第 11 节
作者:寻找山吹      更新:2022-11-28 19:12      字数:9322
  relentless    scrutiny。     Straighteningpreparatory         to  plunging     his  spoon
  thereinhe flapped his right elbow。           It wasn't exactly a flap; it was a pass
  between a hitch   and a flap;  and presented external evidence of a   mental
  state。    Orville Platt always gave that little preliminary jerk when he was
  contemplating   a   serious   step;   or   when   he   was   moved;   or   argumentative。
  It was a trick as innocent as it was maddening。
  Terry   Platt   had   learned   to   look   for   that   flapthey   had   been   married
  four yearsto look for it; and to hate it with a morbid; unreasoning hate。
  That flap of the elbow was tearing Terry Platt's nerves into raw; bleeding
  Her   fingers   were   clenched   tightly   under   the   table;   now。     She   was
  breathing unevenly。        〃If he does that again;〃 she told herself; 〃if he flaps
  again    when     he  opens    the   second    egg;   I'll  scream。    I'll  scream。     I'll
  scream!      I'll sc〃
  He   had   scooped   the   first   egg   into   his   cup。 Now   he   picked   up   the
  second;   chipped   it;   concentrated;   straightened;   thenup   went   the   elbow;
  and down; with the accustomed little flap。
  The   tortured   nerves   snapped。       Through   the   early…morning   quiet   of
  Wetona;      Wisconsin;     hurtled   the   shrill;  piercing   shriek   of  Terry   Platt's
  〃Terry!     For God's sake!       What's the matter!〃
  … Page 37…
  Orville Platt dropped the second egg; and his spoon。                 The egg   yolk
  trickled down his plate。        The spoon made a clatter and flung a gay spot of
  yellow on the cloth。       He started toward her。
  Terry; wild…eyed; pointed a shaking finger at him。             She was laughing;
  now; uncontrollably。        〃Your elbow!       Your elbow!〃
  〃Elbow?〃      He looked down at it; bewildered; then up; fright in his
  face。 〃What's the matter with it?〃
  She mopped her eyes。         Sobs shook her。       〃You f…f…flapped it。〃
  〃F…f…f〃    The     bewilderment      in  Orville   Platt's  face   gave   way    to
  anger。 〃Do you mean to tell me that you screeched like that because my
  because I moved my elbow?〃
  His    anger   deepened     and   reddened     to  fury。  He     choked。    He    had
  started   from  his   chair  with   his napkin   in   his hand。    He  still   clutched   it。
  Now   he   crumpled   it   into   a   wad   and   hurled   it   to   the   center   of   the   table;
  where     it  struck  a  sugar   bowl;    dropped    back;   and   uncrumpled      slowly;
  reprovingly。 〃Youyou〃         Then bewilderment closed down again like a
  fog over his countenance。         〃But why?       I can't see〃
  〃Because itbecause I can't stand it any longer。              Flapping。     This is
  what you do。       Like this。〃
  And she did it。     Did it with insulting fidelity; being a clever mimic。
  〃Well; all I can say is you're crazy; yelling like that; for nothing。〃
  〃It isn't nothing。〃
  〃Isn't;  huh?     If  that  isn't  nothing;   what    is?〃   They    were    growing
  incoherent。      〃What d'you mean; screeching like a maniac?
