第 24 节
作者:闲来一看      更新:2024-01-16 22:40      字数:9322
  which   she   was   engaged;   than   listen   to   the   complaints   and   miseries   of
  Charlotte。 I will for once oblige you; I will for once follow her to midnight
  revels; balls; and scenes of gaiety; for in such was she constantly engaged。
  … Page 81…
  I have said her person was lovely; let us add that she was surrounded
  by splendor and affluence; and he must know but little of the world who
  can    wonder;     (however     faulty   such   a   woman's     conduct;)    at  her   being
  followed by  the   men;   and   her   company  courted   by  the   women:   in   short
  Mrs。   Crayton   was   the   universal   favourite:   she   set   the   fashions;   she   was
  toasted by all the gentlemen; and copied by all the ladies。
  Colonel Crayton was a domestic man。 Could he be happy with such a
  woman?       impossible!     Remonstrance        was   vain:   he   might    as  well   have
  preached   to   the   winds;   as   endeavour   to   persuade   her   from   any   action;
  however ridiculous; on which she had set her mind: in short; after a little
  ineffectual struggle; he gave up the attempt; and left her to follow the bent
  of her own inclinations: what those were; I think the reader must have seen
  enough of her character to form a just idea。 Among the number who paid
  their   devotions   at   her   shrine;   she   singled   one;   a   young   Ensign   of   mean
  birth;   indifferent   education;   and   weak   intellects。   How   such   a   man   came
  into the army; we hardly know to account for; and how he afterwards rose
  to posts of honour is likewise strange and wonderful。 But fortune is blind;
  and   so   are   those   too   frequently   who   have   the   power   of   dispensing   her
  favours: else why do we see fools and knaves at the very top of the wheel;
  while patient merit sinks to the extreme of the opposite abyss。 But we may
  form a thousand conjectures on this subject; and yet never hit on the right。
  Let us therefore endeavour to deserve her smiles; and whether we succeed
  or not; we shall feel more innate satisfaction; than thousands of those who
  bask   in   the   sunshine    of   her  favour   unworthily。     But   to  return   to  Mrs。
  Crayton:      this  young    man;    whom      I  shall  distinguish    by   the   name    of
  Corydon; was the reigning favourite of her heart。 He escorted her to the
  play; danced with her at every ball; and when indisposition prevented her
  going out; it was he alone who was permitted to chear the gloomy solitude
  to which she   was obliged to confine herself。  Did she ever   think of poor
  Charlotte? if she did; my dear Miss; it was only to laugh at the poor girl's
  want     of  spirit  in   consenting     to  be   moped     up   in  the   country;    while
  Montraville was enjoying all the pleasures of a gay; dissipated city。 When
  she heard of his marriage; she smiling said; so there's an end of Madam
  Charlotte's hopes。 I wonder who will take her now; or what will become of
  … Page 82…
  the little affected prude?
  But as you have lead to the subject; I think we may as well return to
  the distressed Charlotte; and not; like the unfeeling Mrs。 Crayton; shut our
  hearts to the call of humanity。
  THE      strength    of   Charlotte's    constitution    combatted      against    her
  disorder; and she began slowly to recover; though she still laboured under
  a   violent   depression   of   spirits:   how   must   that   depression   be   encreased;
  when;  upon   examining   her   little   store;   she   found   herself   reduced   to   one
  solitary guinea; and that during her illness the attendance of an apothecary
  and nurse; together with many other unavoidable expences; had involved
  her in debt; from which she saw no method of extricating herself。 As to the
  faint hope which she had entertained of hearing from and being relieved
  by her parents; it now entirely forsook her; for it was above four months
  since   her   letter   was   dispatched;   and   she   had   received   no   answer:   she
  therefore   imagined   that   her   conduct   had   either   entirely   alienated   their
  affection from her; or broken their hearts; and she must never more hope
  to receive their blessing。
  Never   did   any  human   being   wish   for   death   with   greater   fervency   or
  with juster cause; yet she had too just a sense of the duties of the Christian
  religion to attempt to put a period to her own existence。 〃I have but to be
  patient a little longer;〃 she would cry; 〃and nature; fatigued and fainting;
  will throw off this heavy load of mortality; and I shall be released from all
  my sufferings。 〃
  It was one cold stormy day in the latter end of December; as Charlotte
  sat by a handful of fire; the low state of her finances not allowing her to
  replenish her stock of fuel; and prudence teaching her to be careful of what
  she had; when she was surprised by the entrance of a farmer's wife; who;
  without much ceremony; seated herself; and began this curious harangue。
  〃I'm come to see if as how you can pay your rent; because as how we
  hear Captain Montable is gone away; and it's fifty to one if he b'ant killed
  afore he comes back again; an then; Miss; or Ma'am; or whatever you may
  … Page 83…
  be; as I was saying to my husband; where are we to look for our money。 〃
  This   was   a   stroke   altogether   unexpected   by   Charlotte:   she   knew   so
  little of the ways of the world that she had never bestowed a thought on
  the payment for the rent of the house; she knew indeed that she owed a
  good     deal;   but   this  was    never   reckoned      among     the   others:   she   was
  thunder…struck;       she   hardly    knew     what    answer     to   make;    yet   it  was
  absolutely   necessary   that   she   should   say   something;   and   judging   of   the
  gentleness   of   every  female   disposition by  her   own;   she thought   the   best
  way to interest the woman in her favour would be to tell her candidly to
  what a situation she was reduced; and how little probability there was of
  her ever paying any body。
  Alas    poor    Charlotte;    how    confined    was    her   knowledge      of  human
  nature; or she would have been convinced that the only way to insure the
  friendship and assistance of your surrounding acquaintance is to convince
  them you do not require it; for when once the petrifying aspect of distress
  and   penury   appear;   whose   qualities;   like   Medusa's   head;   can   change   to
  stone   all   that   look   upon   it;   when   once   this   Gorgon   claims   acquaintance
  with   us;   the   phantom   of   friendship;   that   before   courted   our   notice;   will
  vanish   into   unsubstantial   air;   and   the   whole   world   before   us   appear   a
  barren   waste。   Pardon   me;   ye   dear   spirits   of   benevolence;   whose   benign
  smiles   and   chearful…giving   hand   have   strewed   sweet   flowers   on   many   a
  thorny path through which my wayward fate forced me to pass; think not;
  that; in condemning the unfeeling texture of the human heart; I forget the
  spring from whence flow an the comforts I enjoy: oh no! I look up to you
  as to bright constellations; gathering new splendours from the surrounding
  darkness;      but  ah!   whilst   I  adore   the   benignant     rays   that  cheared    and
  illumined my heart; I mourn that their influence cannot extend to all the
  sons and daughters of affliction。
  〃Indeed; Madam;〃 said poor Charlotte in a tremulous accent; 〃I am at a
  loss what to do。 Montraville placed me here; and promised to defray all
  my   expenses:   but   he   has   forgot   his   promise;   he   has   forsaken   me;   and   I
  have no friend who has either power or will to relieve me。 Let me hope; as
  you see my unhappy situation; your charity〃
  〃Charity;〃     cried    the  woman       impatiently     interrupting    her;   〃charity
  … Page 84…
  indeed: why; Mistress; charity begins at home; and I have seven children
  at home; HONEST; LAWFUL children; and it is my duty to keep them;
  and do you think I will give away my property to a nasty; impudent hussey;
  to maintain her and her bastard; an I was saying to my husband the other
  day what will this world come to; honest women are nothing now…a…days;
  while the har