第 2 节
作者:冷夏      更新:2022-11-23 12:10      字数:9322
  on him in the stable; with sixty bells fixed to it; and whenever you
  approach the place he quickly observes it and shakes himself;
  which; by the sound of the bells; not only alarms the prince and his
  guards; but the whole country round; so that it is impossible ever
  to get him; and those that are so unfortunate as to be taken by the
  Knight of the Glen are boiled in a red…hot fiery furnace。'
  ‘Bless me;' says the young prince; ‘what will we do? If we
  return without the steed we will lose our heads; so I see we are ill
  fixed on both sides。'
  ‘Well;' says the Thief of Sloan; ‘if it were my case I would
  rather die by the Knight than by the wicked Queen; besides; I will
  go with you myself and show you the road; and whatever fortune
  you will have; I will take chance of the same。'
  They returned him sincere thanks for his kindness; and he;
  being well acquainted with the road; in a short time brought them
  within view of the knight's castle。
  ‘Now;' says he; ‘we must stay here till night comes; for I know
  all the ways of the place; and if there be any chance for it; it is
  when they are all at rest; for the steed is all the watch the knight
  keeps there。'
  Accordingly; in the dead hour of the night; the King's three sons
  and the Thief of Sloan attempted the Steed of Bells in order to
  carry him away; but before they could reach the stables the steed
  neighed most terribly and shook himself so; and the bells rung with
  such noise; that the knight and all his men were up in a moment。
  The Black Thief and the King's sons thought to make their
  escape; but they were suddenly surrounded by the knight's guards
  and taken prisoners; where they were brought into that dismal
  part of the palace where the knight kept a furnace always boiling;
  in which he threw all offenders that ever came in his way; which
  in a few moments would entirely consume them。
  ‘Audacious villains!' says the Knight of the Glen; ‘how dare
  you attempt so bold an action as to steal my steed? See; now; the
  reward of your folly; for your greater punishment I will not boil
  you all together; but one after the other; so that he that survives
  may witness the dire afflictions of his unfortunate companions。'
  So saying he ordered his servants to stir up the fire: ‘We will
  boil the eldest…looking of these young men first;' said he; ‘and so on
  to the last; which will be this old champion with the black cap。 He
  seems to be the captain; and looks as if he had come through many
  ‘I was as near death once as the prince is yet;' says the Black
  Thief; ‘and escaped; and so will he too。'
  ‘No; you never were;' said the knight; ‘for he is within two or
  three minutes of his latter end。'
  ‘But;' says the Black Thief; ‘I was within one moment of my
  death; and I am here yet。'
  ‘How was that?' says the knight; ‘I would be glad to hear it;
  for it seems impossible。'
  ‘If you think; sir knight;' says the Black Thief; ‘that the danger
  I was in surpasses that of this young man; will you pardon him his
  ‘I will;' says the knight; ‘so go on with your story。'
  ‘I was; sir;' says he; ‘a very wild boy in my youth; and came
  through many distresses; once in particular; as I was on my
  rambling; I was benighted and could find no lodging。 At length I
  came to an old kiln; and being much fatigued I went up and lay on
  the ribs。 I had not been long there when I saw three witches
  coming in with three bags of gold。 Each put their bags of gold
  under their heads; as if to sleep。 I heard one of them say to the
  other that if the Black Thief came on them while they slept; he
  would not leave them a penny。 I found by their discourse that
  everybody had got my name into their mouth; though I kept silent
  as death during their discourse。 At length they fell fast asleep; and
  then I stole softly down; and seeing some turf convenient;
  I placed one under each of their heads; and off I went; with their gold;
  as fast as I could。
  ‘I had not gone far;' continued the Thief of Sloan; ‘until I saw a grey…
  hound; a hare; and a hawk in pursuit of me; and began to think it must be the
  witches that had taken the shapes in order that I might not escape them
  unseen either by land or water。 Seeing they did not appear in any formidable
  shape; I was more than once resolved to attack them; thinking that with
  my broad sword I could easily destroy them。 But considering again
  that it was perhaps still in their power to become alive again; I
