第 67 节
作者:大热      更新:2023-01-03 17:22      字数:8910
  black Oscar de la Renta number; provided kindly by Jeffy; Closet
  maven and lover of all things feminine (“Girl; you go black…tie; you
  go Oscar; and that’s that。 Now don’t be shy; take those pants off
  and try this on for Jeffy。” I began to unbutton and he shuddered。 I
  asked him if he really found my half…naked body that repulsive; and
  he said of course not; it was merely my panty lines that he found so
  disgusting)。 The fashion assistants had already called in a pair of
  silver Manolos in my size; and someone in accessories had selected a
  flashy silver Judith Leiber evening bag with a long; clanking chain。
  I’d expressed interest in an understated Calvin Klein clutch; but
  she snorted at the suggestion and handed me the Judith。 Stef was
  debating whether I should wear a choker or a pendant; and Allison;
  the newly promoted beauty editor; was on the phone with her
  manicurist; who made office calls。
  “She’ll meet you in the conference room at four forty…five;” Allison
  said when I picked up my extension。 “You’re wearing black; right?
  Insist on Chanel Ruby Red。 Just tell her to bill us。”
  The entire office had worked itself up to a nearly hysterical frenzy
  trying to make me look appropriate for the night’s gala affair。 It
  certainly wasn’t because they all adored me so much and killed
  themselves trying to help me out; rather; they knew Miranda had
  mandated the makeover and were eager to prove to her the high level
  of their taste and class。
  Lily finished her charity makeup lesson and I briefly wondered if I
  looked ridiculous wearing a floor…length Oscar de la Renta gown and
  Bonne Belle Lipsmackers in Fudgsicle。 Probably; but I had turned
  down all offers of having a makeup artist e to the apartment。
  Everyone on staff tried to insist—and none too subtly—but I
  adamantly refused。 Even I had limits。
  I hobbled into the bedroom on my four…inch Manolo stilettos and
  kissed Alex on the forehead。 He barely looked up from the magazine
  he was reading。
  “I’ll definitely be home by eleven; so we can go get some dinner or
  drinks then; OK? I’m sorry I have to do this; I really am。 If you do
  decide to go out with the guys; call so I can e meet you; OK?” He
  had; as promised; e directly from school to spend the night
  together; and hadn’t been all that thrilled when I’d arrived home
  with the news that he could definitely have a relaxing night at Home
  but that I wouldn’t be a part of the plans。 He was sitting on the
  balcony off my bedroom; reading an old copy ofVanity Fair we had
  lying around and drinking one of the beers Lily kept in the fridge
  for guests。 It wasn’t until after I’d explained that I had to work
  tonight that I even noticed he and Lily weren’t hanging out。
  “Where is she?” I asked。 “She has no classes; and I know she’s not
  working Fridays all summer。”
  Alex took a swig of his Pale Ale and shrugged。 “I’m guessing she’s
  here。 Her door’s closed; but I saw some guy walking around before。”
  “Some guy? Could you be a little more descriptive? What guy?” I
  wondered if someone had broken in; or perhaps Freudian Boy had
  finally been invited over。
  “I don’t know; but he’s scary…looking。 Tattoos; piercings;
  wife…beater—the whole nine。 Can’t imagine where she met this one。”
  He took another nonchalant swig。
  Icouldn’t imagine where she’d found him; either; considering I’d
  left her at eleven the night before in the pany of a very polite
  guy named William who; as far as I could see; was not a
  wife…beater…wearing; tattoo…donning kind of guy。
  “Alex; seriously! You’re telling me there’s some thug cruising
  around my apartment—a thug who may or may not have been invited
  over—and you don’t care? This is ridiculous! We need to do
  something;” I said; getting up from the chair and wondering; as
  always; if the weight shift was going to cause the balcony to fall
  off the side of the building。
  “Andy; relax。 He’s definitelynot a thug。” He flipped a page。 “He
  might be a punk…grunge…freak; but he’s not a thug。”
  “Great; that’s just fucking great。 Now are you going to e see
  what’s going on; or are you just going to sit there all night?”
