第 79 节
作者:温暖寒冬      更新:2024-04-09 19:50      字数:9164
  impious;   unscriptural   opinion   to   say   a   woman’s   a   blessing   to   a
  man now; you might as well say adders and wasps; and foxes and
  wild beasts are a blessing; when they’re only the evils that belong
  to   this   state   o’   probation;   which   it’s   lawful   for   a   man   to   keep   as
  clear of as he can in this life; hoping to get quit of ’em for ever in
  another—hoping to get quit of ’em for ever in another。”
  Bartle   had   become   so   excited   and   angry   in   the   course   of   his
  invective that he had forgotten his supper; and only used the knife
  for the purpose of rapping the table with the haft。 But towards the
  close;   the   raps   became   so   sharp   and   frequent;   and   his   voice   so
  George Eliot                                                           ElecBook Classics
  … Page 317…
  Adam Bede                                      317
  quarrelsome; that Vixen felt it incumbent on her to jump out of the
  hamper and bark vaguely。
  “Quiet;     Vixen!”     snarled     Bartle;    turning     round     upon     her。
  “You’re like the rest o’   the   women—always   putting in your   word
  before you know why。”
  Vixen   returned   to   her   hamper   again   in   humiliation;   and   her
  master   continued        his   supper   in   a  silence   which   Adam   did   not
  choose   to   interrupt;   he   knew   the   old   man   would   be   in   a   better
  humour when he had had his supper and lighted his pipe。 Adam
  was   used   to  hear  him   talk in   this   way;   but  had   never  learned   so
  much of Bartle’s past life as to know whether his view of married
  comfort   was      founded     on   experience。     On    that   point  Bartle    was
  mute; and it was even a secret where he had lived previous to the
  twenty years in which happily for the peasants and artisans of this
  neighbourhood         he   had   been    settled   among     them    as   their  only
  schoolmaster。   If   anything   like   a   question       was   ventured     on   this
  subject;   Bartle   always   replied;   “Oh;   I’ve   seen   many   places—I’ve
  been a deal in the south;” and the Loamshire men would as soon
  have thought of asking for a particular town or village in Africa as
  in “the south。”
  “Now then; my boy;” said Bartle; at last;   when   he   had  poured
  out  his   second   mug   of   ale   and   lighted   his   pipe;   “now   then;   we’ll
  have a little talk。 But tell me first; have you heard any particular
  news to…day?”
  “No;” said Adam; “not as I remember。”
  “Ah; they’ll keep it close; they’ll keep it  close;   I   daresay。   But  I
  found it out by chance; and it’s news that may concern you; Adam;
  else   I’m   a   man   that   don’t   know   a   superficial   square   foot   from   a
  George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics
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  Adam Bede                                       318
  Here     Bartle   gave    a  series   of  fierce  and    rapid   puffs;   looking
  earnestly the while at Adam。 Your impatient loquacious man has
  never   any   notion   of   keeping   his   pipe   alight   by   gentle   measured
  puffs; he   is always   letting it  go  nearly  out;   and   then   punishing  it
  for   that   negligence。     At   last  he   said;  “Satchell’s     got  a  paralytic
  stroke。 I found it out from the lad they sent to Treddleston for the
  doctor; before seven o’clock this morning。 He’s a good way beyond
  sixty; you know; it’s much if he gets over it。”
  “Well;”   said   Adam;   “I   daresay   there’d   be   more   rejoicing   than
  sorrow in the parish at his being laid up。 He’s been a selfish; tale…
  bearing;     mischievous       fellow;   but;   after  all;  there’s   nobody      he’s
  done so much harm to as to th’ old squire。 Though it’s the squire
  himself as is   to blame—making  a   stupid   fellow  like   that a   sort  o’
  man…of…all…work;        just   to  save    th’  expense      of  having    a   proper
  steward      to   look    after   th’  estate。    And    he’s   lost   more     by   ill
  management   o’   the   woods;   I’ll   be   bound;   than   ’ud   pay   for   two
  stewards。 If he’s laid on the shelf; it’s to be hoped he’ll make way
