第 45 节
作者:不受约束      更新:2024-05-25 15:05      字数:9322
  rucified。 Accordingly; the whole number of those that were destroyed that day; with their wives and children; (for they did not spare even the infants themselves;) was about three thousand and six hundred。 And what made this calamity the heavier was this new method of Roman barbarity; for Florus ventured then to do what no one had done before; that is; to have men of the equestrian order whipped (21) and nailed to the cross before his tribunal; who; although they were by birth Jews; yet were they of Roman dignity notwithstanding。
  Concerning Bernice's Petition To Florus; To Spare The Jews; But In Vain; As Also How; After The Seditious Flame Was Quenched; It Was Kindled Again By Florus。
  1。 About this very time king Agrippa was going to Alexandria; to congratulate Alexander upon his having obtained the government of Egypt from Nero; but as his sister Bernice was come to Jerusalem; and saw the wicked practices of the soldiers; she was sorely affected at it; and frequently sent the masters of her horse and her guards to Florus; and begged of him to leave off these slaughters; but he would not comply with her request; nor have any regard either to the multitude of those already slain; or to the nobility of her that interceded; but only to the advantage he should make by this plundering; nay; this violence of the soldiers brake out to such a degree of madness; that it spent itself on the queen herself; for they did not only torment and destroy those whom they had caught under her very eyes; but indeed had killed herself also; unless she had prevented them by flying to the palace; and had staid there all night with her guards; which she had about her for fear of an insult from the soldiers。 Now she dwelt then at Jerusalem; in order to perform a vow (22) which she had made to God; for it is usual with those that had been either afflicted with a distemper; or with any other distresses; to make vows; and for thirty days before they are to offer their sacrifices; to abstain from wine; and to shave the hair of their head。 Which things Bernice was now performing; and stood barefoot before Florus's tribunal; and besought him 'to spare the Jews'。 Yet could she neither have any reverence paid to her; nor could she escape without some danger of being slain herself。
  2。 This happened upon the sixteenth day of the month Artemisius 'Jyar'。 Now; on the next day; the multitude; who were in a great agony; ran together to the Upper Market…place; and made the loudest lamentations for those that had perished; and the greatest part of the cries were such as reflected on Florus; at which the men of power were aftrighted; together with the high priests; and rent their garments; and fell down before each of them; and besought them to leave off; and not to provoke Florus to some incurable procedure; besides what they had already suffered。 Accordingly; the multitude complied immediately; out of reverence to those that had desired it of them; and out of the hope they had that Florus would do them no more injuries。
  3。 So Florus was troubled that the disturbances were over; and endeavored to kindle that flame again; and sent for the high priests; with the other eminent persons; and said the only demonstration that the people would not make any other innovations should be this; that they must go out and meet the soldiers that were ascending from Cesarea; whence two cohorts were coming; and while these men were exhorting the multitude so to do; he sent beforehand; and gave directions to the centurions of the cohorts; that they should give notice to those that were under them not to return the Jews' salutations; and that if they made any reply to his disadvantage; they should make use of their weapons。 Now the high priests assembled the multitude in the temple; and desired them to go and meet the Romans; and to salute the cohorts very civilly; before their miserable case should become incurable。 Now the seditious part would not comply with these persuasions; but the consideration of those that had been destroyed made them incline to those that were the boldest for action。
  4。 At this time it was that every priest; and every servant of God; brought out the holy vessels; and the ornamental garments wherein they used to minister in sacred things。 The harpers also; and the singers of hymns; came out with their instruments of music; and fell down before the multitude; and begged of them that they would preserve those holy ornaments to them; and not provoke the Romans to carry off those sacred treasures。 You might also see then the high priests themselves; with dust sprinkled in great plenty upon their heads; with bosoms deprived of any covering but what was rent; these besought every one of the eminent men by name; and the multitude in common; that they would not for a small offense betray their country to those that were desirous to have it laid waste; saying; 〃What benefit will it bring to the soldiers to have a salutation from the Jews? or what amendment of your affairs will it bring you; if you do not now go out to meet them? and that if they saluted them civilly; all handle would be cut off from Florus to begin a war; that they should thereby gain their country; and freedom from all further sufferings; and that; besides; it would be a sign of great want of command of themselves; if they should yield to a few seditious persons; while it was fitter for them who were so great a people to force the others to act soberly。〃
  5。 By these persuasions; which they used to the multitude and to the seditious; they restrained some by threatenings; and others by the reverence that was paid them。 After this they led them out; and they met the soldiers quietly; and after a composed manner; and when they were come up with them; they saluted them; but when they made no answer; the seditious exclaimed against Florus; which was the signal given for falling upon them。 The soldiers therefore encompassed them presently; and struck them with their clubs; and as they fled away; the horsemen trampled them down; so that a great many fell down dead by the strokes of the Romans; and more by their own violence in crushing one another。 Now there was a terrible crowding about the gates; and while every body was making haste to get before another; the flight of them all was retarded; and a terrible destruction there was among those that fell down; for they were suffocated; an broken to pieces by the multitude of those that were uppermost; nor could any of them be distinguished by his relations in order to the care of his funeral; the soldiers also who beat them; fell upon those whom they overtook; without showing them any mercy; and thrust the multitude through the place called Bezetha; (23) as they forced their way; in order to get in and seize upon the temple; and the tower Antonia。 Florus also being desirous to get those places into his possession; brought such as were with him out of the king's palace; and would have compelled them to get as far as the citadel 'Antonia;' but his attempt failed; for the people immediately turned back upon him; and stopped the violence of his attempt; and as they stood upon the tops of their houses; they threw their darts at the Romans; who; as they were sorely galled thereby; because those weapons came from above; and they were not able to make a passage through the multitude; which stopped up the narrow passages; they retired to the camp which was at the palace。
  6。 But for the seditious; they were afraid lest Florus should come again; and get possession of the temple; through Antonia; so they got immediately upon those cloisters of the temple that joined to Antonia; and cut them down。 This cooled the avarice of Florus; for whereas he was eager to obtain the treasures of God 'in the temple'; and on that account was desirous of getting into Antonia; as soon as the cloisters were broken down; he left off his attempt; he then sent for the high priests and the sanhedrim; and told them that he was indeed himself going out of the city; but that he would leave them as large a garrison as they should desire。 Hereupon they promised that they would make no innovations; in case he would leave them one band; but not that which had fought with the Jews; because the multitude bore ill…will against that band on account of what they had suffered from it; so he changed the band as they desired; and; with the rest of his forces; returned to Cesarea。
  Cestius Sends Neopolitanus The Tribune To See In What Condition The Affairs Of The Jews Were。 Agrippa Makes A Speech To The People Of The Jews That He May Divert Them From Their Intentions Of Making War With The Romans。
  1。 However; Florus contrived another way to oblige the Jews to begin the war; and sent to Cestius; and accused the Jews falsely of revolting 'from the Roman government'; and imputed the beginning of the former fight to them; and pretended they had been the authors of that disturbance; wherein they were only the sufferers。 Yet were not the governors of Jerusalem silent upon this occasion; but did themselves write to Cestius; as did Bernice also; about the illegal practices of which Florus had been guilty against the city; who; upon reading both accounts; consulted with his capt