第 2 节
作者:漂亮格子      更新:2022-08-26 22:13      字数:9321
  〃For the present。〃
  That sensation had been forgotten; long ago;
  and Captain Hagberd himself; if not forgotten;
  had come to be disregardedthe penalty of daili…
  nessas the sun itself is disregarded unless it
  makes its power felt heavily。  Captain Hagberd's
  movements showed no infirmity: he walked stiffly
  in his suit of canvas; a quaint and remarkable fig…
  ure; only his eyes wandered more furtively perhaps
  than of yore。  His manner abroad had lost its ex…
  citable watchfulness; it had become puzzled and
  diffident; as though he had suspected that there
  was somewhere about him something slightly com…
  promising; some embarrassing oddity; and yet had
  remained unable to discover what on earth this
  something wrong could be。
  He was unwilling now to talk with the townsfolk。
  He had earned for himself the reputation of an
  awful skinflint; of a miser in the matter of living。
  He mumbled regretfully in the shops; bought in…
  ferior scraps of meat after long hesitations; and
  discouraged all allusions to his costume。  It was
  as the barber had foretold。  For all one could tell;
  he had recovered already from the disease of hope;
  and only Miss Bessie Carvil knew that he said noth…
  ing about his son's return because with him it was
  no longer 〃next week;〃 〃next month;〃 or even
  〃next year。〃  It was 〃to…morrow。〃
  In their intimacy of back yard and front gar…
  den he talked with her paternally; reasonably; and
  dogmatically; with a touch of arbitrariness。  They
  met on the ground of unreserved confidence; which
  was authenticated by an affectionate wink now and
  then。  Miss Carvil had come to look forward rather
  to these winks。  At first they had discomposed her:
  the poor fellow was mad。  Afterwards she had
  learned to laugh at them: there was no harm in
  him。  Now she was aware of an unacknowledged;
  pleasurable; incredulous emotion; expressed by a
  faint blush。  He winked not in the least vulgarly;
  his thin red face with a well…modelled curved nose;
  had a sort of distinctionthe more so that when he
  talked to her he looked with a steadier and more in…
  telligent glance。  A handsome; hale; upright; ca…
  pable man; with a white beard。  You did not think
  of his age。  His son; he affirmed; had resembled
  him amazingly from his earliest babyhood。
  Harry would be one…and…thirty next July; he
  declared。  Proper age to get married with a nice;
  sensible girl that could appreciate a good home。
  He was a very high…spirited boy。  High…spirited
  husbands were the easiest to manage。  These mean;
  soft chaps; that you would think butter wouldn't
  melt in their mouths; were the ones to make a wom…
  an thoroughly miserable。  And there was nothing
  like a homea firesidea good roof: no turning
  out of your warm bed in all sorts of weather。  〃Eh;
  my dear?〃
  Captain Hagberd had been one of those sailors
  that pursue their calling within sight of land。  One
  of the many children of a bankrupt farmer; he had
  been apprenticed hurriedly to a coasting skipper;
  and had remained on the coast all his sea life。  It
  must have been a hard one at first: he had never
  taken to it; his affection turned to the land; with
  its innumerable houses; with its quiet lives gathered
  round its firesides。  Many sailors feel and profess
  a rational dislike for the sea; but his was a pro…
  found and emotional animosityas if the love of
  the stabler element had been bred into him through
  many generations。
  〃People did not know what they let their boys in
  for when they let them go to sea;〃 he expounded to
  Bessie。  〃As soon make convicts of them at once。〃
  He did not believe you ever got used to it。  The
  weariness of such a life got worse as you got older。
  What sort of trade was it in which more than half
  your time you did not put your foot inside your
  house?  Directly you got out to sea you had no
  means of knowing what went on at home。  One
  might have thought him weary of distant voyages;
  and the longest he had ever made had lasted a fort…
  night; of which the most part had been spent at
  anchor; sheltering from the weather。  As soon as
  his wife had inherited a house and enough to live on
  (from a bachelor uncle who had made some money
  in the coal business) he threw up his command of
  an East…coast collier with a feeling as though he
  had escaped from the galleys。  After all these years
  he might have counted on the fingers of his two
  hands all the days he had been out of sight of Eng…
  land。  He had never known what it was to be out
  of soundings。  〃I have never been further than
  eighty fathoms from the land;〃 was one of his
  Bessie Carvil heard all these things。  In front of
  their cottage grew an under…sized ash; and on sum…
  mer afternoons she would bring out a chair on the
  grass…plot and sit down with her sewing。  Captain
  Hagberd; in his canvas suit; leaned on a spade。  He
  dug every day in his front plot。  He turned it over
  and over several times every year; but was not go…
  ing to plant anything 〃just at present。〃
  To Bessie Carvil he would state more explicitly:
  〃Not till our Harry comes home to…morrow。〃  And
  she had heard this formula of hope so often that it
  only awakened the vaguest pity in her heart for
  that hopeful old man。
  Everything was put off in that way; and every…
  thing was being prepared likewise for to…morrow。
  There was a boxful of packets of various flower…
  seeds to choose from; for the front garden。  〃He
  will doubtless let you have your say about that; my
  dear;〃 Captain Hagberd intimated to her across
  the railing。
  Miss Bessie's head remained bowed over her
  work。  She had heard all this so many times。  But
  now and then she would rise; lay down her sewing;
  and come slowly to the fence。  There was a charm
  in these gentle ravings。  He was determined that
  his son should not go away again for the want of a
  home all ready for him。  He had been filling the
  other cottage with all sorts of furniture。  She im…
  agined it all new; fresh with varnish; piled up as
  in a warehouse。  There would be tables wrapped
  up in sacking; rolls of carpets thick and vertical
  like fragments of columns; the gleam of white mar…
  ble tops in the dimness of the drawn blinds。  Cap…
  tain Hagberd always described his purchases to
  her; carefully; as to a person having a legitimate
  interest in them。  The overgrown yard of his cot…
  tage could be laid over with concrete 。 。 。 after
  〃We may just as well do away with the fence。
  You could have your drying…line out; quite clear of
  your flowers。〃  He winked; and she would blush
  This madness that had entered her life through
  the kind impulses of her heart had reasonable de…
  tails。  What if some day his son returned?  But
  she could not even be quite sure that he ever had a
  son; and if he existed anywhere he had been too
  long away。  When Captain Hagberd got excited
  in his talk she would steady him by a pretence of
  belief; laughing a little to salve her conscience。
  Only once she had tried pityingly to throw some
  doubt on that hope doomed to disappointment; but
  the effect of her attempt had scared her very much。
  All at once over that man's face there came an ex…
  pression of horror and incredulity; as though he
  had seen a crack open out in the firmament。
  〃Youyouyou don't think he's drowned!〃
  For a moment he seemed to her ready to go out
  of his mind; for in his ordinary state she thought
  him more sane than people gave him credit for。
  On that occasion the violence of the emotion was
  followed by a most paternal and complacent re…
  〃Don't alarm yourself; my dear;〃 he said a lit…
  tle cunningly: 〃the sea can't keep him。  He does
  not belong to it。  None of us Hagberds ever did
  belong to it。  Look at me; I didn't get drowned。
  Moreover; he isn't a sailor at all; and if he is not a
  sailor he's bound to come back。  There's nothing
  to prevent him coming back。 。 。 。〃
  His eyes began to wander。
  She never tried again; for fear the man should
  go out of his mind on the spot。  He depended on
  her。  She seemed the only sensible person in the
  town; and he would congratulate himself frankly