第 46 节
作者:津鸿一瞥      更新:2023-08-28 11:47      字数:9322
  to look at; with his colorless face; his sunken cheeks; his wild
  black eyes; and his long black hair。 The first question he asked
  me about himself when he could speak made me suspect that I had
  been called in to a man in my own profession。 I mentioned to him
  my surmise; and he told me that I was right。
  He said he had come last from Paris; where he had been attached
  to a hospital; that he had lately returned to England; on his way
  to Edinburgh; to continue his studies; that he had been taken ill
  on the journey; and that he had stopped to rest and recover
  himself at Doncaster。 He did not add a word about his name; or
  who he was; and of course I did not question him on the subject。
  All I inquired when he ceased speaking was what branch of the
  profession he intended to follow。
  〃Any branch;〃 he said; bitterly; 〃which will put bread into the
  mouth of a poor man。〃
  At this; Arthur; who had been hitherto watching him in silent
  curiosity; burst out impetuously in his usual good…humored way:
  〃My dear fellow〃 (everybody was 〃my dear fellow〃 with Arthur);
  〃now you have come to life again; don't begin by being
  down…hearted about your prospects。 I'll answer for it I can help
  you to some capital thing in the medical line; or; if I can't; I
  know my father can。〃
  The medical student looked at him steadily。
  〃Thank you;〃 he said; coldly; then added; 〃May I ask who your
  father is?〃
  〃He's well enough known all about this part of the country;〃
  replied Arthur。 〃He is a great manufacturer; and his name is
  My hand was on the man's wrist during this brief conversation。
  The instant the name of Holliday was pronounced I felt the pulse
  under my fingers flutter; stop; go on suddenly with a bound; and
  beat afterward for a minute or two at the fever rate。
  〃How did you come here?〃 asked the stranger; quickly; excitably;
  passionately almost。
  Arthur related briefly what had happened from the time of his
  first taking the bed at the inn。
  〃I am indebted to Mr。 Holliday's son; then; for the help that has
  saved my life;〃 said the medical student; speaking to himself;
  with a singular sarcasm in his voice。 〃Come here!〃
  He held out; as he spoke; his long; white; bony right hand。
  〃With all my heart;〃 said Arthur; taking his hand cordially。 〃I
  may confess it now;〃 he continued; laughing; 〃upon my honor; you
  almost frightened me out of my wits。〃
  The stranger did not seem to listen。 His wild black eyes were
  fixed with a look of eager interest on Arthur's face; and his
  long bony fingers kept tight hold of Arthur's hand。 Young
  Holliday; on his side; returned the gaze; amazed and puzzled by
  the medical student's odd language and manners。 The two faces
  were close together; I looked at them; and; to my amazement; I
  was suddenly impressed by the sense of a likeness between
  themnot in features or complexion; but solely in expression。 It
  must have been a strong likeness; or I should certainly not have
  found it out; for I am naturally slow at detecting resemblances
  between faces。
  〃You have saved my life;〃 said the strange man; still looking
  hard in Arthur's face; still holding tightly by his hand。 〃If you
  had been my own brother; you could not have done more for me than
  He laid a singularly strong emphasis on those three words 〃my own
  brother;〃 and a change passed over his face as he pronounced
  thema change that no language of mine is competent to describe。
  〃I hope I have not done being of service to you yet;〃 said
  Arthur。 〃I'll speak to my father as soon as I get home。〃
  〃You seem to be fond and proud of your father;〃 said the medical
  student。 〃I suppose; in return; he is fond and proud of you?〃
  〃Of course he is;〃 answered Arthur; laughing。 〃Is there anything
  wonderful in that? Isn't _your_ father fond〃
  The stranger suddenly dropped young Holliday's hand and turned
  his face away。
  〃I beg your pardon;〃 said Arthur。 〃I hope I have not
  unintentionally pained you。 I hope you have not lost your
  〃I can't well lose what I have never had;〃 retorted the medical
  student; with a harsh mocking laugh。
  〃What you have never had!〃
  The strange man suddenly caught Arthur's hand again; suddenly
  looked once more hard in his face。
  〃Yes;〃 he said; with a repetition of the bitter laugh。 〃You have
  brought a poor devil back into the world who has no business
  there。 Do I astonish you? Well; I have a fancy of my own for
  telling you what men in my situation generally keep a secret。 I
  have no name and no father。 The merciful law of society tells me
