第 4 节
作者:九十八度      更新:2024-05-22 14:00      字数:9322
  before its destruction; as Sylla was the reverse in dying before the
  dedication of his。 For immediately after Vespasian's death it was
  consumed by fire。 The fourth; which now exists; was both built and
  dedicated by Domitian。 It is said Tarquin expended forty thousand
  pounds of silver in the very foundations; but the whole wealth of
  the richest private man in Rome would not discharge the cost of the
  gilding of this temple in our days; it amounting to above twelve
  thousand talents; the pillars were cut out of Pentelican marble; of
  a length most happily proportioned to their thickness; these we saw at
  Athens; but when they were cut anew at Rome and polished; they did not
  gain so much in embellishment as they lost in symmetry; being rendered
  too taper and slender。 Should any one who wonders at the costliness of
  the Capitol visit any one gallery in Domitian's palace; or hall; or
  bath; or the apartments of his concubines; Epicharmus's remark upon
  the prodigal; that…
  〃'Tis not beneficence; but truth to say;
  A mere disease of giving things away;〃
  would be in his mouth in application to Domitian。 It is neither piety;
  he would say; nor magnificence; but; indeed; a mere disease of
  building; and a desire; like Midas; of converting everything into gold
  or stone。 And thus much for this matter。
  Tarquin; after the great battle wherein he lost his son in combat
  with Brutus; fled to Clusium; and sought aid from Lars Porsenna;
  then one of those most powerful princes of Italy; and a man of worth
  and generosity; who assured him of assistance; immediately sending his
  commands to Rome that they should receive Tarquin as their king;
  and; upon the Romans' refusal; proclaimed war; and; having signified
  the time and place where he intended his attack; approached with a
  great army。 Poplicola was; in his absence; chosen consul a second
  time; and Titus Lucretius his colleague; and; returning to Rome; to
  show a spirit yet loftier than Porsenna's; built the city Sigliura
  when Porsenna was already in the neighbourhood; and walling it at
  great expense; there placed a colony of seven hundred men; as being
  little concerned at the war。 Nevertheless; Porsenna; making a sharp
  assault; obliged the defendants to retire to Rome; who had almost in
  their entrance admitted the enemy into the city with them; only
  Poplicola by sallying out at the gate prevented them; and; joining
  battle by Tiber side; opposed the enemy; that pressed on with their
  multitude; but at last; sinking under desperate wounds; was carried
  out of the fight。 The same fortune fell upon Lucretius; so that the
  Romans; being dismayed; retreated into the city for their security;
  and Rome was in great hazard of being taken; the enemy forcing their
  way on to the wooden bridge; where Horatius Cocles; seconded by two of
  the first men in Rome; Herminius and Lartius; made head against
  them。 Horatius obtained this name from the loss of one of his eyes
  in the war; or; as others write; from the depressure of his nose;
  which; leaving nothing in the middle to separate them; made both
  eyes appear but as one; and hence; intending to say Cyclops; by a
  mispronunciation they called him Cocles。 This Cocles kept the
  bridge; and held back the enemy; till his own party broke it down
  behind; and then with his armour dropped into the river; and swam to
  the hither side; with a wound in his hip from a Tuscan spear。
  Poplicola; admiring his courage; proposed at once that the Romans
  should every one make him a present of a day's provisions; and
  afterwards give him as much land as he could plough round in one
  day; and besides erected a brazen statute to his honour in the
  temple of Vulcan; as a requital for the lameness caused by his wound。
  But Porsenna laying close siege to the city; and a famine raging
  amongst the Romans; also a new army of the Tuscans making incursions
  into the country; Poplicola; a third time chosen consul; designed to
  make; without sallying out; his defence against Porsenna; but;
  privately stealing forth against the new army of the Tuscans; put them
  to flight and slew five thousand。 The story of Mucius is variously
  given; we; like others; must follow the commonly received statement。
  He was a man endowed with every virtue; but most eminent in war;
  and; resolving to kill Porsenna; attired himself in the Tuscan
  habit; and using the Tuscan language; came to the camp; and
  approaching the seat where the king sat amongst his nobles; but not
  certainly knowing the king; and fearful to inquire; drew out his
  sword; and stabbed one who he thought had most the appearance of king。
