第 5 节
作者:      更新:2024-04-09 19:51      字数:9322
  〃Gabriel! be of good cheer! for if we love one another;
  Nothing; in truth; can harm us; whatever mischances may happen!〃
  Smiling she spake these words; then suddenly paused; for her father
  Saw she slowly advancing。  Alas! how changed was his aspect!
  Gone was the glow from his cheek; and the fire from his eye; and his footstep
  Heavier seemed with the weight of the heavy heart in his bosom。
  But with a smile and a sigh; she clasped his neck and embraced him;
  Speaking words of endearment where words of comfort availed not。
  Thus to the Gaspereau's mouth moved on that mournful procession。
  There disorder prevailed; and the tumult and stir of embarking。
  Busily plied the freighted boats; and in the confusion
  Wives were torn from their husbands; and mothers; too late; saw their children
  Left on the land; extending their arms; with wildest entreaties。
  So unto separate ships were Basil and Gabriel carried;
  While in despair on the shore Evangeline stood with her father。
  Half the task was not done when the sun went down; and the twilight
  Deepened and darkened around; and in haste the refluent ocean
  Fled away from the shore; and left the line of the sand…beach
  Covered with waifs of the tide; with kelp and the slippery sea…weed。
  Farther back in the midst of the household goods and the wagons;
  Like to a gypsy camp; or a leaguer after a battle;
  All escape cut off by the sea; and the sentinels near them;
  Lay encamped for the night the houseless Acadian farmers。
  Back to its nethermost caves retreated the bellowing ocean;
  Dragging adown the beach the rattling pebbles; and leaving
  Inland and far up the shore the stranded boats of the sailors。
  Then; as the night descended; the herds returned from their pastures;
  Sweet was the moist still air with the odor of milk from their udders;
  Lowing they waited; and long; at the well…known bars of the farm…yard;
  Waited and looked in vain for the voice and the hand of the milkmaid。
  Silence reigned in the streets; from the church no Angelus sounded;
  Rose no smoke from the roofs; and gleamed no lights from the windows。
  But on the shores meanwhile the evening fires had been kindled;
  Built of the drift…wood thrown on the sands from wrecks in the tempest。
  Round them shapes of gloom and sorrowful faces were gathered;
  Voices of women were heard; and of men; and the crying of children。
  Onward from fire to fire; as from hearth to hearth in his parish;
  Wandered the faithful priest; consoling and blessing and cheering;
  Like unto shipwrecked Paul on Melita's desolate sea…shore。
  Thus he approached the place where Evangeline sat with her father;
  And in the flickering light beheld the face of the old man;
  Haggard and hollow and wan; and without either thought or emotion;
  E'en as the face of a clock from which the hands have been taken。
  Vainly Evangeline strove with words and caresses to cheer him;
  Vainly offered him food; yet he moved not; he looked not; he spake not;
  But; with a vacant stare; ever gazed at the flickering fire…light。
  〃Benedicite!〃 murmured the priest; in tones of compassion。
  More he fain would have said; but his heart was full; and his accents
  Faltered and paused on his lips; as the feet of a child on a threshold;
  Hushed by the scene he beholds; and the awful presence of sorrow。
  Silently; therefore; he laid his hand on the head of the maiden;
  Raising his eyes full of tears to the silent stars that above them
  Moved on their way; unperturbed by the wrongs and sorrows of mortals。
  Then sat he down at her side; and they wept together in silence。
  Suddenly rose from the south a light; as in autumn the blood…red
  Moon climbs the crystal walls of heaven; and o'er the horizon
  Titan…like stretches its hundred hands upon mountain and meadow;
  Seizing the rocks and the rivers; and piling huge shadows together。
  Broader and ever broader it gleamed on the roofs of the village;
  Gleamed on the sky and the sea; and the ships that lay in the roadstead。
  Columns of shining smoke uprose; and flashes of flame were
  Thrust through their folds and withdrawn; like the quivering hands of a martyr。
  Then as the wind seized the gleeds and the burning thatch; and; uplifting;
  Whirled them aloft through the air; at once from a hundred house…tops
  Started the sheeted smoke with flashes of flame intermingled。
  These things beheld in dismay the crowd on the shore and on shipboard。
  Speechless at first they stood; then cried aloud in their anguish;
  〃We shall behold no more our homes in the village of Grand…Pr?〃
  Loud on a sudden the cocks began to crow in the farm…yards;
