第 96 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  sternation and fear; nor had they any opportunity of taking counsel; and of   changing their conduct; nor were there any hopes of   coming to an agreement with their enemies; nor could such as had a mind flee away; for guards were set at all places; and the heads of the robbers; although they were seditious one against another in other respects; yet did they agree in killing those that were for peace with the Romans; or were suspected of an inclination to desert them; as their common enemies。 They agreed in nothing but this; to kill those that were innocent。 The noise also of those that were fighting was incessant; both by day and by night; but the   lamentations of those that mourned exceeded the other; nor was there ever any occasion for them to leave off their   lamentations; because their calamities came perpetually   one upon another; although the deep consternation they   were in prevented their outward wailing; but being   constrained by their fear to conceal their inward passions; they were inwardly tormented; without daring to open their lips in groans。 :Nor was any regard paid to those that were still alive; by their relations; nor was there any care taken of burial for those that were dead; the occasion of both which was this; that every one despaired of himself; for those that were not among the seditious had no great desires of any thing; as expecting for certain that they should very soon be destroyed; but for the seditious themselves; they fought against each other; while they trod upon the dead bodies as they lay heaped one upon another; and taking up a mad rage from those dead bodies that were under their feet;   became the fiercer thereupon。 They; moreover; were still inventing somewhat or other that was pernicious against   themselves; and when they had resolved upon any thing;   they executed it without mercy; and omitted no method of torment or of barbarity。 Nay; John abused the sacred   materials; (5) and employed them in the construction of his engines of war; for the people and the priests had formerly determined to support the temple; and raise the holy house twenty cubits higher; for king Agrippa had at a very great expense; and with very great pains; brought thither such materials as were proper for that purpose; being pieces of timber very well worth seeing; both for their straightness and their largeness; but the war coming on; and interrupting the work; John had them cut; and prepared for the building him towers; he finding them long enough to oppose from   them those his adversaries that thought him from the   temple that was above him。 He also had them brought and   erected behind the inner court over against the west end of the cloisters; where alone he could erect them ; whereas the other sides of that court had so many steps as would not let them come nigh enough the cloisters。      6。 Thus did John hope to be too hard for his enemies by   these engines constructed by his impiety; but God himself demonstrated that his pains would prove of no use to him; by bringing the Romans upon him; before he had reared   any of his towers; for Titus; when he had gotten together part of his forces about him; and had ordered the rest to meet him at Jerusalem; marched out of Cesarea。 He had   with him those three legions that had accompanied his   father when he laid Judea waste; together with that twelfth legion which had been formerly beaten with Cestius; which legion; as it was otherwise remarkable for its valor; so did it march on now with greater alacrity to avenge themselves   on the Jews; as remembering what they had formerly   suffered from them。 Of these legions he ordered the fifth to meet him; by going through Emmaus; and the tenth to go   up by Jericho; he also moved himself; together with the   rest; besides whom; marched those auxiliaries that came   from the kings; being now more in number than before;   together with a considerable number that came to his   assistance from Syria。 Those also that had been selected out of these four legions; and sent with Mucianus to Italy; had their places filled up out of these soldiers that came out of Egypt with Titus; who were two thousand men; chosen   out of the armies at Alexandria。 There followed him also three thousand drawn from those that guarded the river   Euphrates; as also there came Tiberius Alexander; who   was a friend of his; most valuable; both for his good…will to him; and for his prudence。 He had formerly been governor of Alexandria; but was now thought worthy to be general of the army 'under Titus'。 The reason of this was; that he had been the first who encouraged Vespasian very lately to   accept this his new dominion; and joined himself to him with great fidelity; when things were uncertain; and fortune had not yet declared for him。 He also followed Titus as a   counselor; very useful to him in this war; both by his age and skill in such affairs。      CHAPTER 2。            How Titus Marched To Jerusalem; And How He Was In   Danger As He Was Taking A View O The City Of The   Place Also Where He Pitched His Camp      1。 Now; as Titus was upon his march into the enemy's   country; the auxiliaries that were sent by the kings marched first; having all the other auxiliaries with them; after whom followed those that were to prepare the roads and measure out the camp; then came the commander's baggage; and   after that the other soldiers; who were completely armed to support them; then came Titus himself; having with him   another select body; and then came the pikemen; after   whom came the horse belonging to that legion。 All these   came before the engines; and after these engines came the tribunes and the leaders of the cohorts; with their select bodies; after these came the ensigns; with the eagle; and before those ensigns came the trumpeters belonging to   them; next these came the main body of the army in their ranks; every rank being six deep; the servants belonging to every legion came after these; and before these last their baggage; the mercenaries came last; and those that   guarded them brought up the rear。 Now Titus; according to the Roman usage; went in the front of the army after a   decent manner; and marched through Samaria to Gophna;   a city that had been formerly taken by his father; and was then garrisoned by Roman soldiers; and when he had   lodged there one night; he marched on in the morning; and when he had gone as far as a day's march; he pitched his camp at that valley which the Jews; in their own tongue; call 〃the Valley of Thorns;〃 near a certain village called Gabaothsath; which signifies 〃the Hill of Saul;〃 being distant from Jerusalem about thirty furlongs。 (6) There it was that he chose out six hundred select horsemen; and went to   take a view of the city; to observe what strength it was of; and how courageous the Jews were; whether; when they   saw him; and before they came to a direct battle; they   would be affrighted and submit; for he had been informed what was really true; that the people who were fallen under the power of the seditious and the robbers were greatly   desirous of peace; but being too weak to rise up against the rest; they lay still。      2。 Now; so long as he rode along the straight road which led to the wall of the city; nobody appeared out of the   gates; but when he went out of that road; and declined   towards the tower Psephinus; and led the band of   horsemen obliquely; an immense number of the Jews   leaped out suddenly at the towers called the 〃Women's   Towers;〃 through that gate which was over against the   monuments of queen Helena; and intercepted his horse;   and standing directly opposite to those that still ran along the road; hindered them from joining those that had   declined out of it。 They intercepted Titus also; with a few other。 Now it was here impossible for him to go forward; because all the places had trenches dug in them from the wall; to preserve the gardens round about; and were full of gardens obliquely situated; and of many hedges; and to   return back to his own men; he saw it was also impossible; by reason of the multitude of the enemies that lay between them; many of whom did not so much as know that the king was in any danger; but supposed him still among them。 So he perceived that his preservation must be wholly owing to his own courage; and turned his horse about; and cried out aloud to those that were about him to follow him; and ran with violence into the midst of his enemies; in order to force his way through them to his own men。 And hence we may   principally learn; that both the success of wars; and the dangers that kings (7) are in; are under the providence of God; for while such a number of darts were thrown at Titus; when he had neither his head…piece on; nor his breastplate; (for; as I told you; he went out not to fight; but to view the city;) none of them touched his body; but went aside   without hurting him; as if all of them missed him on   purpose; and only made a noise as they passed by him。 So he diverted those perpetually with his sword that came on his side; and overturned many of those that directly met him; and made his horse ride over those that were   overthrown。 The enemy indeed made a shout at the   boldness of Caesar; and exhorted one anoth