第 4 节
作者:梦幻天书      更新:2024-05-13 20:08      字数:9322
  speech; all she has just said is full of good sense and to the
  point; it is clever; clear and well calculated to convince。 Yes! we
  must have striking vengeance on the insults of Euripides。
  Oh; women! I am not astonished at these outbursts of fiery rage;
  how could your bile not get inflamed against Euripides; who has spoken
  so ill of you? As for myself; I hate the man; I swear it by my
  children; it would be madness not to hate him! Yet; let us reflect a
  little; we are alone and our words will not be repeated outside。 Why
  be so bent on his ruin? Because he has known and shown up two or three
  of our faults; when we have a thousand? As for myself; not to speak of
  other women; I have more than one great sin upon my conscience; but
  this is the blackest of them。 I had been married three days and my
  husband was asleep by my side; I had a lover; who had seduced me
  when I was seven years old; impelled by his passion; he came
  scratching at the door; I understood at once he was there and was
  going down noiselessly。 〃Where are you going?〃 asked my husband。 〃I am
  suffering terribly with colic;〃 I told him; 〃and am going to the can。〃
  〃Go ahead;〃 he replied; and started pounding together juniper berries;
  aniseed; and sage。 As for myself; I moistened the door…hinge and
  went to find my lover; who laid me; half…reclining upon Apollo's altar
  and holding on to the sacred laurel with one hand。 Well now! Consider!
  that is a thing of which Euripides has never spoken。 And when we
  bestow our favours on slaves and muleteers for want of better; does he
  mention this? And when we eat garlic early in the morning after a
  night of wantonness; so that our husband; who has been keeping guard
  upon the city wall; may be reassured by the smell and suspect nothing;
  has Euripides ever breathed a word of this? Tell me。 Neither has he
  spoken of the woman who spreads open a large cloak before her
  husband's eyes to make him admire it in full daylight to conceal her
  lover by so doing and afford him the means of making his escape。 I
  know another; who for ten whole days pretended to be suffering the
  pains of labour until she had secured a child; the husband hurried
  in all directions to buy drugs to hasten her deliverance; and
  meanwhile an old woman brought the infant in a stew…pot; to prevent
  its crying she had stopped up its mouth with honey。 With a sign she
  told the wife that she was bringing a child for her; who at once began
  exclaiming; 〃Go away; friend; go away; I think I am going to be
  delivered; I can feel him kicking his heels in the belly 。。。。of the
  stew…pot。〃 The husband goes off full of joy; and the old wretch
  quickly takes the honey out of the child's mouth; which starts crying;
  then she seizes the baby; runs to the father and tells him with a
  smile on her face; 〃It's a lion; a lion; that is born to you; it's
  your very image。 Everything about it is like you; even his little
  tool; curved like the sky。〃 Are these not our everyday tricks? Why
  certainly; by Artemis; and we; are angry with Euripides; who assuredly
  treats us no worse than we deserve!
  CHORUS (singing)
  Great gods! where has she unearthed all that? What country gave
  birth to such an audacious woman? Oh! you wretch! I should not have
  thought ever a one of us could have spoken in public with such
  impudence。 'Tis clear; however; that we must expect everything and; as
  the old proverb says; must look beneath every stone; lest it conceal
  some orator ready to sting us。
  There is but one thing in the world worse than a shameless
  woman; and that's another woman。
  By Aglaurus! you have lost your wits; friends! You must be
  bewitched to suffer this plague to belch forth insults against us all。
  Is there no one has any spirit at all? If not; we and our
  maid…servants will punish her。 Run and fetch coals and let's
  depilate her in proper style; to teach her not to speak ill of her
  Oh no no! not that part of me; my friends。 Have we not the right
  to speak frankly at this gathering? And because I have uttered what
  I thought right in favour of Euripides; do you want to depilate me for
  my trouble?
  What! we ought not to punish you; who alone have dared to defend
  the man who has done so much harm; whom it pleases to put all the vile
  women that ever were upon the stage; who only shows us Melanippes
  and Phaedras? But of Penelope he has never said a word; because she
  was reputed chaste and good。
  I know the reason。 It's because not a single Penelope exists among
  the women of to…day; but all without exception are Phaedras。
  Women; you hear how this creature still dares to speak of us all。
  And; Heaven knows; I have not said all that I know。 Do you want
  any more?
  You cannot tell us any more; you have crapped out all you know。
  Why; I have not told the thousandth part of what we women do。 Have
  I said how we use the hollow bandles of our brooms to draw up wine
  unbeknown to our husbands?
  The cursed jade!
  And how we give meats to our pimps at the feast of the Apaturia
  and then accuse the cat。。。。
  You're crazy!
  。。。。Have I mentioned the woman who killed her husband with a
  hatchet? Of another; who caused hers to lose his reason with her
  potions? And of the Acharnian woman。。。。
  Die; you bitch!
  。。。。who buried her father beneath the bath?
  And yet we listen to such things!
  Have I told how you attributed to yourself the male child your
  slave had just borne and gave her your little daughter?
  This insult calls for vengeance。 Look out for your hair!
  By Zeus! don't touch me。
  FIRST WOMAN (slapping him)
  MNESILOCHUS (hitting back)
  There! tit for tat!
  Hold my cloak; Philista!
  Come on then; and by Demeter。。。。
  Well! what?
  I'll make you crap forth the sesame…cake you have eaten。
  Stop wrangling! I see a woman running here in hot haste。 Keep
  silent; so that we may hear the better what she has to say。
  (Enter CLISTHENES; dressed as a woman。)
  Friends; whom I copy in all things; my hairless chin
  sufficiently evidences how dear you are to me; I am women…mad and make
  myself their champion wherever I am。 Just now on the market…place I
  heard mention of a thing that is of the greatest importance to you;
  I come to tell it to you; to let you know it; so that you may watch
  carefully and be on your guard against the danger which threatens you。
  What is it; my child? I can well call you child; for you have so
  smooth a skin。
  They say that Euripides has sent an old man here to…day; one of
  his relations。。。。
  With what object? What is his idea?
  。。。。so that he may hear your speeches and inform him of your
  deliberations and intentions。
  But how would a man fail to be recognized amongst women?
  Euripides singed and depilated him and disguised him as a woman。
  This is pure invention! What man is fool enough to let himself
  be depilated? As for myself; I don't believe a word of it。
  Nonsense! I should not have come here to tell you; if I did not
  know it on indisputable authority。
  Great gods! what is it you tell us! Come; women; let us not lose a
  moment; let us search and rummage everywhere! Where can this man
  have hidden himself to escape our notice? Help us to look; Clisthenes;
  we shall thus owe you double thanks; dear friend。
  Well then! let us see。 To begin with you; who are you?
  Wherever am I to stow myself?
  Each and every one must pass the scrutiny。
  Oh! great gods!
  You ask me who I am? I am the wife of Cleonynus。
  Do you know this woman?
  Yes; yes; pass on to the rest。
  And she who carries the child?
  Surely; she's my nurse。
  This is the end。
  (He runs off。)
  Hi! you there! where are you going? Stop。 What are you running
  away for?
  MNESILOCHUS (dancing on one leg)
  I want to take a pee; you brazen thing。
  Well; be quick about it; I shall wait for you here。
  Wait for her