第 89 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  s; after which he set fire to their houses; and went away to the   adjoining villages; while the men of power fled away; and the weaker part were destroyed; and what was remaining was all burnt down。 And now the war having gone through all the   mountainous country; and all the plain country also; those that were at Jerusalem were deprived of the liberty of going out of the city; for as to such as had a mind to desert; they were watched by the zealots; and as to such as were not yet on the side of the Romans; their army kept them in; by   encompassing the city round about on all sides。      2。 Now as Vespasian was returned to Cesarea; and was   getting ready with all his army to march directly to Jerusalem; he was informed that Nero was dead; after he had reigned thirteen years and eight days。 Bnt as to any narration after what manner he abused his power in the government; and   committed the management of affairs to those vile wretches; Nymphidius and Tigellinus; his unworthy freed…men; and how he had a plot laid against him by them; and was deserted by all his guards; and ran away with four of his most trusty freed…men; and slew himself in the suburbs of Rome; and   how those that occasioned his death were in no long time brought themselves to punishment; how also the war in Gall ended; and how Galba was made emperor (16) and returned   out of Spain to Rome; and how he was accused by the   soldiers as a pusillanimous person; and slain by treachery in the middle of the market…place at Rome; and Otho was made emperor; with his expedition against the commanders of   Vitellius; and his destruction thereupon; and besides what troubles there were under Vitellius; and the fight that was about the capitol; as also how Antonius Primus and Mucianus slew Vitellius; and his German legions; and thereby put an end to that civil war; I have omitted to give an exact account of them; because they are well known by all; and they are described by a great number of Greek and Roman   authors; yet for the sake of the connexion of matters; and that my history may not be incoherent; I have just touched upon every thing briefly。 Wherefore Vespasian put off at first his expedition against Jerusalem; and stood waiting whither the empire would be transferred after the death of Nero。 Moreover; when he heard that Galba was made emperor; he   attempted nothing till he also should send him some   directions about the war: however; he sent his son Titus to him; to salute him; and to receive his commands about the Jews。 Upon the very same errand did king Agrippa sail along with Titus to Galba; but as they were sailing in their long ships by the coasts of Achaia; for it was winter time; they heard that Galba was slain; before they could get to him; after he had reigned seven months and as many days。 After whom Otho took the government; and undertook the   management of public affairs。 So Agrippa resolved to go on to Rome without any terror; on account of the change in the government; but Titus; by a Divine impulse; sailed back from Greece to Syria; and came in great haste to Cesarea; to his father。 And now they were both in suspense about the public affairs; the Roman empire being then in a fluctuating   condition; and did not go on with their expedition against the Jews; but thought that to make any attack upon foreigners was now unseasonable; on account of the solicitude they were in for their own country。      3。 And now there arose another war at Jerusalem。 There was a son of Giora; one Simon; by birth of Gerasa; a young man; not so cunning indeed as John 'of Gisehala'; who had already seized upon the city; but superior in strength of body and courage; on which account; when he had been driven away   from that Acrabattene toparchy; which he once had; by   Ananus the high priest; he came to those robbers who had seized upon Masada。 At the first they suspected him; and only permitted him to come with the women he brought with him into the lower part of the fortress; while they dwelt in the upper part of it themselves。 However; his manner so well agreed with theirs; and he seemed so trusty a man; that he went out with them; and ravaged and destroyed the country with them about Masada; yet when he persuaded them to   undertake greater things; he could not prevail with them so to do; for as they were accustomed to dwell in that citadel; they were afraid of going far from that which was their   hiding…place; but he affecting to tyrannize; and being fond of greatness; when he had heard of the death of Ananus; he left them; and went into the mountainous part of the country。 So he proclaimed liberty to those in slavery; and a reward to those already free; and got together a set of wicked men from all quarters。      4。 And as he had now a strong body of men about him; he   overran the villages that lay in the mountainous country; and when there were still more and more that came to him; he ventured to go down into the lower parts of the country; and since he was now become formidable to the cities; many of the men of power were corrupted by him; so that his army was no longer composed of slaves and robbers; but a great many of the populace were obedient to him as to their king。 He then overran the Acrabattene toparchy; and the places that reached as far as the Great Idumea; for he built a wall at a certain village called Nain; and made use of that as a fortress for his own party's security; and at the valley called Paran; he enlarged many of the caves; and many others he found ready for his purpose; these he made use of as   repositories for his treasures; and receptacles for his prey; and therein he laid up the fruits that he had got by rapine; and many of his partizans had their dwelling in them; and he made no secret of it that he was exercising his men   beforehand; and making preparations for the assault of   Jerusalem。      5。 Whereupon the zealots; out of the dread they were in of his attacking them; and being willing to prevent one that was growing up to oppose them; went out against him with their weapons。 Simon met them; and joining battle with them; slew a considerable number of them; and drove the rest before him into the city; but durst not trust so much upon his forces as to make an assault upon the walls; but he resolved first to subdue Idumea; and as he had now twenty thousand armed   men; he marched to the borders of their country。 Hereupon the rulers of the Idumeans got together on the sudden the most warlike part of their people; about twenty…five thousand in number; and permitted the rest to be a guard to their own country; by reason of the incursions that were made by the Sicarii that were at Masada。 Thus they received Simon at their borders; where they fought him; and continued the   battle all that day; and the dispute lay whether they had conquered him; or been conquered by him。 So he went back to Nain; as did the Idumeans return home。 Nor was it long ere Simon came violently again upon their country; when he pitched his camp at a certain village called Thecoe; and sent Eleazar; one of his companions; to those that kept garrison at Herodium; and in order to persuade them to surrender that fortress to him。 The garrison received this man readily; while they knew nothing of what he came about; but as soon as he talked of the surrender of the place; they fell upon him with their drawn swords; till he found that he had no place for flight; when he threw himself down from the wall into the valley beneath; so he died immediately: but the Idumeans; who were already much afraid of Simon's power; thought fit to take a view of the enemy's army before they hazarded a battle with them。      6。 Now there was one of their commanders named Jacob;   who offered to serve them readily upon that occasion; but had it in his mind to betray them。 He went therefore from the village Alurus; wherein the army of the Idumeans were gotten together; and came to Simon; and at the very first he agreed to betray his country to him; and took assurances upon oath from him that he should always have him in   esteem; and then promised him that he would assist him in subduing all Idumea under him; upon which account he was feasted after an obliging manner by Simon; and elevated by his mighty promises; and when he was returned to his own men; he at first belied the army of Simon; and said it was manifold more in number than what it was; after which; he dexterously persuaded the commanders; and by degrees the whole multitude; to receive Simon; and to surrender the   whole government up to him without fighting。 And as he was doing this; he invited Simon by his messengers; and promised him to disperse the Idumeans; which he performed also; for as soon as their army was nigh them; he first of all got upon his horse; and fled; together with those whom he had   corrupted; hereupon a terror fell upon the whole multitude; and before it came to a close fight; they broke their ranks; and every one retired to his own home。      7。 Thus did Simon unexpectedly march into Idumea; without bloodshed; and made a sudden attack upon the city Hebron; and took it; wherein he got possession of a great deal of prey; and plundered it of a vast quantity of fruit。 Now the people of the country say that it is an ancie