第 20 节
作者:理性的思索      更新:2022-12-03 20:04      字数:9322
  worst; the  Lutheran Prussian;  the Catholic   Bavarian; or  the peoples   who
  have been nurtured by the Greek Church? If we; of the West; have done
  better;  is   it   not   rather  an   older   and   higher  civilisation   and   freer  political
  institutions   that   have   held   us   back   from   all   the   cruelties;   excesses   and
  immoralities which have taken the world back to the dark ages? It will not
  do    to   say   that   they   have    occurred      in  spite   of   Christianity;    and    that
  Christianity is; therefore; not to blame。 It is true that Christ's teaching is
  not to blame; for it is often spoiled in the transmission。 But Christianity
  has   taken   over   control   of   the   morals   of   Europe;   and   should   have   the
  compelling force which would ensure that those morals would not go to
  pieces   upon   the   first   strain。   It   is   on   this   point   that   Christianity   must   be
  judged; and the judgment can only be that it has failed。 It has not been an
  active controlling force upon the minds of men。 And why? It can only be
  because there is something essential which is wanting。 Men do not take it
  seriously。   Men   do   not   believe   in   it。   Lip   service   is   the   only   service   in
  innumerable cases; and even lip service grows fainter。
  Men;   as   distinct   from   women;   have;   both   in   the   higher   and   lower
  classes   of   life;   ceased;   in   the   greater   number   of   cases;   to   show   a   living
  interest in religion。 The churches lose their grip upon the peopleand lose
  it rapidly。 Small inner circles; convocations; committees; assemblies; meet
  and   debate   and   pass   resolutions   of   an   ever   narrower   character。   But   the
  people   go   their   way   and   religion   is   dead;   save   in   so   far   as   intellectual
  … Page 62…
  culture   and   good      taste   can   take  its   place。   But  when     religion   is  dead;
  materialism becomes active; and what active materialism may produce has
  been   seen   in   Germany。   Is   it   not   time;   then;   for   the   religious   bodies   to
  discourage   their   own   bigots   and   sectarians;   and   to   seriously   consider;   if
  only for self…preservation; how they can get into line once more with that
  general level of human thought which is now so far in front of them? I say
  that they can do more than get levelthey can lead。 But to do so they must;
  on the one hand; have the firm courage to cut away from their own bodies
  all   that   dead   tissue   which   is   but   a   disfigurement   and   an   encumbrance。
  They      must    face   difficulties    of   reason;    and   adapt    themselves       to  the
  demands of the human intelligence which rejects; and is right in rejecting;
  much which they offer。 Finally; they must gather fresh strength by drawing
  in all the new truth and all the new power which are afforded by this new
  wave of inspiration which has been sent into the world by God; and which
  the    human     race;   deluded      and   bemused      by   the   would…be      clever;    has
  received   with   such   perverse   and   obstinate   incredulity。   When   they   have
  done all this; they will find not only that they are leading the world with an
  obvious right to the leadership; but; in addition; that they have come round
  once   more   to   the very  teaching   of   that   Master   whom  they  have   so   long
  … Page 63…
  Nothing   could   be   imagined   more   fantastic   and   grotesque   than   the
  results   of   the   recent   experiments   of   Professor   Geley;   in   France。   Before
  such   results   the   brain;   even   of   the   trained   psychical   student;   is   dazed;
  while that of the orthodox man of science; who has given no heed to these
  developments;   is   absolutely   helpless。   In   the   account   of   the   proceedings
  which he read lately before the Institut General Psychologique in Paris; on
  January of last year; Dr。 Geley says: 〃I do not merely say that there has
  been   no   fraud;   I   say;   ‘there   has   been   no   possibility   of   fraud。'   In   nearly
  every   case   the   materialisations   were   done   under   my;   eyes;   and   I   have
  observed      their   whole    genesis    and   development。〃       He    adds   that;  in  the
  course of the experiments; more than a hundred experts; mostly doctors;
  checked   the   results。 These  results   may   be   briefly  stated   thus。 A  peculiar
  whitish matter exuded from the subject; a girl named Eva; coming partly
  through her skin; partly from her hands; partly from the orifices of her face;
  especially her mouth。 This was photographed repeatedly at every stage of
  its   production;  these   photographs   being   appended to   the  printed   treatise。
  This   stuff;   solid   enough   to   enable   one   to   touch   and   to   photograph;   has
  been   called   the   ectoplasm。   It   is   a   new   order   of   matter;   and   it   is   clearly
  derived from the subject herself; absorbing into her system once more at
  the end of the experiment。 It exudes in such quantities as to entirely; cover
  her sometimes as with an apron。 It is soft and glutinous to the touch; but
  varies in form and even in colour。 Its production causes pain and groans
  from the subject; and any violence towards it would appear also to affect
  her。 A  sudden   flash   of   light;   as   in   a   flash…photograph;   may   or   may   not
  cause   a   retraction   of   the   ectoplasm;   but   always   causes   a   spasm   of   the
  subject。 When re…absorbed; it leaves no trace upon the garments through
  which it   has passed。 This is   wonderful enough;  but   far more  fantastic is
  what has still to be told。 The most marked property of this ectoplasm; very
  fully illustrated in the photographs; is that it sets or curdles into the shapes
  of human membersof fingers; of hands; of faces; which are at first quite
  sketchy and rudimentary; but rapidly coalesce and develop until they are
  … Page 64…
  undistinguishable from those of living beings。 Is not this the very strangest
  and   most   inexplicable   thing   that   has   ever   yet   been   observed   by   human
  eyes? These faces or limbs are usually the size of life; but they frequently
  are   quite   miniatures。   Occasionally   they   begin   by   being   miniatures;   and
  grow into full size。 On their first appearance in the ectoplasm the limb is
  only on one plane of matter; a mere flat appearance; which rapidly rounds
  itself off; until it has assumed all three planes and is complete。 It may be a
  mere simulacrum; like a wax hand; or it may be endowed with full power
  of grasping another hand; with every articulation in perfect working order。
  The faces   which are   produced in   this amazing   way are   worthy of   study。
  They do not appear to have represented anyone who has ever been known
  in   life   by   Doctor   Geley。'8'   My   impression   after   examining   them   is   that
  they are much more likely to be within the knowledge of the subject; being
  girls   of   the   French   lower   middle   class   type;   such   as   Eva   was;   I   should
  imagine;   in   the   habit   of   meeting。   It   should   be   added   that   Eva   herself
  appears in the photograph as well as the simulacra of humanity。 The faces
  are; on the whole; both pretty and piquant; though of a rather worldly and
  unrefined type。 The latter adjective would not apply to the larger and most
  elaborate photograph; which represents a very beautiful young woman of a
  truly   spiritual   cast   of   face。   Some   of   the   faces   are   but   partially   formed;
  which   gives   them   a   grotesque   or   repellant   appearance。   What   are   we   to
  make of such phenomena? There is no use deluding ourselves by the idea
  that there may be some mistake or some deception。 There is neither one
  nor the other。 Apart from the elaborate checks upon these particular results;
  they correspond closely with those got by Lombroso in Italy; by Schrenk…
  Notzing in Germany; and by other careful observers。 One thing we must
  bear in mind constantly in considering them; and that is their abnormality。
  At a liberal estimate; it is not one person in a million who possesses such
  powersif   a   thing   which   is   outside   our   volition   can   be   described   as   a
  power。 It is the mechanism of the materialisation medium which has been
  explored   by   the   acute   brain   a