  He still refused to look at me; and I finally understood how annoyed
  he was about tonight。 Understandable; entirely; but I was just as
  irritated to have to work; and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do
  about it。 “Why don’t you call if you need me?”
  “Fine;” I huffed and made a big production of storming inside。
  “Don’t feel guilty when you find my dismembered body on the bathroom
  floor。 Really; no big deal 。 。 。”
  I stomped inside and around the apartment for a little while;
  looking for evidence of this guy’s presence。 The only thing that
  seemed at all out of place was an empty bottle of Ketel One in the
  sink。 Had she really managed to buy; open; and drink an entire
  bottle of vodka sometime after midnight last night? I knocked on her
  door。 No response。 I knocked a little more insistently; and I heard
  a guy’s voice state the very obvious fact that someone was knocking
  on the door。 When still no one responded; I turned the doorknob。
  “Hello? Anyone Home here?” I called out; trying not to look inside
  the room but only being able to hold out for about five seconds。 My
  eyes skipped over the two pairs of jeans that were tangled up on the
  floor and the bra that was hanging from the desk chair and the
  overflowing ashtray that made the room stink like a frat house and
  went directly to the bed; where my best friend was stretched out on
  her side; back to me; pletely naked。 A sickly looking guy with a
  line of sweat above his lip and a head full of greasy hair blended
  into her sheets: his dozens of snaking; winding; scary tattoos acted
  as the perfect camouflage against her green and blue plaid
  forter。 There was a gold hoop through his eyebrow; much
  glittering metal from each ear; and two small; rounded spikes ing
  out of his chin。 Thankfully he was wearing a pair of boxers; but
  they looked so dirty and dingy and old that I almost—almost—wished
  he weren’t。 He pulled on his cigarette; exhaled slowly and
  meaningfully; and nodded in my general direction。
  “Yo;” he said; waving his cigarette toward me。 “You mind shuttin’
  the door there; m’friend?”
  What? “M’friend”? Was this sleazy…looking Aussie actually givingme
  “Are you smokingcrack ?” I asked; no longer interested in manners of
  any sort; and not at all scared。 He was shorter than me and couldn’t
  have weighed more than a hundred thirty—as far as I could tell; the
  worst thing he could do to me at that point would be to touch me。 I
  shuddered when I thought about the myriad ways he’d probably touched
  Lily; who was still sleeping soundly underneath his protective
  hover。 “Who the hell do you think you are? This ismy apartment; and
  I’d like you to leave。 Now!” I added; my courage fueled by the time
  demands: I had exactly one hour to get gorgeous for the single most
  stressful night of my career; and dealing with this strung…out freak
  had not been part of the game plan。
  “Duuuuuuuude。 Chill out;” he breathed and inhaled again。 “It doesn’t
  look like your friend here wants me to leave 。 。 。”
  “She would want you to leave if she HAPPENED TO BE CONSCIOUS; YOU
  ASSHOLE!” I screamed; horrified that Lily had—in all likelihood—had
  sex with this guy。 “I assure you; I speak for both of us when I say
  I felt a hand on my shoulder and whipped around to see Alex; looking
  concerned; checking out the situation。 “Andy; why don’t you get in
  the shower and let me take care of this; OK?” Although no one could
  call him a big guy; he looked like a pro wrestler pared to the
  emaciated mess that was currently nuzzling his facial metal against
  my best friend’s bare back。
  “I。 WANT。 HIM。”—I pointed here; just to be clear。—“OUT。 OF。 MY。
  “I know you do; and I think he’s about ready to leave; too; aren’t
  you; buddy?” Alex asked in the kind of soothing voice you’d use with
  a rabid…looking dog you were frightened of upsetting。
  “Duuuuuuude;no issues here。 Just havin’ a little fun with Lily is
  all。 She was all over me last night at Au Bar—ask anyone; they’ll
  tell you。 Fuckin’ begged me to e back with her。”
  “I don’t doubt that;” Alex said soothingly。 “She’s a really friendly
  girl when she wants to be; but sometimes she gets too drunk to know
  what she’s doing。 So as her friend; I’m going to have to ask you to
  leave now。”
  The freak mashed his cigarette out a