第 78 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9321
  who would carry them into captivity were just at hand; and still turned themselves back at the mere noise they made themselves in this their hasty flight; as if those from whom they fled were just upon them。 Many also of them missed their ways; and the earnestness of such as aimed to outgo the rest threw down many of them。 And indeed there was a miserable   destruction made of the women and children; while some of them took courage to call their husbands and kinsmen back; and to beseech them; with the bitterest lamentations; to stay for them; but John's exhortation; who cried out to them to save themselves; and fly away; prevailed。 He said also; that if the Romans should seize upon those whom they left behind; they would be revenged on them for it。 So this multitude that run thus away was dispersed abroad; according as each of them was able to run; one faster or slower than another。    5。 Now on the next day Titus came to the wall; to make the agreement; whereupon the people opened their gates to him; and came out to him; with their children and wives; and   made acclamations of joy to him; as to one that had been their benefactor; and had delivered the city out of custody; they also informed him of John's flight; and besought him to spare them; and to come in; and bring the rest of those that were for innovations to punishment。 But Titus; not so much regarding the supplications of the people; sent part of his horsemen to pursue after John; but they could not overtake him; for he was gotten to Jerusalem before; they also slew six thousand of the women and children who went out with him; but returned back; and brought with them almost three   thousand。 However; Titus was greatly displeased that he had not been able to bring this John; who had deluded him; to punishment; yet he had captives enough; as well as the   corrupted part of the city; to satisfy his anger; when it missed of John。 So he entered the city in the midst of acclamations of joy; and when he had given orders to the soldiers to pull down a small part of the wall; as of a city taken in war; he repressed those that had disturbed the city rather by   threatenings than by executions; for he thought that many would accuse innocent persons; out of their own private   animosities and quarrels; if he should attempt to distinguish those that were worthy of punishment from the rest; and that it was better to let a guilty person alone in his fears; that to destroy with him any one that did not deserve it; for that probably such a one might be taught prudence; by the fear of the punishment he had deserved; and have a shame upon him for his former offenses; when he had been forgiven; but that the punishment of such as have been once put to death could never be retrieved。 However; he placed a garrison in the city for its security; by which means he should restrain those that were for innovations; and should leave those that were   peaceably disposed in greater security。 And thus was all Galilee taken; but this not till after it had cost the Romans much pains before it could be taken by them。          CHAPTER 3。                                Concerning John Of Gischala。 Concerning The Zealots And The High Priest Ananus; As Also How The Jews Raise Seditions One Against     Another 'In Jerusalem'。            1。 Now upon John's entry into Jerusalem; the whole body of the people were in an uproar; and ten thousand of them   crowded about every one of the fugitives that were come to them; and inquired of them what miseries had happened   abroad; when their breath was so short; and hot; and quick; that of itself it declared the great distress they were in; yet did they talk big under their misfortunes; and pretended to say that they had not fled away from the Romans; but came thither in order to fight them with less hazard; for that it would be an unreasonable and a fruitless thing for them to expose themselves to desperate hazards about Gischala; and such weak cities; whereas they ought to lay up their weapons and their zeal; and reserve it for their metropolis。 But when they related to them the taking of Gischala; and their decent departure; as they pretended; from that place; many of the people understood it to be no better than a flight; and   especially when the people were told of those that were made captives; they were in great confusion; and guessed those things to be plain indications that they should be taken also。 But for John; he was very little concerned for those whom he had left behind him; but went about among all the people; and persuaded them to go to war; by the hopes he gave   them。 He affirmed that the affairs of the Romans were in a weak condition; and extolled his own power。 He also jested upon the ignorance of the unskillful; as if those Romans; although they should take to themselves wings; could never fly over the wall of Jerusalem; who found such great   difficulties in taking the villages of Galilee; and had broken their engines of war against their walls。      2。 These harangues of John's corrupted a great part of the young men; and puffed them up for the war; but as to the more prudent part; and those in years; there was not a man of them but foresaw what was coming; and made lamentation on that account; as if the city was already undone; and in this confusion were the people。 But then it must be observed; that the multitude that came out of the country were at discord before the Jerusalem sedition began; for Titus went from Gischala to Cesates; and Vespasian from Cesarea to Jamnia and Azotus; and took them both; and when he had put   garrisons into them; he came back with a great number of the people; who were come over to him; upon his giving them his right hand for their preservation。 There were besides   disorders and civil wars in every city; and all those that were at quiet from the Romans turned their hands one against   another。 There was also a bitter contest between those that were fond of war; and those that were desirous for peace。 At the first this quarrelsome temper caught hold of private families; who could not agree among themselves; after which those people that were the dearest to one another brake   through all restraints with regard to each other; and every one associated with those of his own opinion; and began   already to stand in opposition one to another; so that   seditions arose every where; while those that were for   innovations; and were desirous of war; by their youth and boldness; were too hard for the aged and prudent men。 And; in the first place; all the people of every place betook themselves to rapine; after which they got together in bodies; in order to rob the people of the country; insomuch that for barbarity and iniquity those of the same nation did no way differ from the Romans; nay; it seemed to be a much lighter thing to be ruined by the Romans than by themselves。      3。 Now the Roman garrisons; which guarded the cities; partly out of their uneasiness to take such trouble upon them; and partly out of the hatred they bare to the Jewish nation; did little or nothing towards relieving the miserable; till the captains of these troops of robbers; being satiated with rapines in the country; got all together from all parts; and became a band of wickedness; and all together crept into Jerusalem; which was now become a city without a governor; and; as the ancient custom was; received without distinction all that belonged to their nation; and these they then   received; because all men supposed that those who came so fast into the city came out of kindness; and for their   assistance; although these very men; besides the seditions they raised; were otherwise the direct cause of the city's destruction also; for as they were an unprofitable and a useless multitude; they spent those provisions beforehand which might otherwise have been sufficient for the fighting men。 Moreover; besides the bringing on of the war; they were the occasions of sedition and famine therein。      4。 There were besides these other robbers that came out of the country; and came into the city; and joining to them those that were worse than themselves; omitted no kind of   barbarity; for they did not measure their courage by their rapines and plunderings only; but preceded as far as   murdering men; and this not in the night time or privately; or with regard to ordinary men; but did it openly in the day time; and began with the most eminent persons in the city; for the first man they meddled with was Antipas; one of the royal lineage; and the most potent man in the whole city; insomuch that the public treasures were committed to his care; him they took and confined; as they did in the next place to Levias; a person of great note; with Sophas; the son of Raguel; both which were of royal lineage also。 And besides these; they did the same to the principal men of the country。 This caused a terrible consternation among the people; and everyone contented himself with taking care of his own   safety; as they would do if the city had been taken in war。    5。 But these were not satisfied with the bonds into which they had put the men forementioned; nor did they think it safe for them to keep them thus in custody long; since they were men very powerful; and had numerous