第 22 节
作者:理性的思索      更新:2022-12-03 20:04      字数:9322
  time。 Her hand was controlled and she wrote a quantity of matter which
  was entirely outside her own knowledge or character。 Upon her doubting
  whether     her   sub…conscious     self  might    in  some   way    be  producing     the
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  writing; which was partly done by planchette; the script was written upside
  down   and   from   right   to   left;   as   though   the   writer   was   seated   opposite。
  Such script could not possibly be written by the lady herself。 Upon making
  enquiry as to who was using her hand; the answer came in writing that it
  was a certain Fred Gaylord; and that his object was to get a message to his
  mother。   The   youth   was   unknown   to   Miss   Cameron;   but   she   knew   the
  family and forwarded the message; with the result that the mother came to
  see her; examined the evidence; communicated with the son; and finally;
  returning home; buried all her evidences of mourning; feeling that the boy
  was   no   more   dead   in   the   old   sense   than   if   he   were   alive   in   a   foreign
  country。     There    is  the   first  proof    of  preternatural     agency;    since    Miss
  Cameron        developed      so  much     knowledge       which     she   could    not   have
  normally       acquired;      using     many      phrases     and     ideas    which      were
  characteristic of the deceased。 But mark the sequel。 Gaylord was merely a
  pseudonym; as the matter was so private that the real name; which we will
  put    as  Bridger;    was   not   disclosed。    A   few   months     after  the   book    was
  published      Miss    Cameron       received     a  letter  from    a   stranger    living   a
  thousand   miles   away。   This   letter   and   the   whole   correspondence   I   have
  seen。 The   stranger;   Mrs。   Nicol;   says   that   as   a   test   she   would like   to   ask
  whether   the   real   name   given   as   Fred   Gaylord   in   the   book   is   not   Fred
  Bridger;     as  she   had    psychic    reasons    for   believing    so。  Miss    Cameron
  replied that it was so; and expressed her great surprise that so secret and
  private     a  matter    should    have    been    correctly    stated。   Mrs。   Nicol    then
  explained that she and her husband; both connected with journalism and
  both    absolutely     agnostic;    had    discovered     that   she   had    the  power     of
  automatic       writing。    That    while;    using    this   power     she   had    received
  communications   purporting   to   come   from   Fred   Bridger   whom   they   had
  known      in  life;  and   that  upon    reading     Miss   Cameron's      book    they   had
  received from Fred Bridger the assurance that he was the same person as
  the   Fred   Gaylord   of   Miss   Cameron。  Now;  arguing upon   these   facts;  and
  they would appear most undoubtedly to be facts; what possible answer can
  the materialist or the sceptic give to the assertion that they are a   double
  proof of the continuity of personality and the possibility of communication?
  Can     any   reasonable      system    of   telepathy    explain    how    Miss    Cameron
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  discovered the intimate points characteristic of young Gaylord? And then;
  how are we afterwards; by any possible telepathy; to explain the revelation
  to Mrs。 Nicol of the identity of her communicant; Fred Bridger; with the
  Fred   Gaylord   who   had   been   written   of   by   Miss   Cameron。   The   case   for
  return seems to me a very convincing one; though I contend now; as ever;
  that it is not the return of the lost ones which is of such cogent interest as
  the message from the beyond which they bear with them。
  On   this   subject   I   should   recommend   the   reader   to   consult   Coates'
  〃Photographing the Invisible;〃 which states; in a thoughtful and moderate
  way; the evidence   for this   most remarkable   phase; and   illustrates it  with
  many   examples。   It   is   pointed   out   that   here;   as   always;   fraud   must   be
  carefully guarded against; having been admitted in the case of the French
  spirit photographer; Buguet。 There are; however; a large number of cases
  where the photograph; under rigid test conditions in which fraud has been
  absolutely barred; has reproduced the features of the dead。 Here there are
  limitations   and   restrictions   which   call   for   careful   study  and   observation。
  These      faces    of   the   dead    are   in   some     cases    as  contoured      and    as
  recognisable   as   they   were   in   life;   and   correspond   with   no   pre…existing
  picture   or   photograph。   One   such   case   absolutely   critic…proof   is   enough;
  one   would   think;   to   establish   survival;   and   these   valid   cases   are   to   be
  counted   not   in   ones;   but   in   hundreds。   On   the   other   hand;   many   of   the
  likenesses;      obtained     under     the   same     test   conditions;     are   obviously
  simulacra or pictures built up by some psychic   force; not necessarily  by
  the    individual      spirits   themselves;      to   represent     the    dead。    In   some
  undoubtedly genuine cases it is an exact; or almost exact; reproduction of
  an existing picture; as if the conscious intelligent force; whatever it might
  be; had consulted it as to the former appearance of the deceased; and had
  then   built   it   up   in   exact   accordance   with   the   original。   In   such   cases   the
  spirit    face   may    show     as   a  flat  surface    instead    of   a  contour。     Rigid
  examination   has   shown   that   the   existing   model   was   usually   outside   the
  ken of the photographer。 Two of the bravest champions whom Spiritualism
  has ever produced; the late W。 T。 Stead and the late Archdeacon Colley
  names which will bulk large in days to comeattached great importance to
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  spirit   photography   as   a   final   and   incontestable   proof   of   survival。   In   his
  recent    work;    〃Proofs    of  the   Truth   of  Spiritualism〃     (Kegan     Paul);   the
  eminent   botanist;   Professor   Henslow;   has   given   one   case   which   would
  really appear to be above criticism。 He narrates how the inquirer subjected
  a    sealed    packet    of   plates    to  the    Crewe     circle   without     exposure;
  endeavoring to get   a   psychograph。  Upon   being   asked   on   which plate   he
  desired it; he said 〃the fifth。〃 Upon this plate being developed; there was
  found on it a copy of a passage from the Codex Alexandrinus of the New
  Testament in the British Museum。 Reproductions; both of the original and
  of   the   copy;   will   be   found   in   Professor   Henslow's   book。   I   have   myself
  been to Crewe and have had results which would be amazing were it not
  that familiarity blunts the mind to miracles。 Three marked plates brought
  by myself; and handled; developed and fixed by no hand but mine; gave
  psychic extras。 In each case I saw the extra in the negative when it was
  still wet in the dark room。 I reproduce in Plate I a specimen of the results;
  which   is   enough   in   itself   to   prove   the   whole   case   of   survival   to  any
  reasonable mind。 The three sitters are Mr。 Oaten; Mr。 Walker; and myself;
  I being obscured by the psychic cloud。 In this cloud appears a message of
  welcome       to  me   from   the   late  Archdeacon       Colley。   A   specimen     of  the
  Archdeacon's own handwriting is reproduced in Plate II for the purpose of
  comparison。 Behind; there is an attempt at materialisation obscured by the
  cloud。 The mark on the side of the plate is my identification mark。 I trust
  that I make it clear that no hand but mine ever touched this plate; nor did I
  ever lose sight of it for a second save when it was in the carrier; which was
  conveyed straight back to the dark room and there opened。 What has any
  critic   to   say   to   that?   By   the   kindness   of   those   fearless   pioneers   of   the
  movement;       Mr。   and   Mrs。    Hewat    Mackenzie;      I  am   allowed     to  publish
  another     example     of   spirit  photography。      The   circumstances       were   very
  remarkable。 The visit of the parents to Crewe was unproductive and their
  plate a blank save for their own presentment。 Returning disappointed; to
  London they  managed; through the mediumship of Mrs。  Leonard; to   get
  into touch with their boy; and asked him why they had failed。 He replied
  that the conditions had been bad; but that he had actually succeed