第 16 节
作者:温暖寒冬      更新:2024-04-09 19:50      字数:9256
  very    decidedly      that   he   could    bear    the   vexations     of  home      no
  longer—he would go and seek  his   fortune;  setting  up   his  stick   at
  the   crossways   and   bending   his   steps   the   way   it   fell。   But   by   the
  time he   got  to  Stoniton;   the   thought  of  his   mother  and   Seth;   left
  behind       to    endure       everything       without      him;     became        too
  importunate; and his resolution failed him。 He came back the next
  George Eliot                                                           ElecBook Classics
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  day;   but   the   misery   and   terror   his   mother   had   gone   through   in
  those two days had haunted her ever since。
  “No!” Adam said to himself to…night; “that must never happen
  again。 It ’ud make a poor balance when my doings are cast up at
  the last; if my poor old mother stood o’ the wrong side。 My back’s
  broad   enough   and   strong   enough;   I   should   be   no   better   than   a
  coward to go away and leave the troubles to be borne by them as
  aren’t     half  so   able。   ‘They    that   are   strong    ought    to   bear    the
  infirmities   of  those   that  are   weak;   and   not  to  please   themselves。’
  There’s a text wants no candle to show’t; it shines by its own light。
  It’s plain enough you get into the wrong road i’ this life if you run
  after   this   and   that   only   for   the   sake   o’   making   things   easy   and
  pleasant to yourself。 A pig may poke his nose into the trough and
  think o’ nothing outside it; but if you’ve got a man’s heart and soul
  in you; you can’t be easy a…making  your  own   bed  an’ leaving  the
  rest to lie on the stones。 Nay; nay; I’ll never slip my neck out o’ the
  yoke; and leave the load to be drawn by the weak uns。 Father’s a
  sore   cross   to  me; an’s   likely  to  be   for  many  a long  year  to   come。
  What  then?   I’ve   got   th’   health;   and   the   limbs;   and   the   sperrit   to
  bear it。”
  At this moment a smart rap; as if with a willow wand; was given
  at the house door; and Gyp; instead of barking; as might have been
  expected;   gave   a   loud   howl。   Adam;   very   much   startled;   went   at
  once to the door and opened it。 Nothing was there; all was still; as
  when he opened it an hour before; the leaves were motionless; and
  the light of the stars showed the placid fields on both sides of the
  brook   quite  empty  of  visible life。 Adam  walked   round   the   house;
  and still saw nothing except a rat which darted into the woodshed
  as   he   passed。   He    went   in   again;   wondering;      the   sound     was   so
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  peculiar that the moment he heard it it called up the image of the
  willow wand striking the door。 He could not help a little shudder;
  as he remembered how often his mother had told him of just such
  a   sound   coming as   a   sign   when   some   one   was   dying。   Adam   was
  not a man to be gratuitously superstitious; but he had the blood of
  the peasant in him as well as of the artisan; and a peasant can no
  more help believing in a traditional superstition than a horse can
  help trembling when he sees a camel。 Besides; he had that mental
  combination which is at once humble in the region of mystery and
  keen in the region of knowledge: it was the depth of his reverence
  quite   as   much   as    his  hard   common   sense       which   gave     him   his
  disinclination   to   doctrinal   religion;   and   he   often   checked   Seth’s
  argumentative spiritualism by saying; “Eh; it’s a big mystery; thee
  know’st but little about it。” And so it happened that Adam was at
  once penetrating and credulous。 If a new building had fallen down
  and  he   had been   told   that  this  was   a   divine   judgment;   he   would
  have   said;   “May be; but  the   bearing  o’   the   roof   and   walls   wasn’t
  right; else it wouldn’t ha’ come down”; yet he believed in dreams
  and prognostics; and to his dying day he bated his breath a little
  when he told the story of the stroke with the willow wand。 I tell it
  as he told it; not attempting to reduce it to its natural elements—in
  our eagerness to explain impressions; we often lose our hold of the
  sympathy that comprehends them。
  But he   had   the   best  antidote against  imaginative   dread in   the
  necessity     for  getting    on   with   the   coffin;  and    for  the   next   ten
  minutes   his   hammer   was   ringing   so   uninterruptedly;   that   other
  sounds;   if   there   were   any;   might   well   be   overpowered。   A   pause
  came; however; when he had to take up his ruler; and now again
  came   the   strange   rap;   and   again   Gyp   howled。   Adam   was   at   the
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  door without the loss of a moment; but again all was still; and the
  starlight   showed   there   was   nothing   but   the   dew…laden   grass   in
  front of the cottage。
  Adam   for   a   moment   thought   uncomfortably   about   his   father;
  but   of   late   years   he   had   never   come   home   at   dark   hours   from
  Treddleston; and there was every reason for believing that he was
  then   sleeping   off   his   drunkenness   at   the   “Waggon   Overthrown。”
  Besides; to Adam; the conception of the future was so inseparable
  from     the   painful   image     of   his  father   that   the  fear   of  any   fatal
  accident   to   him   was   excluded   by   the   deeply   infixed   fear   of   his
  continual degradation。 The next thought that occurred to him was
  one that made him slip off his shoes and tread lightly upstairs; to
  listen at the   bedroom   doors。   But  both  Seth  and  his mother  were
  breathing regularly。
  Adam came  down and   set  to  work   again; saying  to  himself;   “I
  won’t open the door again。 It’s no use staring about to catch sight
  of a sound。 Maybe there’s a world about us as we can’t see; but th’
  ear’s   quicker  than   the   eye   and   catches   a   sound   from   ’t   now   and
  then。   Some   people   think   they   get   a   sight   on   ’t   too;   but   they’re
  mostly folks whose eyes are not much use to ’em at anything else。
  For my part;   I   think it’s   better  to  see   when   your  perpendicular’s
  true than to see a ghost。”
  Such thoughts as these are apt to grow stronger and stronger as
  daylight quenches the candles and the birds begin to sing。 By the
  time   the   red   sunlight   shone   on   the   brass   nails   that   formed   the
  initials on the lid of the coffin; any lingering foreboding from the
  sound of the willow wand was merged in satisfaction that the work
  was   done   and   the   promise   redeemed。   There   was   no  need   to   call
  Seth;   for   he   was   already   moving   overhead;   and   presently   came
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  “Now;      lad;”  said   Adam;     as   Seth   made     his   appearance;      “the
  coffin’s   done;   and   we   can   take   it   over   to   Brox’on;   and   be   back
  again   before   half   after   six。   I’ll   take   a   mouthful   o’   oat…cake;   and
  then we’ll be off。”
  The   coffin   was   soon   propped   on   the   tall   shoulders   of   the   two
  brothers; and they were making their way; followed close by Gyp;
  out of the little woodyard into the lane at the back of the house。 It
  was but about a mile and a half to Broxton over the opposite slope;
  and     their   road   wound      very   pleasantly      along   lanes    and    across
  fields; where the pale woodbines and the dog…roses were scenting
  the hedgerows; and the birds were twittering and trilling in the tall
  leafy boughs of oak and elm。 It was a strangely mingled picture—
  the fresh youth of the summer morning; with its Eden…like peace
  and  loveliness;   the   stalwart   strength   of   the   two   brothers   in   their
  rusty working clothes; and the long coffin on their shoulders。 They
  paused   for   the     last   time  before   a   small    farmhouse      outside     the
  village   of   Broxton。   By   six   o’clock   the   task   was   done   the     coffin
  nailed down; and Adam and Seth were on their way home。   They
  chose   a   shorter   way   homew