第 37 节
作者:飘雪的季节      更新:2023-05-02 09:53      字数:9321
  cling to it as he got nearer the top。         The air was close; and soon after the
  boy began going up; the sun beat down on the canvas cover suffocatingly。
  Now he had reached the top。           High seats intervened between him and
  the   other   end;   so   that   he   could   not   see   far   ahead   of   him。   Phil   dropped
  down into the wagon and began creeping toward the rear。
  He stumbled over some properties that had been stowed in the wagon;
  making a great clatter。        Instantly there was a motion in the other end
  of the car。
  Phil scrambled up quickly and crawled over the high seat ahead of him。
  As he did so he uttered an exclamation。            The red head of Red Larry could
  be seen; his beady eyes peering over the back of a seat。
  〃I've got you this time; Red!〃 exulted Phil; clambering over the seat in
  such a hurry that he fell in a heap on the other side of it。
  The lad seemed to have no sense that he was placing himself in grave
  peril。   He had no fear in his makeup; and his every nerve was centered on
  capturing the desperate; revengeful man who had not only assaulted Phil;
  but who had caused so much damage to the Sparling Shows。
  〃Don't   you   dare   e   near   me;   you   young   cub!〃   threatened   Red;   as
  with rage…distorted face he suddenly whipped out a knife。
  Phil picked up a club and started toward him。               The club happened to
  be a tent stake。     Red observed the action; and crouching low waited as the
  lad approached him。
  〃I'm going   to get   you; Red!       I'm  not   afraid of   your knife。 You   can't
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  The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark)
  touch me with it because before you get the chance I'm going to slam you
  over the head with this tent stake;〃 grinned Phil Forrest。
  Red snarled and showed his teeth。
  〃Oh; you needn't think you can get away。                   The men are hunting for
  you   further up   the  train。      They'll   be   along   here  in   a  minute;  and   then   I
  reckon   you'll   be   tied   up   and   dumped   into   the   lion   cage;   though   I   don't
  think even a lion would eat such a mean hound as you are。〃
  Suddenly   the   man   straightened   up。         Now;   he   held   something   in   his
  hand besides the knife。          It was a stake。
  Red drew back his arm; hurling the heavy stick straight at his young
  adversary's   head。       Phil;   observing   the   movement   let   drive   his   own   tent
  stake; but   having   to   throw  so   hurriedly;  his   aim  was   poor。         Red   Larry's
  aim; on the other hand was better。 Phil dodged like a flash。
  Had he not done so the stake would have struck him squarely in the
  face。     As it was the missile grazed the side of his head; causing the lad to
  fall in a heap。
  Red   Larry  hesitated   only   for   a   second;   then   leaping   to   the  high   rear
  seat of the wagon drew his knife along the canvas above him; opening a
  great   slit   in   it。 Through   the   opening   thus   made   he   peered   cautiously。
  What he saw evidently convinced him of the truth of what Phil had just
  said。     Up   toward   the   head   of   the   train   the   searchers   were   at   work;   and
  from what Red had heard he realized they were looking for him。
  Red   did   not   delay   a   second。     He   scrambled   out   through   the   canvas
  just as Phil pulled himself to his feet。            The lad could see the fellow's legs
  dangling through the canvas。
  Phil uttered a yell; hurling himself wildly over the high…backed seats in
  an   effort   to   catch   and   hold   the   legs   ere   Red   could   get   out。 But   Larry
  heard him ing; and quickly clambered down the back of the wagon to
  the deck of the flat car。
  Phil   once   more   grabbed   up   his   own   tent   stake   as   he   stumbled   back
  through the wagon。
  〃I've   got   you!〃   yelled   the   boy   as   he   pulled   himself   up   through   the
  opening;      observing      Red    standing     hesitatingly     on   the   flat  car   with   a
  frightened look in his eyes。
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  The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark)
