第 98 节
作者:温暖寒冬      更新:2024-04-09 19:50      字数:9173
  consequence; but an element of his error。 The words of hatred and
  George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics
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  Adam Bede                                      395
  contempt—the   first   he   had   ever   heard         in  his   life—seemed      like
  scorching missiles that were making ineffaceable scars on him。 All
  screening   self…excuse;   which   rarely   falls   quite   away   while   others
  respect   us;   forsook   him   for   an   instant;   and   he   stood   face   to   face
  with the first great irrevocable evil he had ever committed。 He was
  only twenty…one; and three months ago—nay; much later—he had
  thought proudly that no man should ever be able to reproach him
  justly。   His   first  impulse;     if  there  had    been    time   for  it;  would
  perhaps   have been   to  utter  words   of  propitiation; but  Adam   had
  no sooner thrown off his coat and cap than he became aware that
  Arthur     was    standing     pale   and   motionless;     with   his   hands    still
  thrust in his waistcoat pockets。
  “What!” he said; “won’t you  fight  me   like a   man?  You  know  I
  won’t strike you while you stand so。”
  “Go away; Adam;” said Arthur; “I don’t want to fight you。”
  “No;”   said   Adam;   bitterly;   “you   don’t   want   to   fight   me—you
  think I’m a common man; as you can injure without answering for
  “I   never    meant     to  injure   you;”   said   Arthur;    with    returning
  anger。 “I didn’t know you loved her。”
  “But you’ve made her love you;” said Adam。 “You’re a double…
  faced man—I’ll never believe a word you say again。”
  “Go   away;   I   tell   you;”   said   Arthur;   angrily;   “or   we   shall   both
  “No;”   said   Adam;   with   a   convulsed   voice;   “I   swear   I   won’t   go
  away without fighting you。 Do you want provoking any more? I tell
  you you’re a coward and a scoundrel; and I despise you。”
  The   colour  had   all  rushed back   to  Arthur’s   face;   in   a moment
  his right hand was clenched; and dealt a blow like lightning; which
  George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics
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  Adam Bede                                      396
  sent Adam staggering backward。 His blood was as thoroughly up
  as Adam’s now; and the two men; forgetting the emotions that had
  gone before;   fought  with  the   instinctive   fierceness   of  panthers   in
  the deepening twilight darkened by the trees。 The delicate…handed
  gentleman       was    a  match     for   the   workman       in  everything      but
  strength;   and   Arthur’s   skill   enabled   him   to   protract   the   struggle
  for some long moments。 But between unarmed men the battle is to
  the   strong;   where   the   strong   is   no   blunderer;   and   Arthur   must
  sink under a well…planted blow of Adam’s as a steel rod is broken
  by an iron bar。 The blow soon came; and Arthur fell; his head lying
  concealed   in   a   tuft   of   fern;   so   that   Adam   could   only   discern   his
  darkly clad body。
  He stood still in the dim light waiting for Arthur to rise。
  The   blow   had   been     given   now;    towards     which   he   had    been
  straining   all   the   force   of   nerve   and   muscle—and   what   was   the
  good of it? What had he done by fighting? Only satisfied his own
  passion;   only   wreaked   his   own   vengeance。   He   had   not   rescued
  Hetty; nor changed the past—there it was; just as it had been; and
  he sickened at the vanity of his own rage。
  But why did not Arthur rise? He was perfectly motionless; and
  the time seemed long to Adam。 Good God! had the blow been too
  much      for  him?     Adam     shuddered       at  the   thought     of  his  own
  strength;   as   with   the   oncoming   of   this   dread   he   knelt   down   by
  Arthur’s side and lifted his head from among the fern。 There was
  no sign of life: the eyes and teeth were set。 The horror that rushed
  over Adam completely mastered him; and forced upon him its own
  belief。 He could feel nothing but that  death  was   in   Arthur’s   face;
  and     that   he   was    helpless    before    it。  He    made     not   a  single
  movement; but knelt like an image of despair gazing at an image
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  Adam Bede                                       397
  of death。
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  Adam Bede                                   398
  Chapter XXVIII
  A Dilemma
  t   was   only   a  few  minutes    measured     by  the   clock—though
  Adam   always   thought   it   had   been   a   long   while—before   he
  perceived   a   gleam   of   consciousness   in   Arthur’s    face   and  a
  slight   shiver   through   his   frame。   The   intense   joy   that   flooded   his
  soul brought back some of the old affection with it。
  “Do     you   feel  any   pain;   sir?”   he   said;  tenderly;   loosening
  Arthur’s cravat。
  Arthur turned his eyes on Adam with a vague stare which gave
  way to a slightly startled motion as if from the shock of returning
  memory。 But he only shivered again and said nothing。
  “Do you feel any hurt; sir?” Adam said again; with a trembling
  in his voice。
  Arthur   put   his   hand    up  to   his  waistcoat   buttons;   and  when
  Adam had unbuttoned it; he took a longer breath。 “Lay  my  head
  down;” he said; faintly; “and get me some water if you can。”
  Adam      laid  the   head    down    gently   on   the   fern  again;   and
  emptying the tools out of the flag…basket; hurried through the trees
  to the edge   of  the  Grove  bordering  on   the  Chase;  where  a brook
  ran below the bank。
  When   he   returned   with   his   basket   leaking;   but   still   half…full;
  Arthur     looked    at  him    with   a   more    thoroughly     reawakened
  “Can     you   drink   a  drop   out  o’  your  hand;    sir?”  said  Adam;
  kneeling down again to lift up Arthur’s head。
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  “No;” said Arthur; “dip my cravat in and souse it on my head。”
  The water seemed to do him some good; for he presently raised
  himself a little higher; resting on Adam’s arm。
  “Do you feel any hurt inside sir?” Adam asked again
  “No—no hurt;” said Arthur; still faintly; “but rather done up。”
  After    a  while   he   said;  “I  suppose     I  fainted   away     when    you
  knocked me down。”
  “Yes; sir; thank God;” said Adam。 “I thought it was worse。”
  “What! You thought you’d done for me; eh? Come help me on
  my legs。”
  “I   feel  terribly   shaky     and   dizzy;”    Arthur    said;   as  he   stood
  leaning     on   Adam’s     arm;    “that   blow    of  yours   must    have    come
  against me like a battering…ram。 I don’t believe I can walk alone。”
  “Lean on me; sir; I’ll get you along;” said Adam。 “Or; will you sit
  down   a   bit   longer;   on   my   coat   here;   and   I’ll   prop   y’   up。   You’ll
  perhaps be better in a minute or two。”
  “No;”   said   Arthur。   “I’ll   go   to   the   Hermitage—I   think   I’ve   got
  some   brandy   there。   There’s   a   short   road   to   it   a   little   farther   on;
  near the gate。 If you’ll just help me on。”
  They      walked     slowly;     with    frequent     pauses;     but    without
  speaking again。 In both of them; the concentration in the present
  which had attended the first moments of Arthur’s revival had now
  given   way   to   a   vivid   recollection    of  the  previous     scene。    It   was
  nearly  dark   in   the   narrow   path   among   the   trees;   but   within   the
  circle   of   fir…trees   round   the   Hermitage   there      was   room     for   the
  growing   moonlight   to   enter   in   at   the   windows。   Their   steps   were
  noiseless     on   the   thick   carpet    of  fir…needles;     and   the   outward
  stillness seemed to heighten their inward consciousness; as Arthur
  took   the   key  out  of  his   pocket  and placed  it  in   Adam’s   hand;   for
  George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics
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