第 4 节
作者:那年夏天      更新:2024-05-13 20:07      字数:9321
  From Babyland; out yonder
  Beside a silver sea;
  You brought a priceless treasure
  As gift to mine and me!
  Last night my dear one listened …
  And; wife; you knew the cry …
  The dear old Stork has sought our home
  A many times gone by!
  And in your gentle bosom
  I found the pretty thing
  That from the realm out yonder
  Our friend the Stork did bring。
  Last night a babe awakened;
  And; babe; how strange and new
  Must seem the home and people
  The Stork has brought you to;
  And yet methinks you like them …
  You neither stare nor weep;
  But closer to my dear one
  You cuddle; and you sleep!
  Last night my heart grew fonder …
  0 happy heart of mine;
  Sing of the inspirations
  That round my pathway shine!
  And sing your sweetest love…song
  To this dear nestling wee
  The Stork from 'Way…Out…Yonder
  Hath brought to mine and me!
  A bottle tree bloometh in Winkyway land …
  Heigh…ho for a bottle; I say!
  A snug little berth in that ship I demand
  That rocketh the Bottle…Tree babies away
  Where the Bottle Tree bloometh by night and by day
  And reacheth its fruit to each wee; dimpled hand;
  You take of that fruit as much as you list;
  For colic's a nuisance that doesn't exist!
  So cuddle me and cuddle me fast;
  And cuddle me snug in my cradle away;
  For I hunger and thirst for that precious repast …
  Heigh…ho for a bottle; I say!
  The Bottle Tree bloometh by night and by day!
  Heigh…ho for Winkyway land!
  And Bottle…Tree fruit (as I've heard people say)
  Makes bellies of Bottle…Tree babies expand …
  And that is a trick I would fain understand!
  Heigh…ho for a bottle to…day!
  And heigh…ho for a bottle to…night …
  A bottle of milk that is creamy and white!
  So cuddle me close; and cuddle me fast;
  And cuddle me snug in my cradle away;
  For I hunger and thirst for that precious repast …
  Heigh…ho for a bottle; I say!
  Of mornings; bright and early;
  When the lark is on the wing
  And the robin in the maple
  Hops from her nest to sing;
  From yonder cheery chamber
  Cometh a mellow coo …
  'T is the sweet; persuasive treble
  Of my little Googly…Goo!
  The sunbeams hear his music;
  And they seek his little bed;
  And they dance their prettiest dances
  Round his golden curly head:
  Schottisches; galops; minuets;
  Gavottes and waltzes; too;
  Dance they unto the music
  Of my googling Googly…Goo。
  My heart … my heart it leapeth
  To hear that treble tone;
  What music like thy music;
  My darling and mine own!
  And patiently … yes; cheerfully
  I toil the long day through …
  My labor seemeth lightened
  By the song of Googly…Goo!
  I may not see his antics;
  Nor kiss his dimpled cheek:
  I may not smooth the tresses
  The sunbeams love to seek;
  It mattereth not … the echo
  Of his sweet; persuasive coo
  Recurreth to remind me
  Of my little Googly…Goo。
  And when I come at evening;
  I stand without the door
  And patiently I listen
  For that dear sound once more;
  And oftentimes I wonder;
  〃Oh; God! what should I do
  If any ill should happen
  To my little Googly…Goo!〃
  Then in affright I call him …
  I hear his gleeful shouts!
  Begone; ye dread forebodings …
  Begone; ye killing doubts!
  For; with my arms about him;
  My heart warms through and through
  With the oogling and the googling
  Of my little Googly…Goo!
  Speakin' of dorgs; my bench…legged fyce
  Hed most o' the virtues; an' nary a vice。
  Some folks called him Sooner; a name that arose
  From his predisposition to chronic repose;
  But; rouse his ambition; he couldn't be beat …
  Yer bet yer he got thar on all his four feet!
  Mos' dorgs hez some forte … like huntin' an' such;
  But the sports o' the field didn't bother him much;
  Wuz just a plain dorg; an' contented to be
  On peaceable terms with the neighbors an' me;
  Used to fiddle an' squirm; and grunt 〃Oh; how nice!〃
  When I tickled the back of that bench…legged fyce!
  He wuz long in the bar'l; like a fyce oughter be;
  His color wuz yaller as ever you see;
  His tail; curlin' upward; wuz long; loose; an' slim …
  When he didn't wag it; why; the tail it wagged him!