  for   a   better   man;    but   I  don’t    see   how    it’s  like  to  make     any
  difference to me。”
  “But I see it; but I see it;” said Bartle; “and others besides me。
  The captain’s coming of age now—you know that as well as I do—
  and it’s to be expected he’ll have a little more voice in things。 And
  I   know; and   you  know  too;   what  ’ud be   the   captain’s   wish   about
  the   woods;   if   there   was   a   fair   opportunity   for   making   a   change。
  He’s     said   in  plenty    of   people’s    hearing     that   he’d    make     you
  manager of the woods to…morrow; if he’d the power。 Why; Carroll;
  Mr。 Irwine’s butler; heard him say so to the parson not many days
  ago。    Carroll    looked     in  when     we    were    smoking      our    pipes    o’
  Saturday night at Casson’s; and he told us about it; and whenever
  George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics
  … Page 319…
  Adam Bede                                     319
  anybody says a good word for you; the   parson’s   ready  to  back  it;
  that I’ll answer for。 It was pretty well talked over; I can tell you; at
  Casson’s;     and    one   and    another    had    their  fling   at  you;   for  if
  donkeys   set   to   work   to   sing;   you’re   pretty   sure   what   the   tune’ll
  “Why; did they talk it over before Mr。 Burge?” said Adam; “or
  wasn’t he there o’ Saturday?”
  “Oh;    he   went    away    before   Carroll    came;    and   Casson—he’s
  always     for  setting   other    folks  right;   you   know—would         have   it
  Burge   was   the   man   to   have   the   management   of   the   woods。        ‘A
  substantial man;’ says he; ‘with pretty near sixty years’ experience
  o’ timber: it ’ud be all very well for Adam Bede to act under him;
  but  it  isn’t  to  be   supposed   the   squire   ’ud appoint  a   young   fellow
  like Adam; when there’s his elders and betters at hand!’ But I said;
  ‘That’s a pretty notion o’ yours; Casson。 Why; Burge is the man to
  buy timber; would   you  put  the   woods   into  his  hands and   let  him
  make his own bargains? I think you don’t leave your customers to
  score their own drink; do you? And as for age; what that’s worth
  depends on the quality o’ the liquor。 It’s pretty well known who’s
  the backbone of Jonathan Burge’s business。’”
  “I  thank   you   for   your   good    word;   Mr。   Massey;”     said   Adam。
  “But; for all that; Casson was partly i’ the right for  once。   There’s
  not much likelihood that th’ old squire ’ud ever consent t’ employ
  me。 I offended him about two  years   ago;   and   he’s  never  forgiven
  “Why; how was that? You never told me about it;” said Bartle。
  “Oh; it was a bit o’ nonsense。 I’d made a frame for a screen for
  Miss    Lyddy—she’s        allays  making     something      with   her   worsted…
  work; you know—and she’d given me particular orders about this
  George Eliot                                                        ElecBook Classics
  … Page 320…
  Adam Bede                                      320
  screen; and   there  was as   much  talking  and measuring  as   if   we’d
  been planning a house。 However; it was a nice bit o’ work; and   I
  liked   doing  it  for  her。   But;   you  know;   those   little   friggling   things
  take a deal o’ time。 I only worked at it in over…hours—often late at
  night—and   I   had   to  go  to  Treddleston  over  an’   over   again   about
  little bits o’ brass nails and such gear; and I turned the little knobs
  and the legs; and carved th’ open work; after a pattern; as nice as
  could be。 And I was uncommon pleased with it when it was done。
  And when I took it home; Miss Lyddy sent for me to bring it into
  her    drawing…room;        so  as   she   might    give   me    directions     about
  fastening on the work—very fine needlework; Jacob and Rachel a…
  kissing one another among the sheep; like a   picture—and   th’   old
  squire was sitting there; for he mostly sits with her。 Well; she was
  mighty   pleased   with   the   screen;   and   then   she   wanted   to   know
  what pay she was to give me。 I didn’t speak at random—you know
  it’s not my way; I’d calculated pretty close; though I hadn’t made
  out a bill; and I said; ‘One pound th