第 23 节
作者:温暖寒冬      更新:2024-04-09 19:50      字数:9314
  for the everyday wants of everyday companions; who take all their
  kindness as a matter of course; and not as a subject for panegyric。
  Such     men;    happily;   have    lived   in  times   when     great   abuses
  flourished;       and     have      sometimes       even      been     the     living
  representatives       of  the   abuses。    That    is  a  thought    which    might
  comfort      us  a   little  under    the   opposite    fact—that      it  is  better
  sometimes  not       to  follow    great   reformers     of  abuses    beyond     the
  threshold of their homes。
  But whatever you may think of Mr。 Irwine now; if you had met
  him   that   June   afternoon   riding   on   his     grey   cob;   with   his   dogs
  running beside him—portly; upright; manly; with a   good…natured
  George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics
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  smile   on   his   finely  turned  lips as   he   talked   to   his   dashing   young
  companion on the bay mare; you must have felt that;   however  ill
  he    harmonised        with   sound     theories    of   the   clerical   office;   he
  somehow          harmonised        extremely       well     with     that    peaceful
  See   them   in   the   bright   sunlight;     interrupted     every   now   and
  then     by   rolling   masses    of  cloud;   ascending      the   slope   from    the
  Broxton       side;   where    the   tall  gables    and    elms    of   the   rectory
  predominate over the tiny whitewashed church。 They will soon be
  in the parish of Hayslope; the grey church…tower and village roofs
  lie before   them   to   the   left;   and   farther   on;   to   the   right;   they   can
  just see the chimneys of the Hall Farm。
  George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics
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  Chapter VI
  The Hall Farm
  vidently that gate is never opened; for the long grass and
  Ethe   great   hemlocks   grow   close   against   it;   and   if   it   were
  opened; it is so rusty that the force necessary to turn it on
  its   hinges   would     be  likely   to  pull  down     the  square    stone…built
  pillars; to the detriment of the two stone lionesses which grin with
  a doubtful carnivorous affability above a coat of arms surmounting
  each of the pillars。 It would be easy enough; by the aid of the nicks
  in   the   stone   pillars;   to   climb   over   the   brick   wall   with   its   smooth
  stone coping; but by putting our eyes close to the rusty bars of the
  gate;    we   can   see  the   house    well   enough;    and    all  but  the  very
  corners of the grassy enclosure。
  It   is  a  very  fine  old  place;   of  red   brick;   softened    by   a  pale
  powdery lichen; which has dispersed itself with happy irregularity;
  so as to bring the red brick into terms of friendly companionship
  with   the   limestone   ornaments   surrounding   the   three   gables;   the
  windows; and   the  door…place。   But  the  windows   are   patched   with
  wooden panes; and   the   door;   I   think; is like  the   gate—it  is never
  opened。 How it would groan and grate against the stone floor if it
  were! For it is a solid; heavy; handsome door; and must once have
  been     in  the   habit   of  shutting    with   a  sonorous     bang    behind    a
  liveried lackey; who had just seen his master and mistress off the
  grounds in a carriage and pair。
  But at present one might fancy the house in the early stage of a
  chancery   suit;   and   that   the   fruit   from   that   grand   double   row   of
  George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics
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  walnut…trees on the right hand of the enclosure would fall and rot
  among the grass; if it were not that we heard the booming bark of
  dogs echoing from great buildings at the back。 And now the half…
  weaned   calves   that   have   been   sheltering   themselves   in   a   gorse…
  built hovel against  the   left…hand   wall   come   out  and   set  up   a silly
  answer      to  that   terrible    bark;   doubtless     supposing      that   it  has
  reference to buckets of milk。
  Yes; the house must be inhabited; and we will see by whom; for
  imagination is a licensed trespasser: it has no fear of dogs; but may
  climb over walls and peep in at windows with impunity。 Put your
  face to one of the glass panes in the right…hand window: what do
  you see? A large open fireplace; with rusty dogs in it; and a bare
  boarded   floor;   at   the   far   end;   fleeces   of   wool   stacked   up;   in   the
  middle of the floor; some empty corn…bags。 That is the furniture of
  the    dining…room。       And     what    through      the   left…hand     window?
  Several clothes…horses; a pillion; a spinning…wheel; and an old box
  wide open and stuffed full of coloured rags。 At the edge of this box
  there    lies  a   great   wooden      doll;  which;    so  far  as   mutilation     is
  concerned;       bears     a  strong    resemblance        to   the   finest   Greek
  sculpture; and especially in the total loss of its nose。 Near it there
  is   a   little   chair;   and   the   butt   end   of   a   boy’s   leather   long…lashed
  The history of the house is plain now。 It was once the residence
  of   a   country   squire;   whose   family;   probably   dwindling   down   to
  mere   spinsterhood;   got   merged   in   the   more   territorial   name   of
  Donnithorne。 It was once the Hall; it  is now  the   Hall   Farm。   Like
  the life in some coast town that was once a watering…place; and is
  now a port; where the genteel streets are silent and grass…grown;
  and the docks and warehouses busy  and   resonant;  the   life at  the
  George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics
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  Hall     has   changed      its  focus;   and    no   longer    radiates     from    the
  parlour; but from the kitchen and the farmyard。
  Plenty of life there; though this is the drowsiest time of the year;
  just before hay…harvest; and it is the drowsiest time of the day too;
  for  it  is   close   upon   three   by   the   sun;   and   it   is   half…past   three   by
  Mrs。   Poyser’s   handsome   eight…day   clock。   But   there   is           always   a
  stronger sense of life when the sun is brilliant after rain; and now
  he   is   pouring   down   his   beams;   and   making   sparkles   among   the
  wet straw; and lighting up every patch of vivid green moss on the
  red tiles of the cow…shed; and turning even the muddy water that
  is   hurrying   along   the   channel   to   the   drain   into   a   mirror   for   the
  yellow…billed ducks;   who   are   seizing   the   opportunity   of   getting   a
  drink with as much body in it as possible。 There is quite a concert
  of noises; the great bull…dog; chained against the stables; is thrown
  into   furious   exasperation   by   the   unwary   approach   of   a   cock   too
  near the mouth of his kennel; and sends forth a thundering bark;
  which is answered by two fox…hounds shut up in the opposite cow…
  house;      the   old  top…knotted       hens;   scratching      with    their   chicks
  among the straw; set up a sympathetic croaking as the discomfited
  cock   joins   them; a   sow  with  her   brood;   all   very   muddy   as   to   the
  legs; and curled as to the tail; throws in some deep staccato notes;
  our friends the calves are bleating from the home croft; and; under
  all; a fine ear discerns the continuous hum of human voices。
  For  the   great  barn…doors are   thrown   wide   open;   and   men   are
  busy   there   mending   the   harness;   under   the   superintendence   of
  Mr。 Goby; the “whittaw;” otherwise saddler; who entertains them
  with     the   latest   Treddleston       gossip。    It   is  certainly    rather     an
  unfortunate   day   that  Alick;   the   shepherd;   has   chosen   for   having
  the    whittaws;     since    the  morning      turned     out   so  wet;   and    Mrs。
  George Eliot                                                           ElecBook Classics
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  Poyser  has   spoken   her  mind   pretty  strongly  as   to  the   dirt   which
  the    extra    number      of  men’s     shoes    brought      into