第 37 节
作者:披荆斩棘      更新:2022-11-23 12:11      字数:9322
  The two men conducted her here and there; showing her the various
  institutions of the place。  A man bent near the shed nailing a
  shoe to a horse's hoof。
  〃So you even have a blacksmith!〃 said Estrella。  Her guides
  laughed amusedly。
  〃Tommy; come here!〃 called the Senor。
  The horseshoer straightened up and approached。  He was a lithe;
  curly…haired young boy; with a reckless; humorous eye and a
  smooth face; now red from bending over。
  〃Tommy; shake hands with Mrs。 Johnson;〃 said the Senor。  〃Mrs。
  Johnson wants to know if you're the blacksmith。〃  He exploded in
  〃Oh; BUCK!〃 cried Estrella again。
  〃No; ma'am;〃 answered the boy directly; 〃I'm just tacking a shoe
  on Danger; here。  We all does our own blacksmithing。〃
  His roving eye examined her countenance respectfully; but with
  admiration。  She caught the admiration and returned it; covertly
  but unmistakably; pleased that her charms were appreciated。
  They continued their rounds。  The sun was very hot and the dust
  deep。  A woman would have known that these things distressed
  Estrella。  She picked her way through the debris; she dropped her
  head from the burning; she felt her delicate garments moistening
  with perspiration; her hair dampening; the dust sifted up through
  the air。  Over in the large corral a bronco buster; assisted by
  two of the cowboys; was engaged in roping and throwing some wild
  mustangs。  The sight was wonderful; but here the dust billowed in
  〃I'm getting a little hot and tired;〃 she confessed at last。 〃I
  think I'll go to the house。〃
  But near the shed she stopped again; interested in spite of
  herself by a bit of repairing Tommy had under way。  The tire of a
  wagon wheel had been destroyed。  Tommy was mending it。  On the
  ground lay a fresh cowhide。  From this Tommy was cutting a wide
  strip。  As she watched lie measured the strip around the
  circumference of the wheel。
  〃He isn't going to make a tire of that!〃 she exclaimed;
  〃Sure;〃 replied Senor Johnson。
  〃Will it wear?〃
  〃It'll wear for a month or so; till we can get another from
  Estrella advanced and felt curiously of the rawhide。  Tommy was
  fastening it to the wheel at the ends only。
  〃But how can it stay on that way?〃 she objected。 〃It'll come
  right off as soon as you use it。〃
  〃It'll harden on tight enough。〃
  〃Why?〃 she persisted。 〃Does it shrink much when it dries?〃
  Senor Johnson stared to see if she might be joking。  〃Does it
  shrink?〃 he repeated slowly。 〃There ain't nothing shrinks more;
  nor harder。  It'll mighty nigh break that wood。〃
  Estrella; incredulous; interested; she could not have told why;
  stooped again to feel the soft; yielding hide。  She shook her
  〃You're joking me because I'm a tenderfoot;〃 she accused
  brightly。  〃I know it dries hard; and I'll believe it shrinks a
  lot; but to break woodthat's piling it on a little thick。〃
  〃No; that's right; ma'am;〃 broke in Brent Palmer。  〃It's awful
  strong。  It pulls like a horse when the desert sun gets on it。
  You wrap anything up in a piece of that hide and see what
  happens。  Some time you take and wrap a piece around a potato and
  put her out in the sun and see how it'll squeeze the water out of
  〃Is that so?〃 she appealed to Tommy。 〃I can't tell when they are
  making fun of me。〃
  〃Yes; ma'am; that's right;〃 he assured her。
  Estrella passed a strip of the flexible hide playfully about her
  〃And if I let that dry that way I'd be handcuffed hard and fast;〃
  she said。
  〃It would cut you down to the bone;〃 supplemented Brent Palmer。
  She untwisted the strip; and stood looking at it; her eyes wide。
  〃II don't know why〃 she faltered。 〃The thought makes me a
  little sick。  Why; isn't it queer?  Ugh! it's like a snake!〃  She
  flung it from her energetically and turned toward the ranch
  The honeymoon developed and the necessary adjustments took place。
  The latter Senor Johnson had not foreseen; and yet; when the
  necessity for them arose; he acknowledged them right and proper。
  〃Course she don't want to ride over to Circle I with us;〃 he
  informed his confidant; Jed Parker。  〃It's a long ride; and she
  ain't used to riding yet。  Trouble is I've been thinking of doing
  things with her just as if she was a man。  Women are different。
  They likes different things。〃
