第 7 节
作者:京文      更新:2022-11-28 19:15      字数:5645
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  〃We   were   spending   Sunday   with   a   house   party   at   Hyde   Park;   and
  driving to church; we passed an avenue gate with a lodge。 'Rockhurst; sir;'
  said the coachman。 'Whose place?' I inquired。 'The old Beverly place; sir。'
  Ethel heard him tell me this; and as we went on; we saw a carriage and
  pair coming down the avenue toward the gate with that look which horses
  always seem to have when they are taking the family to church on Sunday
  〃'If I see her;' said Ethel to me as we entered the door; 'I shall be unable
  to say my prayers。'〃
  〃But only young people came into the Beverly pew; and Ethel said her
  prayers and also sang the hymn and chants very sweetly。〃
  〃After the service; we strolled together in the old and lovely grave yard
  before starting homeward。 We had told them that we should prefer to walk
  back。 The day was beautiful; and one could see a little blue piece of the
  river; sparkling。〃
  〃'Here is where they are all buried;' said Ethel; and we paused before
  brown   old   headstones   with   Beverly   upon   them。   'Died   1750;   died   1767;'
  continued Ethel;  reading the  names and   inscriptions。 'I  think one  doesn't
  mind the idea of lying in such a place as this。'〃
  〃Some of the young people in the pew now came along the path。 'The
  grandchildren;' said Ethel。 'She is probably too old to come to church。 Or
  she is in Europe。'〃
  〃The young people had brought a basket with flowers from their place;
  and now laid them over several of the grassy mounds。 'Give me some of
  yours;'     said   one     to   the   other;    presently;    'I've   not    enough     for
  〃Ethel   took   me   rather   sharply   by   the   arm。   'Did   you   hear   that?'   she
  〃'It can't   be she;  you   know;'   said I。  'He   would  have   come   back   from
  〃But we found it out at lunch。 It was she; and she had been dead for
  fifteen years。〃
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  〃Ethel and I talked it over in the train going up to town on   Monday
  morning。 We had by that time grown calmer。 'If it is not false pretences;'
  said she; 'and you cannot sue him for damages; and if it is not stealing or
  something; and you cannot put him in prison; what are you going to do to
  him; Richard?'〃
  〃As   this   was   a question   which   I  had   frequently  asked   myself   during
  the night; having found no satisfactory answer to it; I said: 'What would
  you do in my place; Ethel?' But Ethel knew。〃
  〃'I  should    find   out   when    he   sails;  and   meet    his  steamer    with    a
  〃'Then he would sue me for damages。'〃
  〃'That would be nothing; if you got a few good cuts in on him。'〃
  〃'Ethel;'   I   said;   'please   follow   me   carefully。   I   should   like   dearly   to
  cowhide him。 and for the sake of argument we will consider it done Then
  comes the lawsuit。 Then I get up and say that I beat him because he made
  me buy Standard Egg at 63 by telling me that his mother had some; when
  really the old lady had been dead for fifteen years。 When I think of it in
  this way; I do not feel'〃
  〃I know;' interrupted Ethel; 'you are afraid of ridicule。 All men are。'〃
  〃Had Ethel insisted; I believe that I should have cowhided Mr。 Beverly
  for her sake。 But before his return our destinies were brightened。 Copper
  had   been   found   near   Ethel's   waste   lands   in   Michigan;   and   the   family
  business   man   was   able   to   sell   the   property   for   seven   hundred   thousand
  dollars。 He did this so promptly that I ventured to ask him if delay might
  not have brought a greater price。 'Well'; he said; 'I don't know。 You must
  seize these things。 Blake and Beverly might have got tired waiting。〃
  〃'Blake and Beverly!' I exclaimed 'So they made the purchase。 It Mr。
  Beverly back?'〃
  〃'Just   back。   To   tell   the   truth   I   don't   believe   they're   finding   so   much
  copper as they hoped。'〃
  〃This turned out to be true。 And I am not sure that the business man
  had    not   known     it  all  the  while。  'We   looked    over   the   property    pretty
  thoroughly at the time of the Tamarack excitement;' he said。 And in a few
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  days more; in fact; it was generally known that this land had returned to its
  old state of not quite paying the taxes。〃
  〃Then    I  paid   my   visit  to  Mr。  Beverly;   but   with  no   cowhide。    'Mr。
  Beverly;' said I; 'I want to announce to you my engagement to Miss Ethel
  Lansing;   whose   Michigan   copper   land   you   have   lately   acquired。   I   hope
  that you bought some for your mother。'〃
  〃Those;〃     concluded      Mr。   Richard     Field;   〃are   the   circumstances
  attending my engagement which I felt might interest you。 And now; Ethel;
  tell your story; if they'll listen。〃
  〃Richard;〃 said Ethel; 〃that is the story I was going to tell。〃