第 21 节
闪啊闪 更新:2023-08-28 11:48 字数:9319
the words of doom: ‘‘The children to the Tiber; The mother to the
Two and two behind the twins Their trusty comrades go; Four
and forty valiant men; With club; and axe; and bow。 On each side
every hamlet Pours forth its joyous crowd; Shouting lads and
baying dogs; And children laughing loud; And old men weeping
fondly As Rhea's boys go by; And maids who shriek to see the
heads; Yet; shrieking; press more nigh。
So marched they along the lake; They marched by fold and stall;
By cornfield and by vineyard; Unto the old man's hall。
In the hall…gate sat Capys; Capys; the sightless seer; From head
to foot he trembled As Romulus drew near。 And up stood stiff his
thin white hair; And his blind eyes flashed fire: ‘‘Hail! foster child
of the wondrous nurse! Hail! son of the wondrous sire!''
‘‘But thouwhat dost thou here In the old man's peaceful hall?
What doth the eagle in the coop; The bison in the stall? Our corn
fills many a garner; Our vines clasp many a tree; Our flocks are
white on many a hill: But these are not for thee。
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‘‘For thee no treasure ripens In the Tartessian mine; For thee no
ship brings precious bales Across the Libyan brine; Thou shalt not
drink from amber; Thou shalt not rest on down; Arabia shall not
steep thy locks; Nor Sidon tinge thy gown。
‘‘Leave gold and myrrh and jewels; Rich table and soft bed; To
them who of man's seed are born; Whom woman's milk have fed。
Thou wast not made for lucre; For pleasure; nor for rest; Thou; that
art sprung from the War…god's loins; And hast tugged at the she…
wolf's breast。
‘‘From sunrise unto sunset All earth shall hear thy fame: A
glorious city thou shalt build; And name it by thy name: And there;
unquenched through ages; Like Vesta's sacred fire; Shall live the
spirit of thy nurse; The spirit of thy sire。
‘‘The ox toils through the furrow; Obedient to the goad; The
patient ass; up flinty paths; Plods with his weary load: With whine
and bound the spaniel His master's whistle hears; And the sheep
yields her patiently To the loud…clashing shears。
‘‘But thy nurse will hear no master; Thy nurse will bear no load;
And woe to them that shear her; And woe to them that goad! When
all the pack; loud baying; Her bloody lair surrounds; She dies in
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silence; biting hard; Amidst the dying hounds。
Pomona loves the orchard; And Liber loves the vine; And Pales
loves the straw…built shed Warm with the breath of kine; And Venus
loves the whispers Of plighted youth and maid; In April's ivory
moonlight Beneath the chestnut shade。
‘‘But thy father loves the clashing Of broadsword and of shield:
He loves to drink the steam that reeks From the fresh battlefield: He
smiles a smile more dreadful Than his own dreadful frown; When
he sees the thick black cloud of smoke Go up from the conquered
‘‘And such as is the War…god; The author of thy line; And such
as she who suckled thee; Even such be thou and thine。 Leave to the
soft Campanian His baths and his perfumes; Leave to the sordid
race of Tyre Their dyeing…vats and looms; Leave to the sons of
Carthage The rudder and the oar; Leave to the Greek his marble
Nymphs And scrolls of wordy lore。
‘‘Thine; Roman; is the pilum: Roman; the sword is thine; The
even trench; the bristling mound; The legion's ordered line; And
thine the wheels of triumph; Which with their laurelled train Move
slowly up the shouting streets To Jove's eternal flame。
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Beneath thy yoke the Volscian Shall vail his lofty brow; Soft
Capua's curled revellers Before thy chairs shall bow: The
Lucumoes of Arnus Shall quake thy rods to see; And the proud
Samnite's heart of steel Shall yield to only thee。
‘‘The Gaul shall come against thee From the land of snow and
night; Thou shalt give his fair…haired armies To the raven and the
‘‘The Greek shall come against thee; The conqueror of the East。
Beside him stalks to battle The huge earth…shaking beast; The beast
on whom the castle With all its guards doth stand; The beast who
hath between his eyes The serpent for a hand。 First march the bold
Epirotes; Wedged close with shield and spear And the ranks of false
Tarentum Are glittering in the rear。
The ranks of false Tarentum Like hunted sheep shall fly: In vain
the bold Epirotes Shall round their standards die: And Apennine's
gray vultures Shall have a noble feast On the fat and the eyes
Of the the huge earth…shaking beast。
‘‘Hurrah! for the good weapons That keep the War…god's land。
Hurrah! for Rome's stout pilum In a stout Roman hand。 Hurrah! for
Rome's short broadsword That through the thick array Of levelled
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spears and serried shields Hews deep its gory way。
‘‘Hurrah! for the great triumph That stretches many a mile。
Hurrah! for the wan captives That pass in endless file。 Ho! bold
Epirotes; whither Hath the Red King taken flight? Ho! dogs of false
Tarentum; Is not the gown washed white?
‘‘Hurrah! for the great triumph That stretches many a mile。
Hurrah! for the rich dye of Tyre; And the fine web of Nile; The
helmets gay with plumage Torn from the pheasant's wings; The
belts set thick with starry gem That shone on Indian kings; The urns
of massy silver; The goblets rough with gold; The many…colored
tablets bright With loves and wars of old; The stone that breathes
and struggles; The brass that seems to speak; Such cunning they
who dwell on high Have given unto the Greek。
‘‘Hurrah! for Manius Curius; The bravest son of Rome; Thrice
in utmost need sent forth; Thrice drawn in triumph home。 Weave;
weave; for Manius Curius The third embroidered gown: Make
ready the third lofty car; And twine the third green