第 79 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  afe for them to keep them thus in custody long; since they were men very powerful; and had numerous families of their own that were able to avenge them。 Nay; they thought the very people would perhaps be so moved at these unjust proceedings; as to rise in a body against them; it was therefore resolved to have them slain accordingly; they sent one John; who was the most bloody…minded of them all; to do that execution: this man was also called 〃the son of Dorcas;〃 (3) in the language of our country。 Ten more men went along with him into the   prison; with their swords drawn; and so they cut the throats of those that were in custody there。 The grand lying pretence these men made for so flagrant an enormity was this; that these men had had conferences with the Romans for a   surrender of Jerusalem to them; and so they said they had slain only such as were traitors to their common liberty。 Upon the whole; they grew the more insolent upon this bold prank of theirs; as though they had been the benefactors and saviors of the city。      6。 Now the people were come to that degree of meanness   and fear; and these robbers to that degree of madness; that these last took upon them to appoint high priests。 (4) So when they had disannulled the succession; according to those families out of which the high priests used to be made; they ordained certain unknown and ignoble persons for that office; that they might have their assistance in their wicked   undertakings; for such as obtained this highest of all honors; without any desert; were forced to comply with those that bestowed it on them。 They also set the principal men at   variance one with another; by several sorts of contrivances and tricks; and gained the opportunity of doing what they pleased; by the mutual quarrels of those who might have   obstructed their measures; till at length; when they were satiated with the unjust actions they had done towards men; they transferred their contumelious behavior to God himself; and came into the sanctuary with polluted feet。      7。 And now the multitude were going to rise against them already; for Ananus; the ancientest of the high priests; persuaded them to it。 He was a very prudent man; and had perhaps saved the city if he could but have escaped the hands of those that plotted against him。 These men made the   temple of God a strong hold for them; and a place whither they might resort; in order to avoid the troubles they feared from the people; the sanctuary was now become a refuge;   and a shop of tyranny。 They also mixed jesting among the miseries they introduced; which was more intolerable than what they did; for in order to try what surprise the people would be under; and how far their own power extended; they undertook to dispose of the high priesthood by casting lots for it; whereas; as we have said already; it was to descend by succession in a family。 The pretense they made for this   strange attempt was an ancient practice; while they said that of old it was determined by lot; but in truth; it was no better than a dissolution of an undeniable law; and a cunning   contrivance to seize upon the government; derived from those that presumed to appoint governors as they themselves   pleased。      8。 Hereupon they sent for one of the pontifical tribes; which is called Eniachim; (5) and cast lots which of it should be the high priest。 By fortune the lot so fell as to demonstrate their iniquity after the plainest manner; for it fell upon one whose name was Phannias; the son of Samuel; of the village Aphtha。 He was a man not only unworthy of the high priesthood; but that did not well know what the high priesthood was; such a mere rustic was he ! yet did they hail this man; without his own consent; out of the country; as if they were acting a play upon the stage; and adorned him with a counterfeit thee; they also put upon him the sacred garments; and upon every occasion instructed him what he was to do。 This horrid piece of wickedness was sport and pastime with them; but   occasioned the other priests; who at a distance saw their law made a jest of; to shed tears; and sorely lament the   dissolution of such a sacred dignity。      9。 And now the people could no longer bear the insolence of this procedure; but did all together run zealously; in order to overthrow that tyranny; and indeed they were Gorion the son of Josephus; and Symeon the son of Gamaliel; (6) who   encouraged them; by going up and down when they were   assembled together in crowds; and as they saw them alone; to bear no longer; but to inflict punishment upon these pests and plagues of their freedom; and to purge the temple of these bloody polluters of it。 The best esteemed also of the high priests; Jesus the son of Gamalas; and Ananus the son of Ananus when they were at their assemblies; bitterly   reproached the people for their sloth; and excited them   against the zealots; for that was the name they went by; as if they were zealous in good undertakings; and were not rather zealous in the worst actions; and extravagant in them beyond the example of others。      10。 And now; when the multitude were gotten together to an assembly; and every one was in indignation at these men's seizing upon the sanctuary; at their rapine and murders; but had not yet begun their attacks upon them; (the reason of which was this; that they imagined it to be a difficult thing to suppress these zealots; as indeed the case was;) Ananus stood in the midst of them; and casting his eyes frequently at the temple; and having a flood of tears in his eyes; he said; 〃Certainly it had been good for me to die before I had seen the house of God full of so many abominations; or these   sacred places; that ought not to be trodden upon at random; filled with the feet of these blood…shedding villains; yet do I; who am clothed with the vestments of the high priesthood; and am called by that most venerable name 'of high priest'; still live; and am but too fond of living; and cannot endure to undergo a death which would be the glory of my old age; and if I were the only person concerned; and as it were in a desert; I would give up my life; and that alone for God's sake; for to what purpose is it to live among a people   insensible of their calamities; and where there is no notion remaining of any remedy for the miseries that are upon   them? for when you are seized upon; you bear it! and when you are beaten; you are silent! and when the people are   murdered; nobody dare so much as send out a groan openly! O bitter tyranny that we are under! But why do I complain of the tyrants? Was it not you; and your sufferance of them; that have nourished them? Was it not you that overlooked those that first of all got together; for they were then but a few; and by your silence made them grow to be many; and by   conniving at them when they took arms; in effect armed them against yourselves? You ought to have then prevented their first attempts; when they fell a reproaching your relations; but by neglecting that care in time; you have encouraged these wretches to plunder men。 When houses were pillaged; nobody said a word; which was the occasion why they carried off the owners of those houses; and when they were drawn through the midst of the city; nobody came to their assistance。 They then proceeded to put those whom you have betrayed into   their hands into bonds。 I do not say how many and of what characters those men were whom they thus served; but   certainly they were such as were accused by none; and   condemned by none; and since nobody succored them when   they were put into bonds; the consequence was; that you saw the same persons slain。 We have seen this also; so that still the best of the herd of brute animals; as it were; have been still led to be sacrificed; when yet nobody said one word; or moved his right hand for their preservation。 Will you bear; therefore; will you bear to see your sanctuary trampled on? and will you lay steps for these profane wretches; upon which they may mount to higher degrees of insolence? Will not you pluck them down from their exaltation? for even by this time they had proceeded to higher enormities; if they had been able to overthrow any thing greater than the sanctuary。 They have seized upon the strongest place of the whole city; you may call it the temple; if you please; though it be like a citadel or fortress。 Now; while you have tyranny in so great a degree walled in; and see your enemies over your heads; to what purpose is it to take counsel? and what have you to support your minds withal? Perhaps you wait for the Romans; that they may protect our holy places: are our matters then brought to that pass? and are we come to that degree of   misery; that our enemies themselves are expected to pity us? O wretched creatures! will not you rise up and turn upon those that strike you? which you may observe in wild beasts themselves; that they will avenge themselves on those that strike them。 Will you not call to mind; every one of you; the calamities you yourselves have suffered? nor lay before your eyes what afflictions you yourselves have undergone? and will not such things sharpen your souls to revenge? Is therefore that most honorable and most natural of our passions utterly lost; I mean the desire of l