第 88 节
作者:津鸿一瞥      更新:2023-08-28 11:48      字数:2999
  deprived him of speech。 He stood eagerly looking at us all three;
  with outstretched hands and glistening eyes。
  〃Have I folded up my surplice forever;〃 asked Owen; 〃or am I to
  wear it once again; George; in your service?〃
  〃Answer this question first;〃 interposed Morgan; with a look of
  grim anxiety。 〃Have you actually taken your young woman off my
  hands; or have you not?〃
  No direct answer followed either question。 George's feelings had
  been too deeply stirred to allow him to return jest for jest at a
  moment's notice。
  〃Oh; father; how can I thank you!〃 he said。 〃And you! and you!〃
  he added; looking at Owen and Morgan gratefully。
  〃You must thank Chance as well as thank us;〃 I replied; speaking
  as lightly as my heart would let me; to encourage him。 〃The
  advantage of numbers in our little love…plot was all on our side。
  Remember; George; we were three to one。〃
  While I was speaking the breakfast…room door opened noiselessly;
  and showed us Jessie standing on the threshold; uncertain whether
  to join us or to run back to her own room。 Her bright complexion
  heightened to a deep glow; the tears just rising in her eyes; and
  not yet falling from them; her delicate lips trembling a little;
  as if they were still shyly conscious of other lips that had
  pressed them but a few minutes since; her attitude irresolutely
  graceful; her hair just disturbed enough over her forehead and
  her cheeks to add to the charm of themshe stood before us; the
  loveliest living picture of youth; and tenderness; and virgin
  love that eyes ever looked on。 George and I both advanced
  together to meet her at the door。 But the good; grateful girl had
  heard from my son the true story of all that I had done; and
  hoped; and suffered for the last ten days; and showed charmingly
  how she felt it by turning at once to _me_。
  〃May I stop at the Glen Tower a little longer?〃 she asked;
  〃If you think you can get through your evenings; my love;〃 I
  answered。 〃'But surely you forget that the Purple Volume is
  closed; and that the stories have all come to an end?〃
  She clasped her arms round my neck; and laid her cheek fondly
  against mine。
  〃How you must have suffered yesterday!〃 she whispered; softly。
  〃And how happy I am to…day!〃
  The tears gathered in her eyes and dropped over her cheeks as she
  raised her head to look at me affectionately when I said those
  words。 I gently unclasped her arms and led her to George。
  〃So you really did love him; then; after all;〃 I whispered;
  〃though you were too sly to let me discover it?〃
  A smile broke out among the tears as her eyes wandered away from
  mine and stole a look at my son。 The clock struck the hour; and
  the servant came in with breakfast。 A little domestic
  interruption of this kind was all that was wanted to put us at
  our ease。 We drew round the table cheerfully; and set the Queen
  of Hearts at the head of it; in the character of mistress of the
  house already。