loudly proclaimed the danger he was in to the entire legion; and now shame made them turn back; and   they reproached one another that they did worse than run away; by deserting Caesar。 So they used their utmost force against the Jews; and declining from the straight declivity; they drove them on heaps into the bottom of the valley。   Then did the Jews turn about and fight them; but as they were themselves retiring; and now; because the Romans   had the advantage of the ground; and were above the   Jews; they drove them all into the valley。 Titus also pressed upon those that were near him; and sent the