第 88 节
作者:独来读网      更新:2022-11-28 19:19      字数:9322
  was older now; and he had ceased to wish that he had not been
  disappointed。  There was the lodge; and around it were the trees;
  brilliant in the shining greens of June。  Every twig sustained its
  bird; and every blossom its bee。  The roadside was not muffled in a
  garment of dead leaves as it had been then; and the lodge…gate was
  not open as it always used to be。  He paused to look through the
  bars。  The drive was well kept and gravelled; the grass edgings;
  formerly marked by hoofs and ruts; and otherwise trodden away; were
  now green and luxuriant; bent sticks being placed at intervals as a
  While he looked through the gate a woman stepped from the lodge to
  open it。  In her haste she nearly swung the gate into his face; and
  would have completely done so had he not jumped back。
  'I beg pardon; sir;' she said; on perceiving him。  'I was going to
  open it for my lady; and I didn't see you。'
  Christopher moved round the corner。  The perpetual snubbing that he
  had received from Ethelberta ever since he had known her seemed
  about to be continued through the medium of her dependents。
  A trotting; accompanied by the sound of light wheels; had become
  perceptible; and then a vehicle came through the gate; and turned up
  the road which he had come down。  He saw the back of a basket
  carriage; drawn by a pair of piebald ponies。  A lad in livery sat
  behind with folded arms; the driver was a lady。  He saw her bonnet;
  her shoulders; her hairbut no more。  She lessened in his gaze; and
  was soon out of sight。
  He stood a long time thinking; but he did not wish her his。
  In this wholesome frame of mind he proceeded on his way; thankful
  that he had escaped meeting her; though so narrowly。  But perhaps at
  this remote season the embarrassment of a rencounter would not have
  been intense。  At Knollsea he entered the steamer for Sandbourne。
  Mr。 Chickerel and his family now lived at Firtop Villa; in that
  place; a house which; like many others; had been built since
  Julian's last visit to the town。  He was directed to the outskirts;
  and into a fir plantation where drives and intersecting roads had
  been laid out; and where new villas had sprung up like mushrooms。
  He entered by a swing gate; on which 'Firtop' was painted; and a
  maid…servant showed him into a neatly…furnished room; containing Mr。
  Chickerel; Mrs。 Chickerel; and Picotee; the matron being reclined on
  a couch; which improved health had permitted her to substitute for a
  He had been expected; and all were glad to see again the sojourner
  in foreign lands; even down to the ladylike tabby; who was all purr
  and warmth towards him except when she was all claws and nippers。
  But had the prime sentiment of the meeting shown itself it would
  have been the unqualified surprise of Christopher at seeing how much
  Picotee's face had grown to resemble her sister's:  it was less a
  resemblance in contours than in expression and tone。
  They had an early tea; and then Mr。 Chickerel; sitting in a
  patriarchal chair; conversed pleasantly with his guest; being well
  acquainted with him through other members of the family。  They
  talked of Julian's residence at different Italian towns with his
  sister; of Faith; who was at the present moment staying with some
  old friends in Melchester:  and; as was inevitable; the discourse
  hovered over and settled upon Ethelberta; the prime ruler of the
  courses of them all; with little exception; through recent years。
  'It was a hard struggle for her;' said Chickerel; looking
  reflectively out at the fir trees。  'I never thought the girl would
  have got through it。  When she first entered the house everybody was
  against her。  She had to fight a whole host of them single…handed。
  There was the viscount's brother; other relations; lawyers; ladies;
  servants; not one of them was her friend; and not one who wouldn't
  rather have seen her arrive there in evil relationship with him than
  as she did come。  But she stood her ground。  She was put upon her
  mettle; and one by one they got to feel there was somebody among
  them whose little finger; if they insulted her; was thicker than a
  Mountclere's loins。  She must have had a will of iron; it was a
  situation that would have broken the hearts of a dozen ordinary
  women; for everybody soon knew that we were of no family; and that's
  what made it so hard for her。  But there she is as mistress now; and
  everybody respecting her。  I sometimes fancy she is occasionally too
  severe with the servants and I know what service is。  But she says
  it is necessary; owing to her birth; and perhaps she is right。'
  'I suppose she often comes to see you?'
