第 1 节
作者:无边的寒冷      更新:2024-01-24 16:01      字数:3577
  Karl Marx
  Written in 1837
  First published in the Athenaum。
  Zeitschrift fur das gebildete Deutschland;
  January 23; 1841
  The Fiddler saws the strings;
  His light brown hair he tosses and flings。
  He carries a sabre at his side;
  He wears a pleated habit wide。
  〃Fiddler; why that frantic sound?
  Why do you gaze so wildly round?
  Why leaps your blood; like the surging sea?
  What drives your bow so desperately?〃
  〃Why do I fiddle? Or the wild waves roar?
  That they might pound the rocky shore;
  That eye be blinded; that bosom swell;
  That Soul's cry carry down to Hell。〃
  〃Fiddler; with scorn you rend your heart。
  A radiant God lent you your art;
  To dazzle with waves of melody;
  To soar to the star…dance in the sky。〃
  〃How so! I plunge; plunge wihout fail
  My blood…black sabre into your soul。
  That art God neither wants nor wists;
  It leaps to the brain from Hell's black mists。
  〃Till heart's bewitched; till senses reel:
  With Satan I have struck my deal。
  He chalks the signs; beats time for me;
  I play the death march fast and free。
  〃I must play dark; I must play light;
  Till bowstrings break my heart outright。〃
  The Fiddler saws the strings;
  His light brown hair he tosses and flings。
  He carries a sabre at his side;
  He wears a pleated habit wide。
  Frantic; he holds her near;
  Darkly looks in her eye。
  〃Pain so burns you; Dear;
  And at my breath you sigh。
  〃Oh; you have drunk my soul。
  Mine is your glow; in truth。
  My jewel; shine your fill。
  Glow; blood of youth。〃
  〃Sweetest; so pale your face;
  So wondrous strange your words。
  See; rich in music's grace
  The lofty gliding worlds。〃
  〃Gliding; dearest; gliding;
  Glowing; stars; glowing。
  Let us go heavenwards riding;
  Our souls together flowing。〃
  His voice is muffled; low。
  Desparate; he looks about。
  Glances of crackling flame
  His hollow eyes shoot out。
  〃You have drunk poison; Love。
  With me you must away。
  The sky is dark above;
  No more I see the day。〃
  Shuddering; he pulls her close to him。
  Death in the breast doth hover。
  Pain stabs her; piercing deep within;
  And eyes are closed forever。