第 65 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  by their want of necessaries; and to betake himself again to arms; and to try to force them to surrender; which was what the Jews greatly desired; for as they despaired of either themselves or their city being able to escape; they preferred a death in battle before one by hunger and thirst。
  14。 However; Josephus contrived another stratagem besides the foregoing; to get plenty of what they wanted。 There was a certain rough and uneven place that could hardly be ascended; and on that account was not guarded by the soldiers; so Josephus sent out certain persons along the western parts of the valley; and by them sent letters to whom he pleased of the Jews that were out of the city; and procured from them what necessaries soever they wanted in the city in abundance; he enjoined them also to creep generally along by the watch as they came into the city; and to cover their backs with such sheep…skins as had their wool upon them; that if any one should spy them out in the night time; they might be believed to be dogs。 This was done till the watch perceived their contrivance; and encompassed that rough place about themselves。
  15。 And now it was that Josephus perceived that the city could not hold out long; and that his own life would be in doubt if he continued in it; so he consulted how he and the most potent men of the city might fly out of it。 When the multitude understood this; they came all round about him; and begged of him not to overlook them while they entirely depended on him; and him alone; for that there was still hope of the city's deliverance; if he would stay with them; because every body would undertake any pains with great cheerfulness on his account; and in that case there would be some comfort for them also; though they should be taken: that it became him neither to fly from his enemies; nor to desert his friends; nor to leap out of that city; as out of a ship that was sinking in a storm; into which he came when it was quiet and in a calm; for that by going away he would be the cause of drowning the city; because nobody would then venture to oppose the enemy when he was once gone; upon whom they wholly confided。  16。 Hereupon Josephus avoided letting them know that he was to go away to provide for his own safety; but told them that he would go out of the city for their sakes; for that if he staid with them; he should be able to do them little good while they were in a safe condition; and that if they were once taken; he should only perish with them to no purpose; but that if he were once gotten free from this siege; he should be able to bring them very great relief; for that he would then immediately get the Galileans together; out of the country; in great multitudes; and draw the Romans off their city by another war。 That he did not see what advantge he could bring to them now; by staying among them; but only provoke the Romans to besiege them more closely; as esteeming it a most valuable thing to take him; but that if they were once informed that he was fled out of the city; they would greatly remit of their eagerness against it。 Yet did not this plea move the people; but inflamed them the more to hang about him。 Accordingly; both the children and the old men; and the women with their infants; came mourning to him; and fell down before him; and all of them caught hold of his feet; and held him fast; and besought him; with great lamentations; that he would take his share with them in their fortune; and I think they did this; not that they envied his deliverance; but that they hoped for their own; for they could not think they should suffer any great misfortune; provided Josephus would but stay with them。
  17。 Now Josephus thought; that if he resolved to stay; it would be ascribed to their entreaties; and if he resolved to go away by force; he should be put into custody。 His commiseration also of the people under their lamentations had much broken that his eagerness to leave them; so he resolved to stay; and arming himself with the common despair of the citizens; he said to them; 〃Now is the time to begin to fight in earnest; when there is no hope of deliverance left。 It is a brave thing to prefer glory before life; and to set about some such noble undertaking as may be remembered by late posterity。〃 Having said this; he fell to work immediately; and made a sally; and dispersed the enemies' out…guards; and ran as far as the Roman camp itself; and pulled the coverings of their tents to pieces; that were upon their banks; and set fire to their works。 And this was the manner in which he never left off fighting; neither the next day; nor the day after it; but went on with it for a considerable number of both days and nights。
  18。 Upon this; Vespasian; when he saw the Romans distressed by these sallies; (though they were ashamed to be made to run away by the Jews; and when at any time they made the Jews run away; their heavy armor would not let them pursue them far; while the Jews; when they had performed any action; and before they could be hurt themselves; still retired into the city;) ordered his armed men to avoid their onset; and not fight it out with men under desperation; while nothing is more courageous than despair; but that their violence would be quenched when they saw they failed of their purposes; as fire is quenched when it wants fuel; and that it was proper for the Romans to gain their victories as cheap as they could; since they are not forced to fight; but only to enlarge their own dominions。 So he repelled the Jews in great measure by the Arabian archers; and the Syrian slingers; and by those that threw stones at them; nor was there any intermission of the great number of their offensive engines。 Now the Jews suffered greatly by these engines; without being able to escape from them; and when these engines threw their stones or javelins a great way; and the Jews were within their reach; they pressed hard upon the Romans; and fought desperately; without sparing either soul or body; one part succoring another by turns; when it was tired down。
  19。 When; therefore; Vespasian looked upon himself as in a manner besieged by these sallies of the Jews; and when his banks were now not far from the walls; he determined to make use of his battering ram。 This battering ram is a vast beam of wood like the mast of a ship; its forepart is armed with a thick piece of iron at the head of it; which is so carved as to be like the head of a ram; whence its name is taken。 This ram is slung in the air by ropes passing over its middle; and is hung like the balance in a pair of scales from another beam; and braced by strong beams that pass on both sides of it; in the nature of a cross。 When this ram is pulled backward by a great number of men with united force; and then thrust forward by the same men; with a mighty noise; it batters the walls with that iron part which is prominent。 Nor is there any tower so strong; or walls so broad; that can resist any more than its first batteries; but all are forced to yield to it at last。 This was the experiment which the Roman general betook himself to; when he was eagerly bent upon taking the city; but found lying in the field so long to be to his disadvantage; because the Jews would never let him be quiet。 So these Romans brought the several engines for galling an enemy nearer to the walls; that they might reach such as were upon the wall; and endeavored to frustrate their attempts; these threw stones and javelins at them; in the like manner did the archers and slingers come both together closer to the wall。 This brought matters to such a pass that none of the Jews durst mount the walls; and then it was that the other Romans brought the battering ram that was cased with hurdles all over; and in the tipper part was secured by skins that covered it; and this both for the security of themselves and of the engine。 Now; at the very first stroke of this engine; the wall was shaken; and a terrible clamor was raised by the people within the city; as if they were already taken。
  20。 And now; when Josephus saw this ram still battering the same place; and that the wall would quickly be thrown down by it; he resolved to elude for a while the force of the engine。 With this design he gave orders to fill sacks with chaff; and to hang them down before that place where they saw the ram always battering; that the stroke might be turned aside; or that the place might feel less of the strokes by the yielding nature of the chaff。 This contrivance very much delayed the attempts of the Romans; because; let them remove their engine to what part they pleased; those that were above it removed their sacks; and placed them over against the strokes it made; insomuch that the wall was no way hurt; and this by diversion of the strokes; till the Romans made an opposite contrivance of long poles; and by tying hooks at their ends; cut off the sacks。 Now when the battering ram thus recovered its force; and the wall having been but newly built; was giving way; Josephus and those about him had afterward immediate recourse to fire; to defend themselves withal; whereupon they took what materials soever they had that were but dry; and made a sally three ways; and set fire to the machines; and the hurdles; and the banks of th