  This second idea gradually overlaid the first in Senor Johnson's
  mind。  Estrella showed little aptitude or interest in the rougher
  side of life。  Her husband's statement as to her being still
  unused to riding was distinctly a euphemism。  Estrella never
  arrived at the point of feeling safe on a horse。  In time she
  gave up trying; and the sorrel drifted back to cow…punching。  The
  range work she never understood。
  As a spectacle it imposed itself on her interest for a week; but
  since she could discover no real and vital concern in the welfare
  of cows; soon the mere outward show became an old story。
  Estrella's sleek nature avoided instinctively all that interfered
  with bodily well…being。  When she was cool and well…fed and not
  thirsty; and surrounded by a proper degree of feminine
  daintiness; then she was ready to amuse herself。  But she could
  not understand the desirability of those pleasures for which a
  certain price in discomfort must be paid。  As for firearms; she
  confessed herself frankly afraid of them。  That was the point at
  which her intimacy with them stopped。
  The natural level to which these waters fell is easily seen。
  Quite simply; the Senor found that a wife does not enter fully
  into her husband's workaday life。  The dreams he had dreamed did
  not come true。
  This was at first a disappointment to him; of course; but the
  disappointment did not last。  Senor Johnson was a man of sense;
  and he easily modified his first scheme of married life。
  〃She'd get sick of it; and I'd get sick of it;〃 he formulated his
  new philosophy。  〃Now I got something to come back to; somebody
  to look forward to。  And it's a WOMAN; it ain't one of these darn
  gangle…leg cowgirls。  The great thing is to feel you BELONG to
  someone; and that someone nice and cool and fresh and purty is
  waitin' for you when you come in tired。  It beats that other
  little old idee of mine slick as a gun barrel。〃
  So; during this; the busy season of the range riding; immediately
  before the great fall round…ups; Senor Johnson rode abroad all
  day; and returned to his own hearth as many evenings of the week
  as he could。  Estrella always saw him coming and stood in the
  doorway to greet him。  He kicked off his spurs; washed and dusted
  himself; and spent the evening with his wife。  He liked the sound
  of exactly that phrase; and was fond of repeating it to himself
  in a variety of connections。
  〃When I get in I'll spend the evening with my wife。〃  〃If I don't
  ride over to Circle I; I'll spend the evening with my wife;〃 and
  so on。  He had a good deal to tell her of the day's discoveries;
  the state of the range; and the condition of the cattle。  To all
  of this she listened at least with patience。  Senor Johnson; like
  most men who have long delayed marriage; was self…centred without
  knowing it。  His interest in his mate had to do with her
  personality rather than with her doings。
  〃What you do with yourself all day to…day?〃 he occasionally
  〃Oh; there's lots to do;〃 she would answer; a trifle listlessly;
  and this reply always seemed quite to satisfy his interest in the
  Senor Johnson; with a curiously instant transformation often to
  be observed among the adventurous; settled luxuriously into the
  state of being a married man。  Its smallest details gave him
  distinct and separate sensations of pleasure。
  〃I plumb likes it all;〃 he said。 〃I likes havin' interest in some
  fool geranium plant; and I likes worryin' about the screen doors
  and all the rest of the plumb foolishness。  It does me good。  It
  feels like stretchin' your legs in front of a good warm fire。〃
  The centre; the compelling influence of this new state of
  affairs; was undoubtedly Estrella; and yet it is equally to be
  doubted whether she stood for more than the suggestion。  Senor
  Johnson conducted his entire life with reference to his wife。
  His waking hours were concerned only with the thought of her; his
  every act revolved in its orbit controlled by her influence。
  Nevertheless she; as an individual human being; had little to do
  with it。  Senor Johnson referred his life to a state of affairs
  he had himself invented and which he called the married state;
  and to a woman whose attitude he had himself determined upon and
  whom be designated as his wife。  The actual state of affairs
  whatever it might