  gave over the attempt and climbed with difficulty up a tree; bringing
  my sword in my hand and all the gold along with me。 However;
  when they came to the tree they found what I had done; and making
  further use of their hellish art; one of them was changed into a
  smith's anvil and another into a piece of iron; of which the third
  soon made a hatchet。 Having the hatchet made; she fell to cutting
  down the tree; and in the course of an hour it began to shake
  with me。 At length it began to bend; and I found that one or
  two blows at the most would put it down。 I then began to think
  that my death was inevitable; considering that those who were
  capable of doing so much would soon end my life; but just
  as she had the stroke drawn that would terminate my fate; the
  cock crew; and the witches disappeared; having resumed their
  natural shapes for fear of being known; and I got safe off with my
  bags of gold。
  ‘Now; sir;' says he to the Knight of the Glen; ‘if that be not as
  great an adventure as ever you heard; to be within one blow of a
  hatchet of my end; and that blow even drawn; and after all to
  escape; I leave it to yourself。'
  ‘Well; I cannot say but it is very extraordinary;' says the Knight
  of the Glen; ‘and on that account pardon this young man his crime;
  so stir up the fire; till I boil this second one。'
  ‘Indeed;' says the Black Thief; ‘I would fain think he would not
  die this time either。'
  ‘How so?' says the knight; ‘it is impossible for him to escape。'
  ‘I escaped death more wonderfully myself;' says the Thief of
  Sloan; ‘than if you had him ready to throw into the furnace; and I
  hope it will be the case with him likewise。'
  ‘Why; have you been in another great danger?' says the knight。
  ‘I would be glad to hear the story too; and if it be as wonderful as
  the last; I will pardon this young man as I did the other。'
  ‘My way of living; sir;' says the Black Thief; ‘was not good;
  as I told you before; and being at a certain time fairly run out of
  cash; and meeting with no enterprise worthy of notice; I was reduced
  to great straits。 At length a rich bishop died in the neighbourhood I
  was then in; and I heard he was interred with a great deal of jewels
  and rich robes upon him; all which I intended in a short time
  to be master of。 Accordingly that very night I set about it; and
  coming to the place; I understood he was placed at the further end
  of a long dark vault; which I slowly entered。 I had not gone in
  far until I heard a foot coming towards me with a quick pace; and
  although naturally bold and daring; yet; thinking of the deceased
  bishop and the crime I was engaged in; I lost courage; and ran
  towards the entrance of the vault。 I had retreated but a few paces
  when I observed; between me and the light; the figure of a tall
  black man standing in the entrance。 Being in great fear and not
  knowing how to pass; I fired a pistol at him; and he immediately
  fell across the entrance。 Perceiving he still retained the figure of
  a mortal man; I began to imagine that it could not be the bishop's
  ghost; recovering myself therefore from the fear I was in; I
  ventured to the upper end of the vault; where I found a large
  bundle; and upon further examination I found that the corpse was
  already rifled; and that which I had taken to be a ghost was no
  more than one of his own clergy。 I was then very sorry that I had
  the misfortune to kill him; but it then could not be helped。 I took
  up the bundle that contained everything belonging to the corpse
  that was valuable; intending to take my departure from this
  melancholy abode; but just as I came to the mouth of the entrance
  I saw the guards of the place coming towards me; and distinctly
  heard them saying that they would look in the vault; for that the
  Black Thief would think little of robbing the corpse if he was
  anywhere in the place。 I did not then know in what manner to act;
  for if I was seen I would surely lose my life; as everybody had a
  look…out at that time; and because there was no person bold enough
  to come in on me。 I knew very well on the first sight of me that
  could be got; I would be shot like a dog。 However; I had not time to
  lose。 I took and raised up the man which I had killed; as if he was
  standing on his feet; and I; crouching behind him; bore him up as
  well as I could; so that the guards readily saw him as they came up
  to the vault。 Seeing the man in black; one of the men cried that
  was the Bl