第 2 节
作者:绝对零度      更新:2024-04-09 19:52      字数:9321
  crabs。  Such a day was last Sunday; and then the beach offered a lively
  image of its summer gayety。  It was dotted with hundreds of hooded
  chairs; which foregathered in gossiping groups or confidential couples;
  and as the sun shone quite warm the flaps of the little tents next the
  dunes were let down against it; and ladies in summer white saved
  themselves from sunstroke in their shelter。  The wooden booths for the
  sale of candies and mineral waters; and beer and sandwiches; were flushed
  with a sudden prosperity; so that when I went to buy my pound of grapes
  from the good woman who understands my Dutch; I dreaded an indifference
  in her which by no means appeared。  She welcomed me as warmly as if I had
  been her sole customer; and did not put up the price on me; perhaps
  because it was already so very high that her imagination could not rise
  above it。
  The hotel showed the same admirable constancy。  The restaurant was
  thronged with new…comers; who spread out even over the many…tabled
  esplanade before it; but it was in no wise demoralized。  That night we
  sat down in multiplied numbers to a table d'hote of serenely unconscious
  perfection; and we permanent guestsalas! we are now becoming transient;
  toowere used with unfaltering recognition of our superior worth。  We
  shared the respect which; all over Europe; attaches to establishment; and
  which sometimes makes us poor Americans wish for a hereditary nobility;
  so that we could all mirror our ancestral value in the deference of our
  inferiors。  Where we should get our inferiors is another thing; but I
  suppose we could import them for the purpose; if the duties were not too
  great under our tariff。
  We have not yet imported the idea of a European hotel in any respect;
  though we long ago imported what we call the European plan。  No travelled
  American knows it in the extortionate prices of rooms when he gets home;
  or the preposterous charges of our restaurants; where one portion of
  roast beef swimming in a lake of lukewarm juice costs as much as a
  diversified and delicate dinner in Germany or Holland。  But even if there
  were any proportion in these things the European hotel will not be with
  us till we have the European portier; who is its spring and inspiration。
  He must not; dear home…keeping reader; be at all imagined in the moral or
  material figure of our hotel porter; who appears always in his shirt…
  sleeves; and speaks with the accent of Cork or of Congo。  The European
  portier wears a uniform; I do not know why; and a gold…banded cap; and he
  inhabits a little office at the entrance of the hotel。  He speaks eight
  or ten languages; up to certain limit; rather better than people born to
  them; and his presence commands an instant reverence softening to
  affection under his universal helpfulness。  There is nothing he cannot
  tell you; cannot do for you; and you may trust yourself implicitly to
  him。  He has the priceless gift of making each nationality; each
  personality; believe that he is devoted to its service alone。  He turns
  lightly from one language to another; as if he had each under his tongue;
  and he answers simultaneously a fussy French woman; an angry English
  tourist; a stiff Prussian major; and a thin…voiced American girl in
  behalf of a timorous mother; and he never mixes the replies。  He is an
  inexhaustible bottle of dialects; but this is the least of his merits; of
  his miracles。
  Our portier here is a tall; slim Dutchman (most Dutchmen are tall and
  slim); and in spite of the waning season he treats me as if I were
  multitude; while at the same time he uses me with the distinction due the
  last of his guests。  Twenty times in as many hours he wishes me good…day;
  putting his hand to his cap for the purpose; and to oblige me he wears
  silver braid instead of gilt on his cap and coat。  I apologized yesterday
  for troubling him so often for stamps; and said that I supposed he was
  much more bothered in the season。
  〃Between the first of August and the fifteenth;〃 he answered; 〃you cannot
  think。  All that you can do is to say; Yes; No; Yes; No。〃  And he left me
  to imagine his responsibilities。
  I am sure he will hold out to the end; and will smile me a friendly
  farewell from the door of his office; which is also his dining…room; as I
  know from often disturbing him at his meals there。  I have no fear of the
  waiters either; or of the little errand…boys who wear suits of sailor
  blue; and touch their foreheads when they bring you your letters like so
  many ancient sea…dogs。  I do not know why the elevator…boy prefers a suit
