第 5 节
作者:理性的思索      更新:2022-12-03 20:04      字数:9322
  also rooted in materialism; and discarded all its own very excellent axioms
  when it was faced by an entirely new and unexpected proposition。 Faraday
  declared that in approaching a new subject one should make up one's mind
  a   priori   as   to   what   is   possible   and   what   is   not!   Huxley   said   that   the
  messages;   EVEN   IF   TRUE;   〃interested   him   no   more   than   the   gossip   of
  curates in a cathedral city。〃 Darwin said: 〃God help us if we are to believe
  such things。〃 Herbert Spencer declared against it; but   had no time to   go
  into it。 At the same time all science did not come so badly out of the ordeal。
  As   already   mentioned;   Professor   Hare;  of   Philadelphia;   inventor;   among
  other things;   of the   oxy…   hydrogen   blow…pipe;   was   the   first   man   of   note
  who had the  moral courage;  after  considerable personal   investigation; to
  declare     that  these   new    and   strange    developments      were    true。  He   was
  followed by many medical men; both in America and in Britain; including
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  Dr。 Elliotson; one of the leaders of free thought in this country。 Professor
  Crookes; the most rising chemist in Europe; Dr。 Russel Wallace the great
  naturalist; Varley the electrician; Flammarion the French astronomer; and
  many others; risked their scientific reputations in their brave assertions of
  the truth。 These men were not credulous fools。 They saw and deplored the
  existence   of   frauds。   Crookes'   letters   upon   the   subject   are   still   extant。   In
  very   many   cases      it  was  the   Spiritualists   themselves     who    exposed     the
  frauds。 They laughed; as the public laughed; at the sham Shakespeares and
  vulgar Caesars who figured in certain seance rooms。 They deprecated also
  the low moral tone which would turn such powers to prophecies about the
  issue of a race or the success of a speculation。 But they had that broader
  vision and sense of   proportion   which   assured  them  that   behind   all these
  follies and frauds there lay a mass of solid evidence which could not be
  shaken; though like all evidence; it had to be examined before it could be
  appreciated。 They were not such simpletons as to be driven away from a
  great   truth   because   there   are   some   dishonest   camp   followers   who   hang
  upon its skirts。 A great centre of proof and of inspiration lay during those
  early    days   in  Mr。    D。  D。   Home;     a  Scottish…American;        who    possessed
  powers      which    make    him   one   of  the   most   remarkable      personalities    of
  whom we have any record。 Home's life; written by his second wife; is a
  book which deserves very careful reading。 This man; who in some aspects
  was more than a man; was before the public for nearly thirty years。 During
  that   time   he   never   received   payment   for   his   services;   and   was   always
  ready;   to   put   himself   at   the   disposal   of   any   bona…fide   and   reasonable
  enquirer。     His    phenomena       were    produced      in   full  light;   and   it  was
  immaterial to him whether the sittings were in his own rooms or in those
  of his friends。 So high were his principles that upon one occasion; though
  he was a man of moderate means and less than moderate health; he refused
  the princely fee of two thousand pounds offered for a single sitting by the
  Union Circle in Paris。
  As    to   his  powers;     they    seem    to   have   included     every    form    of
  mediumship         in  the   highest     degreeself…levitation;      as   witnessed      by
  hundreds   of   credible   witnesses;   the   handling   of   fire;   with   the   power   of
  conferring like immunity upon others; the movement without human touch
  … Page 16…
  of heavy objects; the visible materialisation of spirits; miracles of healing;
  and messages from the dead; such as that which converted the hard…headed
  Scot;   Robert   Chambers;   when   Home   repeated   to   him   the   actual   dying
  words   of   his   young   daughter。  All   this   came   from   a   man   of   so   sweet   a
  nature   and   of   so   charitable   a   disposition;   that   the   union   of   all   qualities
  would seem almost to justify those who; to Home's great embarrassment;
  were     prepared     to   place   him    upon    a   pedestal    above    humanity。     The
  genuineness   of   his   psychic   powers   has   never   been   seriously   questioned;
  and was as well recognised in Rome and Paris as in London。 One incident
  only darkened his career; and it; was one in which he was blameless; as
  anyone   who   carefully   weighs   the   evidence   must   admit。   I   allude   to   the
  action taken against him by Mrs。 Lyon; who; after adopting him as her son
  and settling a large sum of money upon him; endeavoured to regain; and
  did regain; this money by her unsupported assertion that he had persuaded
  her   illicitly   to   make   him   the   allowance。  The   facts   of   his   life   are;   in   my
  judgment; ample proof of the truth of the Spiritualist position; if no other
  proof at all had been available。 It is to be remarked in the career of this
  entirely honest and unvenal medium that he had periods in his life when
  his   powers   deserted   him   completely;   that   he   could   foresee   these   lapses;
  and that; being honest and unvenal; he simply abstained from all attempts
  until the power returned。 It is this intermittent character of the gift which is;
  in my opinion; responsible for cases when a medium who has passed the
  most rigid tests upon certain occasions is afterwards detected in simulating;
  very clumsily;   the   results   which he   had once   successfully  accomplished。
  The real power having failed; he has not the moral courage to admit it; nor
  the self…denial to forego his fee which he endeavours to earn by a travesty
  of what was once genuine。 Such an explanation would cover some facts
  which   otherwise   are   hard   to   reconcile。   We   must   also   admit   that   some
  mediums are extremely irresponsible and feather…headed people。 A friend
  of mine; who sat with Eusapia Palladino; assured me that he saw her cheat
  in    the   most    childish    and    bare…faced     fashion;    and    yet   immediately
  afterwards incidents occurred which were absolutely beyond any; normal
  powers   to   produce。   Apart   from   Home;   another   episode   which   marks   a
  stage in the advance of this movement was the investigation and report by
  … Page 17…
  the Dialectical Society in the year 1869。 This body was composed of men
  of   various   learned   professions   who   gathered   together   to   investigate   the
  alleged facts; and ended by reporting that they really WERE facts。 They
  were   unbiased;   and   their   conclusions   were   founded   upon   results   which
  were   very  soberly  set   forth   in their   report;   a   most   convincing   document
  which;     even    now    in  1919;   after   the  lapse   of   fifty  years;   is  far  more
  intelligent than the greater part of current opinion upon this subject。 None
  the less; it was greeted by a chorus of ridicule by the ignorant Press of that
  day; who; if the same men had come to the opposite conclusion in spite of
  the evidence; would have been ready to hail their verdict as the undoubted
  end of a pernicious movement。 In the early days; about 1863; a book was
  written   by   Mrs。   de   Morgan;   the   wife   of   the   well…known   mathematician
  Professor      de   Morgan;      entitled   〃From     Matter    to   Spirit。〃   There    is  a
  sympathetic preface by the husband。 The book is still well worth reading;
  for   it   is   a   question   whether   anyone   has   shown   greater   brain   power   in
  treating   the   subject。   In   it   the   prophecy   is   made   that   as   the   movement
  develops   the   more   material   phenomena   will   decrease   and   their   place   be
  taken by the more spiritual; such as automatic writing。 This forecast has
  been   fulfilled;   for   though   physical   mediums   still   exist   the   other   more
  subtle   forms   greatly   predominate;   and   call   for   far   more   discriminating
  criticism in judging their value and their truth。 Two very convincing forms
  of mediumship; the direct voice and spirit photography; have also become
  prominent。 Each of these presents such proof that it is impossible for the
  sceptic to face them; and he can only avoid them by ignoring them。 In the
  case of the direct voice one of the leading exponents is Mr