第 139 节
作者:温暖寒冬      更新:2024-04-09 19:50      字数:9287
  Chapter XLIII
  The Verdict
  he place fitted up that day as a court of justice was a grand
  old hall; now destroyed by fire。 The midday light that fell
  on the close pavement of human heads was shed through
  a line of high pointed windows; variegated with the mellow tints of
  old painted glass。 Grim dusty armour hung in high relief in front
  of the dark oaken gallery at the farther end; and under the broad
  arch of the great mullioned window opposite was spread a curtain
  of old tapestry; covered with dim melancholy figures; like a dozing
  indistinct dream of the past。 It was a place that through the rest of
  the year was haunted with the shadowy memories of old kings and
  queens;     unhappy;   discrowned;      imprisoned;     but  to…day   all  those
  shadows had fled; and not a soul in the vast hall felt the presence
  of any but a living sorrow; which was quivering in warm hearts。
  But    that   sorrow    seemed     to  have   made    it  itself  feebly  felt
  hitherto;   now   when   Adam   Bede’s   tall   figure   was   suddenly   seen
  being   ushered   to   the   side   of   the  prisoner’s   dock。  In   the  broad
  sunlight  of  the  great  hall; among   the   sleek   shaven   faces   of   other
  men; the marks of suffering in his face were startling even to Mr。
  Irwine; who had last seen him in the dim light of his small room;
  and   the   neighbours   from   Hayslope   who   were   present;   and   who
  told Hetty Sorrel’s story  by  their  firesides   in   their  old age;   never
  forgot  to  say  how   it   moved   them   when   Adam   Bede;   poor   fellow;
  taller by the head than   most  of  the   people   round  him; came   into
  court and took his place by her side。
  George Eliot                                                     ElecBook Classics
  … Page 567…
  Adam Bede                                      567
  But    Hetty    did  not   see   him。   She    was   standing     in  the   same
  position     Bartle   Massey     had    described;     her   hands    crossed    over
  each   other   and   her   eyes   fixed   on   them。   Adam   had   not   dared   to
  look at her in the first moments; but at last; when the attention of
  the   court   was   withdrawn   by   the   proceedings   he   turned   his   face
  towards her with a resolution not to shrink。
  Why did they say she was so changed? In the corpse we love; it
  is the likeness we see—it is the likeness; which makes itself felt the
  more   keenly   because   something   else was   and  is   not。   There   they
  were—the sweet face and neck; with the dark tendrils of hair; the
  long   dark   lashes;   the   rounded   cheek   and   the   pouting   lips—pale
  and thin; yes; but like   Hetty;   and   only  Hetty。   Others   thought  she
  looked   as   if   some   demon   had   cast   a   blighting   glance   upon   her;
  withered      up   the   woman’s       soul   in  her;   and    left  only   a   hard
  despairing  obstinacy。   But  the   mother’s   yearning;   that  completest
  type of the life in another life which is the essence of real human
  love; feels the presence of the cherished child even in the debased;
  degraded   man;   and   to   Adam;   this   pale;   hard…looking   culprit   was
  the Hetty who had smiled at him in   the  garden   under  the  apple…
  tree boughs—she was that Hetty’s corpse; which he had trembled
  to look at the first time; and then was unwilling to turn away his
  eyes from。
  But presently he heard something that compelled him to listen;
  and made the sense of sight less absorbing。 A   woman   was   in   the
  witness…box; a   middle…aged   woman;   who   spoke   in   a   firm   distinct
  voice。 She said;
  “My name is Sarah Stone。 I am a widow; and keep a small shop
  licensed to sell tobacco; snuff; and tea in   Church  Lane;   Stoniton。
  The   prisoner   at   the   bar   is   the  same   young   woman         who   came;
  George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics
  … Page 568…
  Adam Bede                                       568
  looking   ill   and   tired;   with   a   basket   on   her   arm;   and   asked   for   a
  lodging at  my  house   on   Saturday   evening;   the   27th   of   February。
  She had taken the house for a public; because there was a figure