  Like a wild woman?           The neighbors'll think I've killed you。           What
  d'you mean; anyway!〃
  〃I mean I'm tired of watching it; that's what。          Sick and tired。〃
  〃Y'are; huh?      Well; young lady; just let me tell YOU something〃
  He    told  her。   There    followed     one   of  those   incredible   quarrels;   as
  sickening   as   they   are   human;   which   can   take   place   only   between   two
  people who love each other; who love each other so well that each knows
  with cruel certainty the surest way to wound the other; and who stab; and
  tear; and claw at these vulnerable spots in exact proportion to their love。
  … Page 38…
  Ugly words。       Bitter words。      Words that neither knew they knew flew
  between them like sparks between steel striking steel。
  From     him:    〃Trouble     with   you    is  you  haven't    got  enough     to  do。
  That's    the  trouble    with   half  you   women。      Just   lay   around    the  house;
  rotting。    I'm a fool; slaving on the road to keep a good…for…nothing〃
  〃I   suppose   you   call   sitting   around   hotel   lobbies   slaving!  I   suppose
  the   house    runs   itself!  How      about   my    evenings?     Sitting    here  alone;
  night after night; when you're on the road。〃
  Finally; 〃Well; if you don't like it;〃 he snarled; and lifted his chair by
  the back and slammed it down; savagely; 〃if you don't like it; why don't
  you get out; hm?        Why don't you get out?〃
  And from her; her eyes narrowed to two slits; her cheeks scarlet:
  〃Why; thanks。       I guess I will。〃
  Ten minutes later he had flung out of the house to catch the 8:19 for
  Manitowoc。         He    marched      down     the   street;  his   shoulders     swinging
  rhythmically   to   the   weight   of   the   burden   he   carriedhis   black   leather
  handbag   and   the   shiny  tan   sample   case;   battle…scarred;   both;   from   many
  encounters      with   ruthless   porters   and   busmen      and   bellboys。    For    four
  years;  as   he   left   for   his  semi…monthly  trip;  he   and Terry  had observed   a
  certain   little   ceremony   (as   had   the   neighbors)。   She   would   stand   in   the
  doorway; watching him down the street; the heavier sample case banging
  occasionally at his shin。        The depot was only three blocks away。               Terry
  watched him with fond but unillusioned eyes; which proves that she really
  loved him。      He was a dapper; well…dressed fat man; with a weakness for
  pronounced patterns   in   suitings;  and   addicted to   derbies。         One  week   on
  the   road;   one   week    at  home。     That    was   his   routine。   The     wholesale
  grocery trade liked Platt; and he had for his customers the fondness that a
  traveling     salesman    has   who    is  successful    in  his  territory。  Before     his
  marriage      to   Terry    Sheehan     his   little  red   address     book    had    been
  overwhelming proof against the theory that nobody loves a fat man。
  Terry; standing in the doorway; always knew that when he reached the
  corner just where Schroeder's house threatened to hide him from view; he
  would stop;  drop   the  sample   case;   wave  his   hand   just once;   pick   up   the
  sample   case   and   go     on;   proceeding    backward   for   a   step   or   two  until
  … Page 39…
  Schroeder's house made good its threat。              It was a comic scene in the eyes
  of   the   onlooker;   perhaps   because   a   chubby   Romeo   offends   the   sense   of
  fitness。 The neighbors; lurking behind their parlor curtains; had laughed at
  first。 But after a while they learned to look for that little scene; and to take
  it   unto   themselves;   as   if   it   were   a   personal   thing。 Fifteen…year   wives
  whose husbands had long since abandoned flowery farewells used to get a
  vicarious thrill out of it; and to eye Terry with a sort of envy。
  This    morning      Orville   Platt   did  not   even    falter  when     he  reached
  Schroeder's corner。        He marched straight on; looking steadily ahead; the
  heavy bags swinging from either hand。                Even if he had stoppedthough
  she    knew     he   wouldn'tTerry      Platt  would     not   have    seen   him。    She
  remained seated at the disordered breakfast table; a dreadfully still figure;
  and sinister; a figure of stone and fire; of ice and flame。             Over and over in
  her mind she was milling the things she might have said to him; and had
  not。    She brewed a hundred vitriolic cruelties that she might have flung in
  his   face。   She   would   concoct   one   biting   brutality;   and   dismiss   it   for   a
  second;     and    abandon     that  for  a  third。   She     was   too   angry   to   crya
  dangerous state in a woman。            She was what is known as cold mad; so that
  her   mind   was   working   clearly   and   with   amazing   swiftness;   and   yet   as
  though it were a thing detached; a thing that was no part of her。
  She sat thus for the better part of an hour; motionless except for one
  forefinger that was; quite unconsciously; tapping out a popular and cheap
  little   air   that   she   had   been   strumming   at   the   piano   the   evening   before;
  having b