  I am nobody's son! Ask your father if he will be my father too;
  and help me on in life with the family name。〃
  Arthur looked at me more puzzled than ever。
  I signed to him to say nothing; and then laid my fingers again on
  the man's wrist。 No。 In spite of the extraordinary speech that he
  had just made; he was not; as I had been disposed to suspect;
  beginning to get light…headed。 His pulse; by this time; had
  fallen back to a quiet; slow beat; and his skin was moist and
  cool。 Not a symptom of fever or agitation about him。
  Finding that neither of us answered him; he turned to me; and
  began talking of the extraordinary nature of his case; and asking
  my advice about the future course of medical treatment to which
  he ought to subject himself。 I said the matter required careful
  thinking over; and suggested that I should send him a
  prescription a little later。 He told me to write it at once; as
  he would most likely be leaving Doncaster in the morning before I
  was up。 It was quite useless to represent to him the folly and
  danger of such a proceeding as this。 He heard me politely and
  patiently; but held to his resolution; without offering any
  reasons or explanations; and repeated to me that; if I wished to
  give him a chance of seeing my prescription; I must write it at
  Hearing this; Arthur volunteered the loan of a traveling
  writing…case; which he said he had with him; and; bringing it to
  the bed; shook the note…paper out of the pocket of the case
  forthwith in his usual careless way。 With the paper there fell
  out on the counterpane of the bed a small packet of
  sticking…plaster; and a little water…color drawing of a
  The medical student took up the drawing and looked at it。 His eye
  fell on some initials neatly written in cipher in one corner。 He
  started and trembled; his pale face grew whiter than over; his
  wild black eyes turned on Arthur; and looked through and through
  〃A pretty drawing;〃 he said; in a remarkably quiet tone of voice。
  〃Ah! and done by such a pretty girl;〃 said Arthur。 〃Oh; such a
  pretty girl! I wish it was not a landscapeI wish it was a
  portrait of her!〃
  〃You admire her very much?〃
  Arthur; half in jest; half in earnest; kissed his hand for
  〃Love at first sight;〃 said young Holliday; putting the drawing
  away again。 〃But the course of it doesn't run smooth。 It's the
  old story。 She's monopolized; as usual; trammeled by a rash
  engagement to some poor man who is never likely to get money
  enough to marry her。 It was lucky I heard of it in time; or I
  should certainly have risked a declaration when she gave me that
  drawing。 Here; doctor; here is pen; ink; and paper all ready for
  〃When she gave you that drawing? Gave it? gave it?〃
  He repeated the words slowly to himself; and suddenly closed his
  eyes。 A momentary distortion passed across his face; and I saw
  one of his hands clutch up the bedclothes and squeeze them hard。
  I thought he was going to be ill again; and begged that there
  might be no more talking。 He opened his eyes when I spoke; fixed
  them once more searchingly on Arthur; and said; slowly and
  〃You like her; and she likes you。 The poor man may die out of
  your way。 Who can tell that she may not give you herself as well
  as her drawing; after all?〃
  Before young Holliday could answer he turned to me; and said in a
  whisper: 〃Now for the prescription。〃 From that time; though he
  spoke to Arthur again; he never looked at him more。
  When I had written the prescription; he examined it; approved of
  it; and then astonished us both by abruptly wishing us
  good…night。 I offered to sit up with him; and he shook his head。
  Arthur offered to sit up with him; and he said; shortly; with his
  face turned away; 〃No。〃 I insisted on having somebody left to
  watch him。 He gave way when he found I was determined; and said
  he would accept the services of the waiter at the inn。
  〃Thank you both;〃 he said; as we rose to go。 〃I have one last
  favor to asknot of you; doctor; for I leave you to exercise
  your professional discretion; but of Mr。 Holliday。〃 His eyes;
  while he spoke; still rested steadily on me; and never once
  turned toward Arthur。 〃I beg that Mr。 Holliday will not mention
  to any one; least of all to his father; the events that have
  occurred and the words that have passed in this room。 I entreat
  him to bury me in his memory as; but for him; I might have been
  buried in my grave。 I cannot give my reason for making this
  strange request。 I can only implore him to grant it。〃
  His voice faltered for the first time; and he hid his face on the
  pillow。 Arthur; completely bewildered; gave the requ