  against   the   door。   And   when   I   said   I   didn’t   take   in   lodgers;   the
  prisoner began to cry; and said she was too tired to go anywhere
  else; and she only wanted a bed for one night。 And her prettiness;
  and   her   condition;   and   something   respectable   about   her   clothes
  and   looks;   and   the   trouble   she   seemed   to   be   in   made   me   as   I
  couldn’t find in my heart to send her away at once。 I asked her to
  sit   down;   and   gave   her   some   tea;   and   asked   her   where   she   was
  going; and where her friends were。 She said she was going home
  to her friends: they were farming folks a good way off; and she’d
  had     a  long   journey     that   had   cost   her    more    money      than   she
  expected; so as she’d hardly any money left in her pocket; and was
  afraid    of  going    where     it  would    cost   her   much。    She    had    been
  obliged   to   sell   most   of   the  things    out   of   her   basket;  but   she’d
  thankfully give a shilling for a bed。 I saw no reason why I shouldn’t
  take the young woman in for the night。 I had only one room; but
  there were two beds in it; and I told her she might stay with me。 I
  thought she’d been led wrong; and got into trouble; but if she was
  going  to  her  friends; it  would be   a   good   work   to  keep   her   out   of
  further harm。”
  The witness then stated that in the night a child was born; and
  she    identified    the   baby…clothes      then   shown     to  her   as   those   in
  which she had herself dressed the child。
  “Those are the clothes。 I made them myself; and had kept them
  by me ever since my last child was born。 I took a  deal   of  trouble
  both   for   the   child   and   the   mother。   I   couldn’t   help   taking   to   the
  little thing and being anxious about it。 I didn’t send for  a doctor;
  George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics
  … Page 569…
  Adam Bede                                       569
  for  there   seemed   no need。 I   told   the   mother   in   the   day…time   she
  must tell me the name of her friends; and where they lived; and let
  me write to them。 She said; by and by she would write herself; but
  not to…day。 She would have no nay; but she would get up and be
  dressed; in spite of everything I could say。 She said she felt quite
  strong enough; and it was wonderful what spirit she showed。 But I
  wasn’t quite easy what I should do about her; and towards evening
  I made up my mind I’d go; after Meeting  was   over;   and   speak   to
  our minister about it。 I left the house about half…past eight o’clock。
  I didn’t go out at the shop door; but at the back door; which opens
  into a narrow alley。 I’ve only got the ground…floor of the house; and
  the    kitchen    and    bedroom      both    look   into   the   alley。   I  left  the
  prisoner sitting up by the fire in the kitchen with the baby on her
  lap。   She   hadn’t   cried   or   seemed   low   at   all;   as   she   did   the   night
  before。 I thought she had a strange look with her eyes; and she got
  a   bit   flushed   towards   evening。   I   was   afraid   of   the    fever;  and    I
  thought I’d call and ask an acquaintance of mine; an experienced
  woman; to come back with me when I went out。 It was a very dark
  night。 I didn’t fasten the door behind me; there was no lock; it was
  a latch with a bolt inside; and when there was nobody in the house
  I   always   went   out   at   the   shop   door。   But   I   thought   there   was   no
  danger in leaving it unfastened that little while。 I was longer than I
  meant to be; for I had to wait for the woman that came back with
  me。   It  was an  hour  and   a   half before   we   got  back;   and   when   we
  went in; the candle was standing burning just as I left it;   but  the
  prisoner and the baby were both gone。 She’d taken her cloak and
  bonnet;   but   she’d   left   the   basket   and   the   things   in   it   。   。   。   I   was
  dreadful   frightened;   and   angry   with   her   for   going。   I   didn’t   go   to
  give    information;     because     I’d   no   thought   she    meant   to   do   any
  George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics
  … Page 570…
  Adam Bede