  'Four or five times a year;' said Picotee。
  'She cannot come quite so often as she would;' said Mrs。 Chickerel;
  'because of her lofty position; which has its juties。  Well; as I
  always say; Berta doesn't take after me。  I couldn't have married
  the man even though he did bring a coronet with him。'
  'I shouldn't have cared to let him ask ye;' said Chickerel。
  'However; that's neither here nor thereall ended better than I
  expected。  He's fond of her。'
  'And it is wonderful what can be done with an old man when you are
  his darling;' said Mrs。 Chickerel。
  'If I were Berta I should go to London oftener;' said Picotee; to
  turn the conversation。  'But she lives mostly in the library。  And;
  O; what do you think?  She is writing an epic poem; and employs
  Emmeline as her reader。'
  'Dear me。  And how are Sol and Dan?  You mentioned them once in your
  letters;' said Christopher。
  'Berta has set them up as builders in London。'
  'She bought a business for them;' said Chickerel。  'But Sol wouldn't
  accept her help for a long time; and now he has only agreed to it on
  condition of paying her back the money with interest; which he is
  doing。  They have just signed a contract to build a hospital for
  twenty thousand pounds。'
  Picotee broke in'You knew that both Gwendoline and Cornelia
  married two years ago; and went to Queensland?  They married two
  brothers; who were farmers; and left England the following week。
  Georgie and Myrtle are at school。'
  'And Joey?'
  'We are thinking of making Joseph a parson;' said Mrs。 Chickerel。
  'Indeed! a parson。'
  'Yes; 'tis a genteel living for the boy。  And he's talents that way。
  Since he has been under masters he knows all the strange sounds the
  old Romans and Greeks used to make by way of talking; and the love
  stories of the ancient women as if they were his own。  I assure you;
  Mr。 Julian; if you could hear how beautiful the boy tells about
  little Cupid with his bow and arrows; and the rows between that
  pagan apostle Jupiter and his wife because of another woman; and the
  handsome young gods who kissed Venus; you'd say he deserved to be
  made a bishop at once!'
  The evening advanced; and they walked in the garden。  Here; by some
  means; Picotee and Christopher found themselves alone。
  'Your letters to my sister have been charming;' said Christopher。
  'And so regular; too。  It was as good as a birthday every time one
  Picotee blushed and said nothing。
  Christopher had full assurance that her heart was where it always
  had been。  A suspicion of the fact had been the reason of his visit
  here to…day。
  'Other letters were once written from England to Italy; and they
  acquired great celebrity。  Do you know whose?'
  'Walpole's?' said Picotee timidly。
  'Yes; but they never charmed me half as much as yours。  You may rest
  assured that one person in the world thinks Walpole your second。'
  'You should not have read them; they were not written to you。  But I
  suppose you wished to hear of Ethelberta?'
  'At first I did;' said Christopher。  'But; oddly enough; I got more
  interested in the writer than in her news。  I don't know if ever
  before there has been an instance of loving by means of letters。  If
  not; it is because there have never been such sweet ones written。
  At last I looked for them more anxiously than Faith。'
  'You see; you knew me before。'  Picotee would have withdrawn this
  remark if she could; fearing that it seemed like a suggestion of her
  love long ago。
  'Then; on my return; I thought I would just call and see you; and go
  away and think what would be best for me to do with a view to the
  future。  But since I have been here I have felt that I could not go
  away to think without first asking you what you think on one point
  whether you could ever marry me?'
  'I thought you would ask that when I first saw you。'
  'Did you。  Why?'
  'You looked at me as if you would。'
  'Well;' continued Christopher; 'the worst of it is I am as poor as
  Job。  Faith and I have three hundred a year between us; but only
  half is mine。  So that before I get your promise I must let your
  father know how poor I am。  Besides what I mention; I have only my
  earnings by music。  But I am to be installed as chief organist at
  Melchester soon; instead of deputy; as I used to be; which is
  'I am to have five hundred pounds when I marry。  That was Lord
  Mountclere's arrangement with Ethelberta。  He is extremely anxious
  that I should marry well。'
  'That's unfortunate。  A marriage with me will hardly be considered
  'O yes; it will;' said Picotee