第 83 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  om their own nation; which used to be open to even all foreigners that came to worship there。 We have indeed come in great haste to you; and to a war against our own   countrymen; and the reason why we have made such haste is this; that we may preserve that freedom which you are so unhappy as to betray。 You have probably been guilty of the like crimes against those whom you keep in custody; and   have; I suppose; collected together the like plausible   pretenses against them also that you make use of against us; after which you have gotten the mastery of those within the temple; and keep them in custody; while they are only taking care of the public affairs。 You have also shut the gates of the city in general against nations that are the most nearly related to you; and while you give such injurious commands to others; you complain that you have been tyrannized over by them; and fix the name of unjust governors upon such as are tyrannized over by yourselves。 Who can bear this your abuse of words; while they have a regard to the contrariety of your actions; unless you mean this; that those Idumeans do now exclude you out of your metropolis; whom you exclude from the sacred offices of your own country? One may   indeed justly complain of those that are besieged in the temple; that when they had courage enough to punish those tyrants whom you call eminent men; and free from any   accusations; because of their being your companions in   wickedness; they did not begin with you; and thereby cut off beforehand the most dangerous parts of this treason。 But if these men have been more merciful than the public necessity required; we that are Idumeans will preserve this house of God; and will fight for our common country; and will oppose by war as well those that attack them from abroad; as those that betray them from within。 Here will we abide before the walls in our armor; until either the Romans grow weary in waiting for you; or you become friends to liberty; and repent of what you have done against it。〃      5。 And now did the Idumeans make an acclamation to what   Simon had said; but Jesus went away sorrowful; as seeing that the Idumeans were against all moderate counsels; and that the city was besieged on both sides。 Nor indeed were the minds of the Idumeans at rest; for they were in a rage at the injury that had been offered them by their exclusion out of the city; and when they thought the zealots had been strong; but saw nothing of theirs to support them; they were in doubt about the matter; and many of them repented that they had come thither。 But the shame that would attend them in case they returned without doing any thing at all; so far overcame that their repentance; that they lay all night before the wall; though in a very bad encampment; for there broke out a   prodigious storm in the night; with the utmost violence; and very strong winds; with the largest showers of rain; with continued lightnings; terrible thunderings; and amazing   concussions and bellowings of the earth; that was in an   earthquake。 These things were a manifest indication that some destruction was coming upon men; when the system of the world was put into this disorder; and any one would guess that these wonders foreshowed some grand calamities that were coming。      6。 Now the opinion of the Idumeans and of the citizens was one and the same。 The Idumeans thought that God was angry at their taking arms; and that they would not escape   punishment for their making war upon their metropolis。   Ananus and his party thought that they had conquered   without fighting; and that God acted as a general for them; but truly they proved both ill conjectures at what was to come; and made those events to be ominous to their enemies; while they were themselves to undergo the ill effects of them; for the Idumeans fenced one another by uniting their bodies into one band; and thereby kept themselves warm; and   connecting their shields over their heads; were not so much hurt by the rain。 But the zealots were more deeply concerned for the danger these men were in than they were for   themselves; and got together; and looked about them to see whether they could devise any means of assisting them。 The hotter sort of them thought it best to force their guards with their arms; and after that to fall into the midst of the city; and publicly open the gates to those that came to their   assistance; as supposing the guards would be in disorder; and give way at such an unexpected attempt of theirs; especially as the greater part of them were unarmed and unskilled in the affairs of war; and that besides the multitude of the citizens would not be easily gathered together; but confined to their houses by the storm: and that if there were any hazard in their undertaking; it became them to suffer any thing whatsoever themselves; rather than to overlook so great a multitude as were miserably perishing on their account。 But the more prudent part of them disapproved of this forcible method; because they saw not only the guards about them   very numerous; but the walls of the city itself carefully watched; by reason of the Idumeans。 They also supposed that Ananus would be every where; and visit the guards every   hour; which indeed was done upon other nights; but was   omitted that night; not by reason of any slothfulness of Ananus; but by the overbearing appointment of fate; that so both he might himself perish; and the multitude of the guards might perish with him; for truly; as the night was far gone; and the storm very terrible; Ananus gave the guards in the cloisters leave to go to sleep; while it came into the heads of the zealots to make use of the saws belonging to the temple; and to cut the bars of the gates to pieces。 The noise of the wind; and that not inferior sound of the thunder; did here also conspire with their designs; that the noise of the saws was not heard by the others。      7。 So they secretly went out of the temple to the wall of the city; and made use of their saws; and opened that gate which was over against the Idumeans。 Now at first there came a fear upon the Idumeans themselves; which disturbed them; as imagining that Ananus and his party were coming to attack them; so that every one of them had his right hand upon his sword; in order to defend himself; but they soon came to know who they were that came to them; and were entered   the city。 And had the Idumeans then fallen upon the city; nothing could have hindered them from destroying the   people every man of them; such was the rage they were in at that time; but as they first of all made haste to get the zealots out of custody; which those that brought them in earnestly desired them to do; and not to overlook those for whose   sakes they were come; in the midst of their distresses; nor to bring them into a still greater danger; for that when they had once seized upon the guards; it would be easy for them to fall upon the city; but that if the city were once alarmed; they would not then be able to overcome those guards; because as soon as they should perceive they were there; they would put themselves in order to fight them; and would hinder their coming into the temple。       CHAPTER V。                                The Cruelty Of The Idumeans When They Were Gotten Into The Temple During The Storm; And Of The Zealots。 Concerning The Slaughter Of Ananus; And Jesus; And Zacharias; And How The Idumeans Retired        Home。            1。 This advice pleased the Idumeans; and they ascended   through the city to the temple。 The zealots were also in great expectation of their coming; and earnestly waited for them。 When therefore these were entering; they also came boldly out of the inner temple; and mixing themselves among the Idumeans; they attacked the guards; and some of those that were upon the watch; but were fallen asleep; they killed as they were asleep; but as those that were now awakened made a cry; the whole multitude arose; and in the amazement they were in caught hold of their arms immediately; and betook themselves to their own defense; and so long as they thought they were only the zealots who attacked them; they went on boldly; as hoping to overpower them by their numbers; but when they saw others pressing in upon them also; they   perceived the Idumeans were got in; and the greatest part of them laid aside their arms; together with their courage; and betook themselves to lamentations。 But some few of the   younger sort covered themselves with their armor; and   valiantly received the Idumeans; and for a while protected the multitude of old men。 Others; indeed; gave a signal to those that were in the city of the calamities they were in; but when these were also made sensible that the Idumeans were come in; none of them durst come to their assistance; only they returned the terrible echo of wailing; and lamented their misfortunes。 A great howling of the women was excited also; and every one of the guards were in danger of being killed。 The zealots also joined in the shouts raised by the Idumeans; and the storm itself rendered the cry more terrible; nor did the Idumeans spare any body; for as they are naturally a most barbarous and bloody nation; and had been distressed by the tempest; they made use of their wea