第 41 节
作者:美丽心点      更新:2023-05-17 13:23      字数:2558
  Gurley was taking her afternoon snore on a couch; so that left me pretty
  much alone。
  〃In passing by Arthur's study I looked in; and saw his bunch of keys
  hanging in the drawer of his desk; where he'd forgotten 'em。 Well; I guess
  we're all to the Mrs。 Bluebeard now and then; ain't we; Lynn? I made up
  my   mind   I'd   have   a   look   at   that   memento   he   kept   so   secret。   Not   that   I
  cared what it was  it was just curiosity。
  〃While I was opening the drawer I imagined one or two things it might
  be。 I thought it might be a dried rosebud she'd dropped down to him from
  a balcony; or maybe a picture of her he'd cut out of a magazine; she being
  so high up in the world。
  〃I opened the drawer; and there was the rosewood casket about the size
  of a gent's collar box。 I found the little key in the bunch that fitted it; and
  unlocked it and raised the lid。
  〃I   took   one  look   at   that   memento;   and   then   I   went   to   my   room   and
  packed my trunk。 I threw a few things into my grip; gave my hair a flirt or
  two with a side…comb; put on my hat; and went in and gave the old lady's
  … Page 154…
  The Voice of the City
  foot a kick。 I'd tried awfully hard to use proper and correct language while
  I was there for Arthur's sake; and I had the habit down pat; but it left me
  〃Stop sawing gourds;〃 says I; 〃and sit up and take notice。 The ghost's
  about to walk。 I'm going away from here; and I owe you eight dollars。 The
  expressman will call for my trunk。'
  〃I handed her the money。
  〃'Dear me; Miss Crosby!' says she。 'Is any… thing wrong? I thought you
  were pleased here。 Dear me; young women are so hard to understand; and
  so different from what you expect 'em to be。'
  〃'You're damn right;' says I。 'Some of 'em are。 But you can't say that
  about men。 When you know one man you know 'em all! That settles the
  human… race question。'
  〃And then I caught the four…thirty…eight; soft… coal unlimited; and here
  I am。〃
  〃You didn't tell me what was in the box; Lee;〃 said Miss D'armande;
  〃One of those yellow silk garters that I used to kick off my leg into the
  audience during that old vaudeville swing act of mine。 Is there any of the
  cocktail left; Lynn?〃