第 3 节
作者:悟来悟去      更新:2022-11-23 12:12      字数:9321
  monasteries; with their stately services and handsome vestments;
  learning was at the lowest ebbso low; indeed; that
  when Prince Alfred desired to learn Latin he could find no
  one in his father's dominions capable of teaching him; and
  his studies were for a long time hindered for want of an
  instructor; and at the time he ascended the throne he was
  probably the only Englishman outside a monastery who was able
  to read and write fluently。
  〃Tell me; father;〃 Edmund said after the meal was concluded;
  〃about the West Saxons; since it is to them; as it seems;
  that we must look for the protection of England against the
  Danes。 This Prince Alfred; of whom I before heard you speak
  in terms of high praise; is the brother; is he not; of the king?
  In that case how is it that he does not reign in Kent; which I
  thought; though joined to the West Saxon kingdom; was always
  ruled over by the eldest son of the king。〃
  〃Such has been the rule; Edmund; but seeing the
  troubled times when Ethelbert came to the throne; it was
  thought better to unite the two kingdoms under one crown
  with the understanding that at Ethelbert's death Alfred should
  succeed him。 Their father; Ethelwulf; was a weak king; and
  should have been born a churchman rather than a prince。
  He nominally reigned over Wessex; Kent; and Mercia; but
  the last paid him but a slight allegiance。 Alfred was his
  favourite son; and he sent him; when quite a child; to Rome
  for a visit。 In 855 he himself; with a magnificent retinue; and
  accompanied by Alfred; visited Rome; travelling through the
  land of the Franks; and it was there; doubtless; that Alfred
  acquired that love of learning; and many of those ideas; far
  in advance of his people; which distinguish him。 His mother;
  Osburgha; died before he and his father started on the
  pilgrimage。 The king was received with much honour by the
  pope; to whom he presented a gold crown of four pounds
  weight; ten dishes of the purest gold; a sword richly set in
  gold; two gold images; some silver…gilt urns; stoles bordered
  with gold and purple; white silken robes embroidered with
  figures; and other costly articles of clothing for the
  celebration of the service of the church; together with rich
  presents in gold and silver to the churches; bishops; clergy;
  and other dwellers in Rome。 They say that the people of Rome
  marvelled much at these magnificent gifts from a king of a
  country which they had considered as barbarous。 On his way
  back he married Judith; daughter of the King of the Franks;
  a foolish marriage; for the king was far advanced in years
  and Judith was but a girl。
  〃Ethelbald; Ethelwulf's eldest son; had acted as regent
  in his father's absence; and so angered was he at this marriage
  that he raised his standard of revolt against his father。
  At her marriage Judith had been crowned queen; and this
  was contrary to the customs of the West Saxons; therefore
  Ethelbald was supported by the people of that country; on
  his father's return to England; however; father and son met;
  and a division of the kingdom was agreed upon。
  〃Ethelbald received Wessex; the principal part of the
  kingdom; and Ethelwulf took Kent; which he had already
  ruled over in the time of his father Egbert。 Ethelwulf died a
  few months afterwards; leaving Kent to Ethelbert; his second
  surviving son。 The following year; to the horror and
  indignation of the people of the country; Ethelbald married his
  stepmother Judith; but two years afterwards died; and
  Ethelbert; King of Kent; again united Wessex to his own
  dominions; which consisted of Kent; Surrey; and Sussex。
  Ethelbert reigned but a short time; and at his death Ethelred;
  his next brother; ascended the throne。 Last year Alfred; the
  youngest brother; married Elswitha; the daughter of Ethelred
  Mucil; Earl of the Gaini; in Lincolnshire; whose mother was
  one of the royal family of Mercia。
  〃It was but a short time after the marriage that the Danes
  poured into Mercia from the north。 Messengers were sent to
  ask the assistance of the West Saxons。 These at once obeyed
  the summons; and; joining the Mercians; marched against
  the Danes; who shut themselves up in the strong city of
  Nottingham; and were there for some time besieged。 The
  place was strong; the winter at hand; and the time of the
  soldiers' service nearly expired。 A treaty was accordingly
  made by which the Danes were allowed to depart unharmed
  to the north side of the Humber; and the West Saxons returned
  to their kingdom。
  〃Such is the situation at present; but we may be sure
