第 69 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  r。 They then searched among the dead; and looked into the most concealed recesses of the city; but as the city was first taken; he was assisted by a certain supernatural providence; for he withdrew himself from the enemy when he was in the midst of them; and leaped into a certain deep pit; whereto there adjoined a large den at one side of it; which den could not be seen by those that were above ground; and there he met with forty persons of eminency that had concealed themselves; and with provisions enough to satisfy them for not a few days。 So in the day time he hid himself from the enemy; who had seized upon all places; and in the night time he got up out of the den and looked about for some way of escaping; and took exact notice of the watch; but as all places were guarded every where on his account; that there was no way of getting off unseen; he went down again into the den。 Thus he concealed himself two days; but on the third day; when they had taken a woman who had been with them; he was discovered。 Whereupon Vespasian sent immediately and zealously two tribunes; Paulinus and Gallicanus; and ordered them to give Josephus their right hands as a security for his life; and to exhort him to come up。
  2。 So they came and invited the man to come up; and gave him assurances that his life should be preserved: but they did not prevail with him; for he gathered suspicions from the probability there was that one who had done so many things against the Romans must suffer for it; though not from the mild temper of those that invited him。 However; he was afraid that he was invited to come up in order to be punished; until Vespasian sent besides these a third tribune; Nicanor; to him; he was one that was well known to Josephus; and had been his familiar acquaintance in old time。 When he was come; he enlarged upon the natural mildness of the Romans towards those they have once conquered; and told him that he had behaved himself so valiantly; that the commanders rather admired than hated him; that the general was very desirous to have him brought to him; not in order to punish him; for that he could do though he should not come voluntarily; but that he was determined to preserve a man of his courage。 He moreover added this; that Vespasian; had he been resolved to impose upon him; would not have sent to him a friend of his own; nor put the fairest color upon the vilest action; by pretending friendship and meaning perfidiousness; nor would he have himself acquiesced; or come to him; had it been to deceive him。
  3。 Now as Josephus began to hesitate with himself about Nicanor's proposal; the soldiery were so angry; that they ran hastily to set fire to the den; but the tribune would not permit them so to do; as being very desirous to take the man alive。 And now; as Nicanor lay hard at Josephus to comply; and he understood how the multitude of the enemies threatened him; he called to mind the dreams which he had dreamed in the night time; whereby God had signified to him beforehand both the future calamities of the Jews; and the events that concerned the Roman emperors。 Now Josephus was able to give shrewd conjectures about the interpretation of such dreams as have been ambiguously delivered by God。 Moreover; he was not unacquainted with the prophecies contained in the sacred books; as being a priest himself; and of the posterity of priests: and just then was he in an ecstasy; and setting before him the tremendous images of the dreams he had lately had; he put up a secret prayer to God; and said; 〃Since it pleaseth thee; who hast created the Jewish nation; to depress the same; and since all their good fortune is gone over to the Romans; and since thou hast made choice of this soul of mine to foretell what is to come to pass hereafter; I willingly give them my hands; and am content to live。 And I protest openly that I do not go over to the Romans as a deserter of the Jews; but as a minister from thee。〃
  4。 When he had said this; he complied with Nicanor's invitation。 But when those Jews who had fled with him understood that he yielded to those that invited him to come up; they came about him in a body; and cried out; 〃Nay; indeed; now may the laws of our forefathers; which God ordained himself; well groan to purpose; that God we mean who hath created the souls of the Jews of such a temper; that they despise death。 O Josephus! art thou still fond of life? and canst thou bear to see the light in a state of slavery? How soon hast thou forgotten thyself! How many hast thou persuaded to lose their lives for liberty! Thou hast therefore had a false reputation for manhood; and a like false reputation for wisdom; if thou canst hope for preservation from those against whom thou hast fought so zealously; and art however willing to be preserved by them; if they be in earnest。 But although the good fortune of the Romans hath made thee forget thyself; we ought to take care that the glory of our forefathers may not be tarnished。 We will lend thee our right hand and a sword; and if thou wilt die willingly; thou wilt die as general of the Jews; but if unwillingly; thou wilt die as a traitor to them。〃 As soon as they said this; they began to thrust their swords at him; and threatened they would kill him; if he thought of yielding himself to the Romans。
  5。 Upon this Josephus was afraid of their attacking him; and yet thought he should be a betrayer of the commands of God; if he died before they were delivered。 So he began to talk like a philosopher to them in the distress he was then in; when he said thus to them: 〃O my friends; why are we so earnest to kill ourselves? and why do we set our soul and body; which are such dear companions; at such variance? Can any one pretend that I am not the man I was formerly? Nay; the Romans are sensible how that matter stands well enough。 It is a brave thin to die in war; but so that it be according to the law of war; by the hand of conquerors。 If; therefore; I avoid death from the sword of the Romans; I am truly worthy to be killed by my own sword; and my own hand; but if they admit of mercy; and would spare their enemy; how much more ought we to have mercy upon ourselves; and to spare ourselves? For it is certainly a foolish thing to do that to ourselves which we quarrel with them for doing to us。 I confess freely that it is a brave thing to die for liberty; but still so that it be in war; and done by those who take that liberty from us; but in the present case our enemies do neither meet us in battle; nor do they kill us。 Now he is equally a coward who will not die when he is obliged to die; and he who will die when he is not obliged so to do。 What are we afraid of; when we will not go up to the Romans? Is it death? If so; what we are afraid of; when we but suspect our enemies will inflict it on us; shall we inflict it on ourselves for certain? But it may be said we must be slaves。 And are we then in a clear state of liberty at present? It may also be said that it is a manly act for one to kill himself。 No; certainly; but a most unmanly one; as I should esteem that pilot to be an arrant coward; who; out of fear of a storm; should sink his ship of his own accord。 Now self…murder is a crime most remote from the common nature of all animals; and an instance of impiety against God our Creator; nor indeed is there any animal that dies by its own contrivance; or by its own means; for the desire of life is a law engraven in them all; on which account we deem those that openly take it away from us to be our enemies; and those that do it by treachery are punished for so doing。 And do not you think that God is very angry when a man does injury to what he hath bestowed on him? For from him it is that we have received our being; and we ought to leave it to his disposal to take that being away from us。 The bodies of all men are indeed mortal; and are created out of corruptible matter; but the soul is ever immortal; and is a portion of the divinity that inhabits our bodies。 Besides; if any one destroys or abuses a depositum he hath received from a mere man; he is esteemed a wicked and perfidious person; but then if any one cast out of his body this Divine depositum; can we imagine that he who is thereby affronted does not know of it? Moreover; our law justly ordains that slaves which run away from their master shall be punished; though the masters they run away from may have been wicked masters to them。 And shall we endeavor to run away from God; who is the best of all masters; and not guilty of impeity? Do not you know that those who depart out of this life according to the law of nature; and pay that debt which was received from God; when he that lent it us is pleased to require it back again; enjoy eternal fame; that their houses and their posterity are sure; that their souls are pure and obedient; and obtain a most holy place in heaven; from whence; in the revolutions of ages; they are again sent into pure bodies; while the souls of those whose hands have acted madly against themselves are received by the darkest place in Hades; and while God; who is their Father; punishes those that offend against either of them in their posterity? for which reason God hates such doings; and the crime is punished by our most wise legislator。 Accordi