第 61 节
作者:谁知道呢      更新:2022-11-28 19:13      字数:9307
  —to the very center of the universe。
  I could see that now—how the universe swirled around this one point。 I'd never seen the symmetry of
  the universe before; but now it was plain。
  The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood。
  It was the baby girl in the blond vampire's arms that held me here now。
  From upstairs; there was a new sound。 The only sound that could touch me in this endless instant。 A
  frantic pounding; a racing beat。。。
  A changing heart。
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  20。 NEW
  25。 FAVOR
  26。 SHINY
  38。 POWER
  Personal affection is a luxury you can have only after all your enemies are eliminated。 Until then;
  everyone you love is
  a hostage; sapping your courage and corrupting your judgment
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  Orson Scott Card Empire
  No longer just a nightmare; the line of black advanced on us through the icy mist stirred up by their feet。
  We're going to die;I thought in panic。 I was desperate for the precious one I guarded; but even to think
  of that was a lapse in attention I could not afford。
  They ghosted closer; their dark robes billowing slightly with the movement。 I saw their hands curl into
  bone…colored claws。 They drifted apart; angling to come at us from all sides。 We were outnumbered。 It
  was over。
  And then; like a burst of light from a flash; the whole scene was different。 Yet nothing changed—the
  Volturi still stalked toward us; poised to kill。 All that really changed was how the picture looked to me。
  Suddenly; I was hungry for it。 I wanfed them to charge。 The panic changed to bloodlust as I crouched
  forward; a smile on my face; and a growl ripped through my bared teeth。
  The pain was bewildering。
  Exactly that—I was bewildered。 I couldn't understand; couldn't make sense of what was happening。
  My body tried to reject the pain; and I was sucked again and again into a blackness that cut out whole
  seconds or maybe even minutes of the agony; making it that much harder to keep up with reality。
  I tried to separate them。
  Non…reality was black; and it didn't hurt so much。
  Reality was red; and it felt like I was being sawed in half; hit by a bus; punched by a prize fighter;
  trampled by bulls; and submerged in acid; all at the same time。
  Reality was feeling my body twist and flip when I couldn't possibly move because of the pain。
  Reality was knowing there was something so much more important than all this torture; and not being
  able to remember what it was。
  Reality had come on so fast。
  One moment; everything was as it should have been。 Surrounded by people I loved。 Smiles。 Somehow;
  unlikely as it was; it seemed like I was about to get everything I'd been fighting for。
  And then one tiny; inconsequential thing had gone wrong。
  I'd watched as my cup tilted; dark blood spilling out and staining the perfect white; and I'd lurched
  toward the accident reflexively。 I'd seen the other; faster hands; but my body had continued to reach; to
  Inside me; something had yanked the opposite direction。
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  Ripping。 Breaking。 Agony。
  The darkness had taken over; and then washed away to a wave of torture。 I couldn't breathe—I had
  drowned once before; and this was different; it was too hot in my throat。
  Pieces of me shattering; snapping; slicing apart___
  More blackness。
  Voices; this time; shouting; as the pain came back。
  'The placenta must have detached!〃
  Something sharper than knives ripped through me—the words; making sense in spite of the other
  tortures。 Detached placenta —I knew what that meant。 It meant that my baby was dying inside me。
  〃Get him out!〃 I screamed to Edward。 Why hadn't he done it yet? 〃He can't breathe! Do it now!〃
  〃The morphine—〃
  He wanted to wait; to give me painkillers; while our baby was dying?!
  〃No! Now—;〃 I choked; unable to finish。
  Black spots covered the light in the room as a cold point of new pain stabbed icily into my stomach。 It
  felt wrong—I struggled automatically to protect my womb; my baby; my little Edward Jacob; but I was
  weak。 My lungs ached; oxygen burned away。
  The pain faded away again; though I clung to it now。 My baby; my baby; dying___
  How long had passed? Seconds or minutes? The pain was gone。 Numb。 I couldn't feel。 I still couldn't
  see; either; but I could hear。 There was air in my lungs again; scraping in rough bubbles up and down my
  〃You stay with me now; Bella! Do you hear me? Stay! You're not leaving me。 Keep your heart beating!〃
  Jacob? Jacob; still here; still trying to save me。
  Of course;I wanted to tell him。 Of course I would keep my heart beating。 Hadn't I promised them both?
  I tried to feel my heart; to find it; but I was so lost inside my own body。 I couldn't feel the things I should;
  and nothing felt in the right place。 I blinked and I found my eyes。 I could see the light。 Not what I was
  looking for; but better than nothing。
  As my eyes struggled to adjust; Edward whispered; 〃Renesmee。〃
  Not the pale and perfect son of my imagination? I felt a moment of shock。 And then a flood of warmth。
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  I willed my lips to move; willed the bubbles of air to turn into whispers on my tongue。 I forced my numb
  hands to reach。
  〃Let me。。。 Give her to me。〃
  The light danced; shattering off Edward's crystal hands。 The sparkles were tinged with red; with the
  blood that covered his skin。 And more red in his hands。 Something small and struggling; dripping with
  blood。 He touched the warm body to my weak arms; almost like I was holding her。 Her wet skin was hot
  —as hot as Jacob's。
  My eyes focused; suddenly everything was absolutely clear。
  Renesmee did not cry; but she breathed in quick; startled pants。 Her eyes were open; her expression so
  shocked it was almost funny。 The little; perfectly round head was covered in a thick layer of matted;
  bloody curls。 Her
  irises were a familiar—but astonishing—chocolate brown。 Under the blood; her skin looked pale; a
  creamy ivory。 All besides her cheeks; which flamed with color。
  Her tiny face was so absolutely perfect that it stunned me。 She was even more beautiful than her father。
  Unbelievable。 Impossible。
  〃Renesmee;〃 I whispered。 〃So。。。 beautiful。〃
  The impossible face suddenly smiled—a wide; deliberate smile。 Behind the shell…pink lips was a full
  complement of snowy milk teeth。
  She leaned her head down; against my chest; burrowing against the warmth。 Her skin was warm and
  silky; but it didn't give the way mine did。
  Then there was pain again—just one warm slash of it。 I gasped。
  And she was gone。 My angel…faced baby was nowhere。 I couldn't see or feel her。
  No!I wanted to shout。 Give her back to me!
  But the weakness was too much。 My arms felt like empty rubber hoses for a moment; and then they felt
  like nothing at all。 I couldn't feel them。 I couldn't feel me。
  The blackness rushed over my eyes more solidly than before。 Like a thick blindfold; firm and fast。
  Covering not just my eyes but also my self with a crushing weight。 It was exhausting to push against it。 I
  knew it would be so much easier to give in。 To let the blackness push me down; down; down to a place
  where there was no pain and no weariness and no worry and no fear。
  If it had only been for myself; I wouldn't have been able to struggle very long。 I was only human; with no
  more than human strength。 I'd been trying to keep up with the supernatural for too long; like Jacob had
  But this wasn't just about me。
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  If I did the easy thing now; let the black nothingness erase me; I would hurt them。
  Edward。 Edward。 My life and his were twisted into a single strand。 Cut one; and you cut both。 If he
  were gone; I would not be able to live through t