  that the Danes will not long remain quiet; but will soon gather
  for another invasion; ere long; too; we may expect another of
  their great fleets to arrive somewhere off these coasts; and
  every Saxon who can bear arms had need take the field to
  fight for our country and faith against these heathen invaders。
  Hitherto; Edmund; as you know; I have deeply mourned
  the death of your mother; and of your sisters who died in
  infancy; but now I feel that it is for the best; for a terrible
  time is before us。 We men can take refuge in swamp and
  forest; but it would have been hard for delicate women; and
  those men are best off who stand alone and are able to give
  every thought and energy to the defence of their country。
  'Tis well that you are now approaching an age when the Saxon
  youth are wont to take their place in the ranks of battle。
  I have spared no pains with your training in arms; and though
  assuredly you lack strength yet to cope in hand…to…hand conflict
  with these fierce Danes; you may yet take your part in
  battle; with me on one side of you and Egbert on the other。
  I have thought over many things of late; and it seems to me
  that we Saxons have done harm in holding the people of this
  country as serfs。〃
  〃Why; father;〃 Edmund exclaimed in astonishment;
  〃surely you would not have all men free and equal。〃
  〃The idea seems strange to you; no doubt; Edmund; and
  it appears only natural that some men should be born to rule
  and others to labour; but this might be so even without serfdom;
  since; as you know; the poorer freemen labour just as
  do the serfs; only they receive a somewhat larger guerdon
  for their toil; but had the two races mixed more closely
  together; had serfdom been abolished and all men been free
  and capable of bearing arms; we should have been able to
  show a far better front to the Danes; seeing that the serfs are
  as three to one to the freemen。〃
  〃But the serfs are cowardly and spiritless;〃 Edmund said;
  〃they are not of a fighting race; and fell almost without
  resistance before our ancestors when they landed here。〃
  〃Their race is no doubt inferior to our own; Edmund;〃
  his father said; 〃seeing that they are neither so tall nor so
  strong as we Saxons; but of old they were not deficient in
  bravery; for they fought as stoutly against the Romans as did
  our own hardy ancestors。 After having been for hundreds of
  years subject to the Roman yoke; and having no occasion to
  use arms; they lost their manly virtues; and when the Romans
  left them were an easy prey for the first comer。 Our
  fathers could not foresee that the time would come when
  they too in turn would be invaded。 Had they done so;
  methinks they would not have set up so broad a line of
  separation between themselves and the Britons; but would have
  admitted the latter to the rights of citizenship; in which case
  intermarriage would have taken place freely; and the whole
  people would have become amalgamated。 The Britons; accustomed
  to our free institutions; and taking part in the wars
  between the various Saxon kingdoms; would have recovered
  their warlike virtues; and it would be as one people that we
  should resist the Danes。 As it is; the serfs; who form by far
  the largest part of the population; are apathetic and cowardly;
  they view the struggle with indifference; for what signifies
  to them whether Dane or Saxon conquer; they have no
  interest in the struggle; nothing to lose or to gain;
  it is but a change of masters。〃
  Edmund was silent; The very possibility of a state of
  things in which there should be no serfs; and when all men
  should be free and equal; had never occurred to him; but he
  had a deep respect for his father; who bore indeed the
  reputation of being one of the wisest and most clear…headed of
  the nobles of East Anglia; and it seemed to him that this
  strange and novel doctrine contained much truth in it。 Still
  the idea was as strange to him as it would have been to the
  son of a southern planter in America half a century ago。 The
  existence of slaves seemed as much a matter of course as that
  of horses or dogs; and although he had been accustomed to
  see from time to time freedom bestowed upon some favourite
  serf as a special reward for services; the thought of a general
  liberation of the slaves was strange and almost bewildering;
  and he lay awake puzzling over the problem long after his
  father and kinsman had fallen asleep。
  The following morning early the little party started。
  The great chest was dug up from its place of concealment;
  and they resumed their ordinary dresses。 The ealdorman
  attired himself in a white tunic with a broad purple
  band round the