第 45 节
作者:指环王      更新:2024-01-24 16:00      字数:9322
  Then; laughing like a hyena; he departed; and I never saw him
  At that time on the morrow; Francisco was on his death…bed。  He had
  caught the jail fever; which had long raged in the Carcel de la
  Corte; where I was imprisoned。  In a few days he was buried; a mass
  of corruption; in the Campo Santo of Madrid。
  THE Gitanos; in their habits and manner of life; are much less
  cleanly than the Spaniards。  The hovels in which they reside
  exhibit none of the neatness which is observable in the habitations
  of even the poorest of the other race。  The floors are unswept; and
  abound with filth and mud; and in their persons they are scarcely
  less vile。  Inattention to cleanliness is a characteristic of the
  Gypsies; in all parts of the world。
  The Bishop of Forli; as far back as 1422; gives evidence upon this
  point; and insinuates that they carried the plague with them; as he
  observes that it raged with peculiar violence the year of their
  appearance at Forli。 (54)
  At the present day they are almost equally disgusting; in this
  respect; in Hungary; England; and Spain。  Amongst the richer
  Gitanos; habits of greater cleanliness of course exist than amongst
  the poorer。  An air of sluttishness; however; pervades their
  dwellings; which; to an experienced eye; would sufficiently attest
  that the inmates were Gitanos; in the event of their absence。
  What can be said of the Gypsy dress; of which such frequent mention
  is made in the Spanish laws; and which is prohibited together with
  the Gypsy language and manner of life?  Of whatever it might
  consist in former days; it is so little to be distinguished from
  the dress of some classes amongst the Spaniards; that it is almost
  impossible to describe the difference。  They generally wear a high…
  peaked; narrow…brimmed hat; a zamarra of sheep…skin in winter; and;
  during summer; a jacket of brown cloth; and beneath this they are
  fond of exhibiting a red plush waistcoat; something after the
  fashion of the English jockeys; with numerous buttons and clasps。
  A faja; or girdle of crimson silk; surrounds the waist; where; not
  unfrequently; are stuck the cachas which we have already described。
  Pantaloons of coarse cloth or leather descend to the knee; the legs
  are protected by woollen stockings; and sometimes by a species of
  spatterdash; either of cloth or leather; stout high…lows complete
  the equipment。
  Such is the dress of the Gitanos of most parts of Spain。  But it is
  necessary to remark that such also is the dress of the chalans; and
  of the muleteers; except that the latter are in the habit of
  wearing broad sombreros as preservatives from the sun。  This dress
  appears to be rather Andalusian than Gitano; and yet it certainly
  beseems the Gitano better than the chalan or muleteer。  He wears it
  with more easy negligence or jauntiness; by which he may be
  recognised at some distance; even from behind。
  It is still more difficult to say what is the peculiar dress of the
  Gitanas; they wear not the large red cloaks and immense bonnets of
  coarse beaver which distinguish their sisters of England; they have
  no other headgear than a handkerchief; which is occasionally
  resorted to as a defence against the severity of the weather; their
  hair is sometimes confined by a comb; but more frequently is
  permitted to stray dishevelled down their shoulders; they are fond
  of large ear…rings; whether of gold; silver; or metal; resembling
  in this respect the poissardes of France。  There is little to
  distinguish them from the Spanish women save the absence of the
  mantilla; which they never carry。  Females of fashion not
  unfrequently take pleasure in dressing a la Gitana; as it is
  called; but this female Gypsy fashion; like that of the men; is
  more properly the fashion of Andalusia; the principal
  characteristic of which is the saya; which is exceedingly short;
  with many rows of flounces。
  True it is that the original dress of the Gitanos; male and female;
  whatever it was; may have had some share in forming the Andalusian
  fashion; owing to the great number of these wanderers who found
  their way to that province at an early period。  The Andalusians are
  a mixed breed of various nations; Romans; Vandals; Moors; perhaps
  there is a slight sprinkling of Gypsy blood in their veins; and of
  Gypsy fashion in their garb。
  The Gitanos are; for the most part; of the middle size; and the
  proportions of their frames convey a powerful idea of strength and
  activity united; a deformed or weakly object is rarely found
  amongst them in persons of either sex; such probably perish in
  their infancy; unable to support the hardships and privations to
  which the race is still subjected from its great poverty; and these
  same privations have given and still give a coarseness and
  harshness to their features; which are all strongly marked and
  expressive。  Their complexion is by no means uniform; save that it
  is invariably darker than the general olive hue of the Spaniards;
  not unfrequently countenances as dark as those of mulattos present
  themselves; and in some few instances of almost negro blackness。
  Like most people of savage ancestry; their teeth are white and
  strong; their mouths are not badly formed; but it is in the eye
  more than in any other feature that they differ from other human
  There is something remarkable in the eye of the Gitano:  should his
  hair and complexion become fair as those of the Swede or the Finn;
  and his jockey gait as grave and ceremonious as that of the native
  of Old Castile; were he dressed like a king; a priest; or a
  warrior; still would the Gitano be detected by his eye; should it
  continue unchanged。  The Jew is known by his eye; but then in the
  Jew that feature is peculiarly small; the Chinese has a remarkable
  eye; but then the eye of the Chinese is oblong; and even with the
  face; which is flat; but the eye of the Gitano is neither large nor
  small; and exhibits no marked difference in its shape from the eyes
  of the common cast。  Its peculiarity consists chiefly in a strange
  staring expression; which to be understood must be seen; and in a
  thin glaze; which steals over it when in repose; and seems to emit
  phosphoric light。  That the Gypsy eye has sometimes a peculiar
  effect; we learn from the following stanza:…
  'A Gypsy stripling's glossy eye
  Has pierced my bosom's core;
  A feat no eye beneath the sky
  Could e'er effect before。'
  The following passages are extracted from a Spanish work; (55) and
  cannot be out of place here; as they relate to those matters to
  which we have devoted this chapter。
  'The Gitanos have an olive complexion and very marked physiognomy;
  their cheeks are prominent; their lips thick; their eyes vivid and
  black; their hair is long; black; and coarse; and their teeth very
  white。  The general expression of their physiognomy is a compound
  of pride; slavishness; and cunning。  They are; for the most part;
  of good stature; well formed; and support with facility fatigue and
  every kind of hardship。  When they discuss any matter; or speak
  among themselves; whether in Catalan; in Castilian; or in Germania;
  which is their own peculiar jargon; they always make use of much
  gesticulation; which contributes to give to their conversation and
  to the vivacity of their physiognomy a certain expression; still
  more penetrating and characteristic。
  To this work we shall revert on a future occasion。
  'When a Gitano has occasion to speak of some business in which his
  interest is involved; he redoubles his gestures in proportion as he
  knows the necessity of convincing those who hear him; and fears
  their impassibility。  If any rancorous idea agitate him in the
  course of his narrative; if he endeavour to infuse into his
  auditors sentiments of jealousy; vengeance; or any violent passion;
  his features become exaggerated; and the vivacity of his glances;
  and the contraction of his lips; show clearly; and in an imposing
  manner; the foreign origin of the Gitanos; and all the customs of
  barbarous people。  Even his very smile has an expression hard and
  disagreeable。  One might almost say that joy in him is a forced
  sentiment; and that; like unto the savage man; sadness is the
  dominant feature of his physiognomy。
  'The Gitana is distinguished by the same complexion; and almost the
  same features。  In her frame she is as well formed; and as flexible
  as the Gitano。  Condemned to suffer the same privations and wants;
  her countenan