  Mucius was taken in the act; and whilst he was under examination; a
  pan of fire was brought to the king; who intended to sacrifice; Mucius
  thrust his right hand into the flame; and whilst it burnt stood
  looking at Porsenna with a steadfast and undaunted countenance;
  Porsenna at last in admiration dismissed him; and returned his
  sword; reaching it from his seat; Mucius received it in his left hand;
  which occasioned the name of Scaevola; left…handed; and said; 〃I
  have overcome the terrors of Porsenna; yet am vanquished by his
  generosity; and gratitude obliges me to disclose what no punishment
  could extort; and assured him then; that three hundred Romans; all
  of the same resolution; lurked about his camp; only waiting for an
  opportunity; he; by lot appointed to the enterprise; was not sorry
  that he had miscarried in it; because so brave and good a man deserved
  rather to be a friend to the Romans than an enemy。 To this Porsenna
  gave credit; and thereupon expressed an inclination to a truce; not; I
  presume; so much out of fear of the three hundred Romans; as in
  admiration of the Roman courage。 All other writers call this man
  Mucius Scaevola; yet Athendrous; son of Sandon; in a book addressed to
  Octavia; Caesar's sister; avers he was also called Postumus。
  Poplicola; not so much esteeming Porsenna's enmity dangerous to Rome
  as his friendship and alliance serviceable; was induced to refer the
  controversy with Tarquin to his arbitration; and several times
  undertook to prove Tarquin the worst of men; and justly deprived of
  his kingdom。 But Tarquin proudly replied he would admit no judge; much
  less Porsenna; that had fallen away from his engagements; and
  Porsenna; resenting this answer; and mistrusting the equity of his
  cause; moved also by the solicitations of his son Aruns; who was
  earnest for the Roman interest; made a peace on these conditions; that
  they should resign the land they had taken from the Tuscans; and
  restore all prisoners and receive back their deserters。 To confirm the
  peace; the Romans gave as hostages ten sons of patrician parents;
  and as many daughters; amongst whom was Valeria; the daughter of
  Upon these assurances; Porsenna ceased from all acts of hostility;
  and the young girls went down to the river to bathe at that part where
  the winding of the bank formed a bay and made the waters stiller and
  quieter; and; seeing no guard; nor any one coming or going over;
  they were encouraged to swim over; notwithstanding the depth and
  violence of the stream。 Some affirm that one of them; by name Cloelia;
  passing over on horseback; persuaded the rest to swim after; but; upon
  their safe arrival; presenting themselves to Poplicola; he neither
  praised nor approved their return; but was concerned lest he should
  appear less faithful than Porsenna; and this boldness in the maidens
  should argue treachery in the Romans; so that; apprehending them; he
  sent them back to Porsenna。 But Tarquin's men; having intelligence
  of this; laid a strong ambuscade on the other side for those that
  conducted them; and while these were skirmishing together; Valeria;
  the daughter of Poplicola; rushed through the enemy; and fled; and
  with the assistance of three of her attendants made good her escape;
  whilst the rest were dangerously hedged in by the soldiers; but Aruns;
  Porsenna's son; upon tidings of it; hastened to their rescue; and;
  putting the enemy to flight; delivered the Romans。 When Porsenna saw
  the maiden returned; demanding who was the author and adviser of the
  act; and understanding Cloelia to be the person; he looked on her with
  a cheerful and benignant countenance; and; commanding one of his
  horses to be brought; sumptuously adorned; made her a present of it。
  This is produced as evidence by those who affirm that only Cloelia
  passed the river on horseback; those who deny it call it only the
  honour the Tuscan did to her courage; a figure; however; on horseback;
  stands in the Via Sacra; as you go to the Palatium; which some say
  is the statue of Cloelia; others of Valeria。 Porsenna; thus reconciled
  to the Romans; gave them a fresh instance of his generosity; and
  commanded his soldiers to quit the camp merely with their arms;
  leaving their tents; full of corn and other stores; as a gift to the
  Romans。 Hence; even down to our time; when there is a public sale of
  goods; they cry Porsenna's first; by way of perpetual commemoration of
  his kindness。 There stood also; by the senate…house; a brazen statue
  of him; of plain and antique workmanship。
  Afterwards; the Sabines; making incursions upon the Romans; Marc