  〃Hi!     Hi!〃   cried    Phil;   turning   and   gesticulating   wildly   at   the   men
  further up the train 〃I've got him!           Hurry!      I〃
  Something   sang   by   his   head        and   dropped     quivering   in   the   canvas
  beyond him。        It was the discharged tentman's knife which he had aimed
  at Phil; his aim having been destroyed by a lurch of the car; thus saving the
  Circus Boy's life。
  〃Want to kill me; do you?            I've got you now!         The men are ing。
  Don't you dare move or I'll drop this stake on you。                   I can't miss you this
  Red   after   one   hesitating   glance;   faced   the   front   and   leaped   from   the
  train down the long; sloping cinder…covered bank。
  Phil let drive his tent stake。         It caught Red on the shoulder; bowling
  the rascal over like a nine pin。
  Phil Forrest uttered a yell of exultation; suddenly dropping to the floor
  of the car at the imminent risk of his life。
  The men were now piling over the cars in his direction。                      He did not
  know   whether   they  had   seen   Red   jump   or   not。        Phil   did   not   waste   any
  time in idle speculation。
  〃e   on!〃   he   shouted;   springing   to   the   edge   of   the   car;   keeping
  himself from falling by grasping a wheel of the wagon。
  Then   Phil   Forrest   did   a   daring   thing。    Crouching   low;   choosing   his
  time   unerringly;   he   jumped   from  the   train。   Fortunately  for   him;   the   cars
  were running slowly up the heavy grade。                But; slowly as they were going;
  the   lad   turned   several   rapid   handsprings   after   having   struck   the   ground;
  ing to a stop halfway down the slope; somewhat dazed from the shock
  and sudden whirling about。
  But   he   was   on   his   feet   in   a   twinkling;   and   running   toward   the   spot
  where Red was painfully picking himself up。                   Phil slipped and stumbled
  as    the   cinders    gave    way    beneath     his   feet   but   ran   on   with   a   grim
  determination not to let his man escape him this time。
  Both     were    now     weaponless;      so   far  as   the   lad   knew。     Red     had
  possessed a revolver; but in his sudden jump from the train he had lost it;
  and there was now no time to look for it。
  When he saw Phil pursuing; Larry started on a run; but the lad; much
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  The Circus Boys Across The Continent (Or Winning New Laurels on the Tanbark)
  more fleet of foot; rapidly overhauled him; despite the handicap that Phil
  had at the start。
  〃You may as well give up!           I'm going to catch you; if I have to run all
  the way across the Sierra Nevada Range;〃 shouted Phil。
  Red halted suddenly。         Phil thought he was going to wait for him; but
  the lad did not slacken his speed a bit because of that。
  All at once; as Phil drew near; Red picked up a stone and hurled it at
  his pursuer。      Phil saw it ing in time to 〃duck;〃 and it was well he did
  so; for Larry's aim was good。
  〃He must have been a baseball pitcher at sometime;〃 grinned the lad。
  However;   the   fellow   continued   to   throw   until   Phil   saw   that   he   must   do
  something to defend himself else he would surely be hit and perhaps put
  out of the race altogether。
  〃So that's your game is it?〃 shouted the boy。             〃I can play ball; too。〃
  With that the lad coolly began hunting about for stones; of which he
  gathered up quite an armful; choosing those that were most nearly round。
  In   the   meantime   Red   had   kept   up   his   bombardment;   Phil   dodging   the
  stones skillfully。      Then he too; began to throw; gradually drawing nearer
  and nearer to his adversary。
  A small stone caught Phil a glancing blow on the left shoulder causing
  him   to   drop   his   ammunition。      He   could   scarcely   repress   a   cry;   for   the
  blow hurt him terribly。        He wondered if his shoulder had not been broken;
  but fortunately he had received only a severe bruise。
  It   served;   however;   to   stir   Phil   to   renewed   activity。   Grabbing   all   the
  stones   he   could   gather   in   one   sweep   of   his   hands   he   started   on   a   run
  toward   Red   Larry;   letting   one   drive   with   every   jump。      They   showered