第 17 节
作者:老山文学      更新:2024-01-16 22:40      字数:9017
  out of his mind: what answer think you he would make?
  。 The same that I should myself; to wit; that it doth
  exist out of his mind。 But then to a Christian it cannot surely
  be shocking to say; the real tree; existing without his mind; is
  truly known and comprehended by (that is ) the
  infinite mind of God。 Probably he may not at first glance be
  aware of the direct and immediate proof there is of this;
  inasmuch as the very being of a tree; or any other sensible
  thing; implies a mind wherein it is。 But the point itself he
  cannot deny。 The question between the Materialists and me is not;
  whether things have a  existence out of the mind of this or
  that person; but whether they have an  existence;
  distinct from being perceived by God; and exterior to all minds。
  This indeed some heathens and philosophers have affirmed; but
  whoever entertains notions of the Deity suitable to the Holy
  Scriptures will be of another opinion。
  。 But; according to your notions; what difference is
  there between real things; and chimeras formed by the
  imagination; or the visions of a dream  since they are all
  equally in the mind?
  。 The ideas formed by the imagination are faint and
  indistinct; they have; besides; an entire dependence on the will。
  But the ideas perceived by sense; that is; real things; are more
  vivid and clear; and; being imprinted on the mind by a spirit
  distinct from us; have not the like dependence on our will。 There
  is therefore no danger of confounding these with the foregoing:
  and there is as little of confounding them with the visions of a
  dream; which are dim; irregular; and confused。 And; though they
  should happen to be never so lively and natural; yet; by their
  not being connected; and of a piece with the preceding and
  subsequent transactions of our lives; they might easily be
  distinguished from realities。 In short; by whatever method you
  distinguish  on your scheme; the same; it
  is evident; will hold also upon mine。 For; it must be; I presume;
  by some perceived difference; and I am not for depriving you of
  any one thing that you perceive。
  。 But still; Philonous; you hold; there is nothing in
  the world but spirits and ideas。 And this; you must needs
  acknowledge; sounds very oddly。
  。 I own the word ; not being commonly used for
  ; sounds something out of the way。 My reason for using it
  was; because a necessary relation to the mind is understood to
  {236} be implied by that term; and it is now commonly used by
  philosophers to denote the immediate objects of the
  understanding。 But; however oddly the proposition may sound in
  words; yet it includes nothing so very strange or shocking in its
  sense; which in effect amounts to no more than this; to wit; that
  there are only things perceiving; and things perceived; or that
  every unthinking being is necessarily; and from …the very nature
  of its existence; perceived by some mind; if not by a finite
  created mind; yet certainly by the infinite mind of God; in whom
  〃we five; and move; and have our being。〃 Is this as strange as to
  say; the sensible qualities are not on the objects: or that we
  cannot be sure of the existence of things; or know any thing of
  their real natures  though we both see and feel them; and
  perceive them by all our senses?
  。 And; in consequence of this; must we not think there
  are no such things as physical or corporeal causes; but that a
  Spirit is the immediate cause of all the phenomena in nature? Can
  there be anything more extravagant than this?
  。 Yes; it is infinitely more extravagant to say  a
  thing which is inert operates on the mind; and which is
  unperceiving is the cause of our perceptions; 'without any regard
  either to consistency; or the old known axiom; '。'9' Besides; that
  which to you; I know not for what reason; seems so extravagant is
  no more than the Holy Scriptures assert in a hundred places。 In
  them God is represented as the sole and immediate Author of all
  those effects which some heathens and philosophers are wont to
  ascribe to Nature; Matter; Fate; or the like unthinking
  principle。 This is so much the constant language of Scripture
  that it were needless to confirm it by citations。
  。 You are not aware; Philonous; that in making God the
  immediate Author of all the motions in nature; you make Him the
  Author of murder; sacrilege; adultery; and the like heinous sins。
  。 In answer to that; I observe; first; that the
  imputation of guilt is the same; whether a person commits an
  action with or without an instrument。 In case therefore you
  suppose God to act by the mediation of an instrument or occasion;
  called ; you as truly make Him the author of sin as I;
  who think Him the immediate agent in all those operations
  vulgarly ascribed to Nature。 I farther observe that sin or moral
  turpitude {237} doth not consist in the outward physical action
  or motion; but in the internal deviation of the will from the
  laws of reason and religion。 This is plain; in that the killing
  an enemy in a battle; or putting a criminal legally to death; is
  not thought sinful; though the outward act be the very same with
  that in the case of murder。 Since; therefore; sin doth not
  consist in the physical action; the making God an immediate cause
  of all such actions is not making Him the Author of sin。 Lastly;
  I have nowhere said that God is the only agent who produces all
  the motions in bodies。 It is true I have denied there are any
  other agents besides spirits; but this is very consistent with
  allowing to thinking rational beings; in the production of
  motions; the use of limited powers; ultimately indeed derived
  from God; but immediately under the direction of their own wills;
  which is sufficient to entitle them to all the guilt of their
  。 But the denying Matter; Philonous; or corporeal
  Substance; there is the point。 You can never persuade me that
  this is not repugnant to the universal sense of mankind。 Were our
  dispute to be determined by most voices; I am confident you would
  give up the point; without gathering the votes。
  。 I wish both our opinions were fairly stated and
  submitted to the judgment of men who had plain common sense;
  without the prejudices of a learned education。 Let me be
  represented as one who trusts his senses; who thinks he knows the
  things he sees and feels; and entertains no doubts of their
  existence; and you fairly set forth with all your doubts; your
  paradoxes; and your scepticism about you; and I shall willingly
  acquiesce in the determination of any indifferent person。 That
  there is no substance wherein ideas can exist beside spirit is to
  me evident。 And that the objects immediately perceived are ideas;
  is on all hands agreed。 And that sensible qualities are objects
  immediately perceived no one can deny。 It is therefore evident
  there can be no  of those qualities but spirit; in
  which they exist; not by way of mode or property; but as a thing
  perceived in that which perceives it。 I deny therefore that there
  is … of the objects of sense; and  that there is any material substance。 But if by
  is meant only ;  which
  is seen and felt (and the unphilosophical part of the world; I
  dare say; mean no more)  then I am more certain of matter's
  existence than you or any other philosopher pretend to be。 If
  there be anything which makes ;die generality of mankind {238}
  averse from the notions I espouse; it is a misapprehension that I
  deny the reality of sensible things。 But; as it is you who are
  guilty of that; and not 1; it follows that in truth their
  aversion is against your notions and not mine。 I do therefore
  assert that I am as certain as of my own being; that there are
  bodies or corporeal substances (meaning the things I perceive by
  my senses); and that; granting this; the bulk of mankind will
  take no thought about; nor think themselves at all concerned in
  the fate of those unknown natures; and philosophical quiddities;
  which some men are so fond of。
  。 What say you to this? Since; according to you; men
  judge of the reality of things by their senses; how can a man be
  mistaken in thinking the moon a plain lucid surface; about a foot
  in diameter; or a square tower; seen at a distance; round; or an
  oar; with one end in the water; crooked?
  。 He is not mistaken with regard to the ideas he
  actually perceives; but in the inference he makes from his
  present perceptions。 Thus; in the case of the oar; what he
  immediately perceives by sight is certainly crooked; and so far
  he is in the right。 But if he thence conclude that upon taking
  the oar out of the water he shall perceive the same crookedness;
  or that it would affect his touch as crooked things are wont to
  do: in that he is mistaken。 In like manner; if he shall conclude
  from what he perceives in one station; that; in case he advances
  towards the moon or tower; he should still be affected with the
  like ideas; he is