  Thinking the day had dawned; and anon the lowing of cattle
  Came on the evening breeze; by the barking of dogs interrupted。
  Then rose a sound of dread; such as startles the sleeping encampments
  Far in the western prairies or forests that skirt the Nebraska;
  When the wild horses affrighted sweep by with the speed of the whirlwind;
  Or the loud bellowing herds of buffaloes rush to the river。
  Such was the sound that arose on the night; as the herds and the horses
  Broke through their folds and fences; and madly rushed o'er the meadows。
  Overwhelmed with the sight; yet speechless; the priest and the maiden
  Gazed on the scene of terror that reddened and widened before them;
  And as they turned at length to speak to their silent companion;
  Lo! from his seat he had fallen; and stretched abroad on the sea…shore
  Motionless lay his form; from which the soul had departed。
  Slowly the priest uplifted the lifeless head; and the maiden
  Knelt at her father's side; and wailed aloud in her terror。
  Then in a swoon she sank; and lay with her head on his bosom。
  Through the long night she lay in deep; oblivious slumber;
  And when she woke from the trance; she beheld a multitude near her。
  Faces of friends she beheld; that were mournfully gazing upon her;
  Pallid; with tearful eyes; and looks of saddest compassion。
  Still the blaze of the burning village illumined the landscape;
  Reddened the sky overhead; and gleamed on the faces around her;
  And like the day of doom it seemed to her wavering senses。
  Then a familiar voice she heard; as it said to the people;
  〃Let us bury him here by the sea。  When a happier season
  Brings us again to our homes from the unknown land of our exile;
  Then shall his sacred dust be piously laid in the churchyard。〃
  Such were the words of the priest。  And there in haste by the seaside;
  Having the glare of the burning village for funeral torches;
  But without bell or book; they buried the farmer of Grand…Pr?
  And as the voice of the priest repeated the service of sorrow;
  Lo! with a mournful sound; like the voice of a vast congregation;
  Solemnly answered the sea; and mingled its roar with the dirges。
  'Twas the returning tide; that afar from the waste of the ocean;
  With the first dawn of the day; came heaving and hurrying landward。
  Then recommenced once more the stir and noise of embarking;
  And with the ebb of the tide the ships sailed out of the harbor;
  Leaving behind them the dead on the shore; and the village in ruins。
  MANY a weary year had passed since the burning of Grand…Pr?
  When on the falling tide the freighted vessels departed;
  Bearing a nation; with all its household gods; into exile;
  Exile without an end; and without an example in story。
  Far asunder; on separate coasts; the Acadians landed;
  Scattered were they; like flakes of snow; when the wind from the northeast
  Strikes aslant through the fogs that darken the Banks of Newfoundland。
  Friendless; homeless; hopeless; they wandered from city to city;
  From the cold lakes of the North to sultry Southern savannas;
  From the bleak shores of the sea to the lands where the Father of Waters
  Seizes the hills in his hands; and drags them down to the ocean;
  Deep in their sands to bury the scattered bones of the mammoth。
  Friends they sought and homes; and many; despairing; heart…broken;
  Asked of the earth but a grave; and no longer a friend nor a fireside。
  Written their history stands on tablets of stone in the churchyards。
  Long among them was seen a maiden who waited and wandered;
  Lowly and meek in spirit; and patiently suffering all things。
  Fair was she and young; but; alas! before her extended;
  Dreary and vast and silent; the desert of life; with its pathway
  Marked by the graves of those who had sorrowed and suffered before her;
  Passions long extinguished; and hopes long dead and abandoned;
  As the emigrant's way o'er the Western desert is marked by
  Camp…fires long consumed; and bones that bleach in the sunshine。
  Something there was in her life incomplete; imperfect; unfinished;
  As if a morning of June; with all its music and sunshine;
  Suddenly paused in the sky; and; fading; slowly descended
  Into the east again; from whence it late had arisen。
  Sometimes she lingered in towns; till; urged by the fever within her;
  Urged by a restless longing; the hunger and thirst of the spirit;
  She would commence again her endless search and endeavor;
  Sometimes in churchyards strayed; and gazed on the crosses and tombstones;
  Sat by some nameless grave; and thought that perhaps in its bosom
  He was already at rest; and she longed to slumber beside him。
  Sometimes a rumor; a hearsay