第 9 节
不落的滑翔翼 更新:2024-04-07 11:53 字数:8572
bloody…minded Queen That led calm Henry; though he were a king; As
doth a sail; fill'd with a fretting gust; Command an argosy to stern the
waves。 But think you; lords; that Clifford fled with them? WARWICK。 No;
'tis impossible he should escape; For; though before his face I speak the
words; Your brother Richard mark'd him for the grave; And; whereso'er he
is; he's surely dead。 'CLIFFORD groans; and dies' RICHARD。 Whose
soul is that which takes her heavy leave? A deadly groan; like life and
death's departing。 See who it is。 EDWARD。 And now the battle's ended; If
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friend or foe; let him be gently used。 RICHARD。 Revoke that doom of
mercy; for 'tis Clifford; Who not contented that he lopp'd the branch In
hewing Rutland when his leaves put forth; But set his murd'ring knife unto
the root From whence that tender spray did sweetly spring… I mean our
princely father; Duke of York。 WARWICK。 From off the gates of York
fetch down the head; Your father's head; which Clifford placed there;
Instead whereof let this supply the room。 Measure for measure must be
answered。 EDWARD。 Bring forth that fatal screech…owl to our house; That
nothing sung but death to us and ours。 Now death shall stop his dismal
threat'ning sound; And his ill…boding tongue no more shall speak。
WARWICK。 I think his understanding is bereft。 Speak; Clifford; dost thou
know who speaks to thee? Dark cloudy death o'ershades his beams of life;
And he nor sees nor hears us what we say。 RICHARD。 O; would he did!
and so; perhaps; he doth。 'Tis but his policy to counterfeit; Because he
would avoid such bitter taunts Which in the time of death he gave our
father。 GEORGE。 If so thou think'st; vex him with eager words。
RICHARD。 Clifford; ask mercy and obtain no grace。 EDWARD。 Clifford;
repent in bootless penitence。 WARWICK。 Clifford; devise excuses for thy
faults。 GEORGE。 While we devise fell tortures for thy faults。 RICHARD。
Thou didst love York; and I am son to York。 EDWARD。 Thou pitied'st
Rutland; I will pity thee。 GEORGE。 Where's Captain Margaret; to fence
you now? WARWICK。 They mock thee; Clifford; swear as thou wast wont。
RICHARD。 What; not an oath? Nay; then the world goes hard When
Clifford cannot spare his friends an oath。 I know by that he's dead; and by
my soul; If this right hand would buy two hours' life; That I in all despite
might rail at him; This hand should chop it off; and with the issuing blood
Stifle the villain whose unstanched thirst York and young Rutland could
not satisfy。 WARWICK。 Ay; but he's dead。 Off with the traitor's head; And
rear it in the place your father's stands。 And now to London with
triumphant march; There to be crowned England's royal King; From
whence shall Warwick cut the sea to France; And ask the Lady Bona for
thy queen。 So shalt thou sinew both these lands together; And; having
France thy friend; thou shalt not dread The scatt'red foe that hopes to rise
again; For though they cannot greatly sting to hurt; Yet look to have them
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buzz to offend thine ears。 First will I see the coronation; And then to
Brittany I'll cross the sea To effect this marriage; so it please my lord。
EDWARD。 Even as thou wilt; sweet Warwick; let it be; For in thy
shoulder do I build my seat; And never will I undertake the thing Wherein
thy counsel and consent is wanting。 Richard; I will create thee Duke of
Gloucester; And George; of Clarence; Warwick; as ourself; Shall do and
undo as him pleaseth best。 RICHARD。 Let me be Duke of Clarence;
George of Gloucester; For Gloucester's dukedom is too ominous。
WARWICK。 Tut; that's a foolish observation。 Richard; be Duke of
Gloucester。 Now to London To see these honours in possession。 Exeunt
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King Henry VI; Part 3
SCENE I。 A chase in the north of England
Enter two KEEPERS; with cross…bows in their hands
FIRST KEEPER。 Under this thick…grown brake we'll shroud
ourselves; For through this laund anon the deer will come; And in this
covert will we make our stand; Culling the principal of all the deer。
SECOND KEEPER。 I'll stay above the hill; so both may shoot。 FIRST
KEEPER。 That cannot be; the noise of thy cross…bow Will scare the herd;
and so my shoot is lost。 Here stand we both; and aim we at the best; And;
for the time shall not seem tedious; I'll tell thee what befell me on a day In
this self…place where now we mean to stand。 SECOND KEEPER。 Here
comes a man; let's stay till he be past。
Enter KING HENRY; disguised; with a prayer…book
KING HENRY。 From Scotland am I stol'n; even of pure love; To
greet mine own land with my wishful sight。 No; Harry; Harry; 'tis no land
of thine; Thy place is fill'd; thy sceptre wrung from thee; Thy balm wash'd
off wherewith thou wast anointed。 No bending knee will call thee Caesar
now; No humble suitors press to speak for right; No; not a man comes for
redress of thee; For how can I help them and not myself? FIRST KEEPER。
Ay; here's a deer whose skin's a keeper's fee。 This is the quondam King;
let's seize upon him。 KING HENRY。 Let me embrace thee; sour adversity;
For wise men say it is the wisest course。 SECOND KEEPER。 Why linger
we? let us lay hands upon him。 FIRST KEEPER。 Forbear awhile; we'll
hear a little more。 KING HENRY。 My Queen and son are gone to France
for aid; And; as I hear; the great commanding Warwick Is thither gone to
crave the French King's sister To wife for Edward。 If this news be true;
Poor queen and son; your labour is but lost; For Warwick is a subtle orator;
And Lewis a prince soon won with moving words。 By this account; then;
Margaret may win him; For she's a woman to be pitied much。 Her sighs
will make a batt'ry in his breast; Her tears will pierce into a marble heart;
The tiger will be mild whiles she doth mourn; And Nero will be tainted
with remorse To hear and see her plaints; her brinish tears。 Ay; but she's
come to beg: Warwick; to give。 She; on his left side; craving aid for Henry:
He; on his right; asking a wife for Edward。 She weeps; and says her Henry
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is depos'd: He smiles; and says his Edward is install'd; That she; poor
wretch; for grief can speak no more; Whiles Warwick tells his title;
smooths the wrong; Inferreth arguments of mighty strength; And in
conclusion wins the King from her With promise of his sister; and what
else; To strengthen and support King Edward's place。 O Margaret; thus
'twill be; and thou; poor soul; Art then forsaken; as thou went'st forlorn!
SECOND KEEPER。 Say; what art thou that talk'st of kings and queens?
KING HENRY。 More than I seem; and less than I was born to: A man at
least; for less I should not be; And men may talk of kings; and why not I?