  His legs wuz so crooked; my bench…legged pup
  Wuz as tall settin' down as he wuz standin' up!
  He'd lie by the stove of a night an' regret
  The various vittles an' things he had et;
  When a stranger; most likely a tramp; come along;
  He'd lift up his voice in significant song …
  You wondered; by gum! how there ever wuz space
  In that bosom o' his'n to hold so much bass!
  Of daytimes he'd sneak to the road an' lie down;
  An' tackle the country dorgs comin' to town;
  By common consent he wuz boss in St。 Joe;
  For what he took hold of he never let go!
  An' a dude that come courtin' our girl left a slice
  Of his white flannel suit with our bench…legged fyce!
  He wuz good to us kids … when we pulled at his fur
  Or twisted his tail he would never demur;
  He seemed to enjoy all our play an' our chaff;
  For his tongue 'u'd hang out an' he'd laff an' he'd laff;
  An' once; when the Hobart boy fell through the ice;
  He wuz drug clean ashore by that bench…legged fyce!
  We all hev our choice; an' you; like the rest;
  Allow that the dorg which you've got is the best;
  I wouldn't give much for the boy 'at grows up
  With no friendship subsistin' 'tween him an' a pup!
  When a fellow gits old … I tell you it's nice
  To think of his youth and his bench…legged fyce!
  To think of the springtime 'way back in St。 Joe …
  Of the peach…trees abloom an' the daisies ablow;
  To think of the play in the medder an' grove;
  When little legs wrassled an' little han's strove;
  To think of the loyalty; valor; an' truth
  Of the friendships that hallow the season of youth!
  Little Miss Brag has much to say
  To the rich little lady from over the way
  And the rich little lady puts out a lip
  As she looks at her own white; dainty slip;
  And wishes that she could wear a gown
  As pretty as gingham of faded brown!
  For little Miss Brag she lays much stress
  On the privileges of a gingham dress …
  The rich little lady from over the way
  Has beautiful dolls in vast array;
  Yet she envies the raggedy home…made doll
  She hears our little Miss Brag extol。
  For the raggedy doll can fear no hurt
  From wet; or heat; or tumble; or dirt!
  Her nose is inked; and her mouth is; too;
  And one eye's black and the other's blue …
  The rich little lady goes out to ride
  With footmen standing up outside;
  Yet wishes that; sometimes; after dark
  Her father would trundle her in the park; …
  That; sometimes; her mother would sing the things
  Little Miss Brag says her mother sings
  When through the attic window streams
  The moonlight full of golden dreams …
  Yes; little Miss Brag has much to say
  To the rich little lady from over the way;
  And yet who knows but from her heart
  Often the bitter sighs upstart …
  Uprise to lose their burn and sting
  In the grace of the tongue that loves to sing
  Praise of the treasures all its own!
  So I've come to love that treble tone …
  The top it hummeth a sweet; sweet song
  To my dear little boy at play …
  Merrily singeth all day long;
  As it spinneth and spinneth away。
  And my dear little boy
  He laugheth with joy
  When he heareth the monotone
  Of that busy thing
  That loveth to sing
  The song that is all its own。
  Hold fast the string and wind it tight;
  That the song be loud and clear;
  Now hurl the top with all your might
  Upon the banquette here;
  And straight from the string
  The joyous thing
  Boundeth and spinneth along;
  And it whirrs and it chirrs
  And it birrs and it purrs
  Ever its pretty song。
  Will ever my dear little boy grow old;
  As some have grown before?
  Will ever his heart feel faint and cold;
  When he heareth the songs of yore?
  Will ever this toy
  Of my dear little boy;
  When the years have worn away;
  Sing sad and low
  Of the long ago;
  As it singeth to me to…day?
  When the busy day is done;
  And my weary little one
  Rocketh gently to and fro;
  When the night winds softly blow;
  And the crickets in the glen
  Chirp and chirp and chirp again;
  When upon the haunted green
  Fairies dance around their queen …
  Then from yonder misty skies
  Cometh Lady Button…Eyes。
  Through the murk and mist and gloam
  To our quiet; cozy home;
  Where to singing; sweet and low;
  Rocks a cradle to and fro;
  Where the clock's dull monotone
  Telleth of the day that's done;
  Where the moonbeams hover o'er
  Playthings sleeping on the floor …
  Where my weary wee one lies
  Cometh Lady Button…Eyes。
  Cometh like a fleeting ghost
  From some distant eerie coast;
  Never footfall can you hear