  of snuff…color; but I know that he will salute us as we step out of his
  elevator for the last time as unfalteringly as if we had just arrived at
  the beginning of the summer。
  It is our last day in the hotel at Scheveningen; and I will try to recall
  in their pathetic order the events of the final week。
  Nothing has been stranger throughout than the fluctuation of the guests。
  At times they have dwindled to so small a number that one must reckon
  chiefly upon their quality for consolation; at other times they swelled
  to such a tide as to overflow the table; long or short; at dinner; and
  eddy round a second board beside it。  There have been nights when I have
  walked down the long corridor to my seaward room through a harking
  solitude of empty chambers; there have been mornings when I have come out
  to breakfast past door…mats cheerful with boots of both sexes; and door…
  post hooks where dangling coats and trousers peopled the place with a
  lively if a somewhat flaccid semblance of human presence。  The worst was
  that; when some one went; we lost a friend; and when some one came we
  only won a stranger。
  Among the first to go were the kindly English folk whose acquaintance we
  made across the table the first night; and who took with them so large a
  share of our facile affections that we quite forgot the ancestral
  enmities; and grieved for them as much as if they had been Americans。
  There have been; in fact; no Americans here but ourselves; and we have
  done what we could with the Germans who spoke English。  The nicest of
  these were a charming family from F…; father and mother; and son and
  daughter; with whom we had a pleasant week of dinners。  At the very first
  we disagreed with the parents so amicably about Ibsen and Sudermann that
  I was almost sorry to have the son take our modern side of the
  controversy and declare himself an admirer of those authors with us。
  Our frank literary difference established a kindness between us that was
  strengthened by our community of English; and when they went they left us
  to the sympathy of another German family with whom we had mainly our
  humanity in common。  They spoke no English; and I only a German which
  they must have understood with their hearts rather than their heads;
  since it consisted chiefly of good…will。  But in the air of their sweet
  natures it flourished surprisingly; and sufficed each day for praise of
  the weather after it began to be fine; and at parting for some fond
  regrets; not unmixed with philosophical reflections; sadly perplexed in
  the genders and the order of the verbs: with me the verb will seldom
  wait; as it should in German; to the end。  Both of these families; very
  different in social tradition; I fancied; were one in the amiability
  which makes the alien forgive so much militarism to the German nation;
  and hope for its final escape from the drill…sergeant。  When they went;
  we were left for some meals to our own American tongue; with a brief
  interval of that English painter and his wife with whom we spoke; our
  language as nearly like English as we could。  Then followed a desperate
  lunch and dinner where an unbroken forest of German; and a still more
  impenetrable morass of Dutch; hemmed us in。  But last night it was our
  joy to be addressed in our own speech by a lady who spoke it as admirably
  as our dear friends from F…。  She was Dutch; and when she found we
  were Americans she praised our historian Motley; and told us how his
  portrait is gratefully honored with a place in the Queen's palace; The
  House in the Woods; near Scheveningen。
  She had come up from her place in the country; four hours away; for the
  last of the concerts here; which have been given throughout the summer by
  the best orchestra in Europe; and which have been thronged every
  afternoon and evening by people from The Hague。
  One honored day this week even the Queen and the Queen Mother came down
  to the concert; and gave us incomparably the greatest event of our waning
  season。  I had noticed all the morning a floral perturbation about the
  main entrance of the hotel; which settled into the form of banks of
  autumnal bloom on either side of the specially carpeted stairs; and put
  forth on the roof of the arcade in a crown; much bigger round than a
  barrel; of orange…colored asters; in honor of the Queen's ancestral house
  of Orange。  Flags of blue; white; and red fluttered nervously about in
  the breeze from the sea; and imparted to us an agreeable anxiety not to
  miss seeing the Queens; as the Dutch succinctly call their sovereign and
  her parent; and at three o'clock we saw them drive up to the hotel。
  Certain officials